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An Alternative To Fast Hands (Thought Experiment/Brainstorm)


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> @"Rettan.9603" said:

> I think it is possible to make the whole discipline line less required for warrior.

> So, what provides it (mainly)?

> - Faster weapon swap

> - Better movement (higher speed, condi remove)

> - Adrenaline management

> - Dmg boost

> - Other more or less useful utility


> The first two are the reason, why most warrior builds requires discipline.

> But maybe we should think about adding this to elite specializations.

> Just a few ideas:

> - Successful primal burst halves weapon swap cooldown

> - Gain super speed in berserker mode

> - Move speed is higher in berserker mode

> - Weapons swap cooldown is reduced in berserker mode

> - Move faster with active full counter

> - Successful full counter resets weapon swap cooldown

> - Using an meditation skill reduces weapon swap cooldown for 2 seconds

> - Gain super speed after using an rage skill

> - ... There are so many more options...


> Add this to the elite specs (while removing less useful things) will open up so much more possibilities, because warriors can go without discipline! (While core warrior will still stay with it. And elite specs will still have it as options.)


It would just be far easier, and make more sense, to just give permanent Fast Hands to the class as part of the whole “master-at-arms-“-schtick.


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