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[SUGGESTION] 2v2 Arena AT's

Deus Fatorum.2473

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For those that do not know Anet added a 2v2 arena but is only accessible via custom arenas. I and many I know enjoyed them, however anet failed to offer further support other than "they now exist in custom arenas."


While I can see a-nets fear for adding it to an unranked or ranked queue due to potential additional queue times why not..


**Make a few 2v2 automated tourneys to mix it up and add to the AT rotation!**

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**This is exactly why I said for automated tourneys**. If once every month/week you could **_choose_** to join a 2v2 automated tourney it would not affect the current queue's of unranked or ranked and it would be its own thing. You would not have to worry about about longer queue times for team play or being on a wrong build. In fact **_if you utterly despised 2v2 there would be nothing forcing you to play it_**, but for those that enjoy it, there would be something to do.


Edit: This would be in addition to the tourneys already in place, so I am not suggesting replacing any.

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