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Plat is the new Silver- Change my mind


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The obvious problem is that there are simply not enough players for the matchmaking to put you into a game with people specifically from your tier, esp as you go higher up. So even if you're able to hit plat 2 or 3, you're still going to be paired with people from gold 3, and plat 1 & 2. Which essentially makes matchmaking kinda meaningless, because even if you're able to climb to the top, your quality of your matches are still going to be poor regardless of what you do.

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> @"Trigr.6481" said:

> The obvious problem is that there are simply not enough players for the matchmaking to put you into a game with people specifically from your tier, esp as you go higher up. So even if you're able to hit plat 2 or 3, you're still going to be paired with people from gold 3, and plat 1 & 2. Which essentially makes matchmaking kinda meaningless, because even if you're able to climb to the top, your quality of your matches are still going to be poor regardless of what you do.


Being put in games with only gold 3 and plat + players might seem unfair; and the skill difference is still quite massive, but I wager that's still the top 5% of GW2's population. So at the end of the day, it works perfectly. It ensures you don't play with 95% of the scrubs in this game. It just won't save you from the fact that even the last 5% are mostly scrubs.


They should remove matchmaking and go back to pure PvP lobbies for a week. It'd be funny to see high end revs farm 5 silvers at the same time, while the bronze player on their team tells them to "not go far!!!!" The tears here would be omnious but perhaps it'd be a nice reality check for some players.

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Half the players in platinum are only there because most of the PvP playerbase have either left or barely play, when the game had a population half of them would have been gold or worse if this system actually existed pre-HoT, funny thing, my friend still plays this game, he was plat last season, back in the old days he didn't even get to top 500 on the old leaderboards, that is the "quality" of the playerbase now.

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Well it is true that majority of the best players quit. Might be lack of duo queue, might be the fact that 5v5 got boring, might be that they didn't like any of the strongest meta classes, might be that spellbreaker was unkillable machine for a long while so there was no point playing at top level..


Who knows, PvP hype was at its best around season 1, around season 3 it already felt like the players at the top were pretty terrible

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Not only are there only a few players in the plat tier, but higher tier players sit on there ratings and play 1 or 2 games every 2 days. Severely limiting the matchmaking experience, or lack there of. At higher rating, it is a greater risk to play games with gold tier players and lose 30+ points only to win 7 on the next. The rank system in this game at the end, needs a major over haul. It gives little incentive for higher ranked players to play, especially with Gold Tier players who go out guns blazing. Only because the PvP community is but a tiny handful of players.



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Not true, there's a big difference between players in the various divisions, even between plat 2 and plat 1 there are noticeable differences in skill (don't get me started on gold and bellow, different game almost). It all comes down to the match making system and the lack of high ranking players.

You are basically forced to play uneven matches in order to avoid 15 minutes+ qeues.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> People still care about ranked?


Of course people care, once everyone leaves the game I'll start to rank again with the last 150 remaining players and I'll super care about my rank, telling everyone how I'm top 250 and one of the best players in the game out of millions of players.


No but for real, I've never cared about my rank... PvP has always been fun because I used to be able to play with my friends and PvP is one of the only places that classes get true roles... Everything in PvE is just zerker, but a guardian in PvP is the embodiment of the name.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> Half the players in platinum are only there because most of the PvP playerbase have either left or barely play, when the game had a population half of them would have been gold or worse if this system actually existed pre-HoT, funny thing, my friend still plays this game, he was plat last season, back in the old days he didn't even get to top 500 on the old leaderboards, that is the "quality" of the playerbase now.


I was the same....


Don't play meta and like to troll around on various builds and classes but I played them well enough to stay top of gold area... Then one of the seasons thought I'd pull out my D/D tempest (one of the communities worst viewed specs) and landed in the top 50... So that was it, didn't queue up anymore.

I had the ability to queue with friends and that was removed by Anet, then I accidently got too high that again, couldn't play with friends in an MMO... Why is this even called an MMO?

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