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The experiment has failed. Bring back DuoQ.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> No, the joke is bringing back any type of Duo or team Q's back in a broken game.

> Why Team Q's was removed in the first place.

> What? You think the main mmr & team Q abuse just magically disapeared?

> I'm telling you i would be first to welcom any team Q's as soon they fix it.

> & that's no joke!


Removing team/duo que didn't make anything better. Instead, it:


1. Caused a massive amount of skilled players to quit the game.

2. Killed the majority of PvP guilds instantly.

3. Created a lot of toxicity.

4. Removed the social aspect of an MMO.

5. Forced people to stop being able to play with their friends.

6. Caused PvP streams to consist mostly of the streamer getting pissed off about how garbage solo que only is.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > No, the joke is bringing back any type of Duo or team Q's back in a broken game.

> > Why Team Q's was removed in the first place.

> > What? You think the main mmr & team Q abuse just magically disapeared?

> > I'm telling you i would be first to welcom any team Q's as soon they fix it.

> > & that's no joke!


> Removing team/duo que didn't make anything better. Instead, it:


> 1. Caused a massive amount of skilled players to quit the game.

> 2. Killed the majority of PvP guilds instantly.

> 3. Created a lot of toxicity.

> 4. Removed the social aspect of an MMO.

> 5. Forced people to stop being able to play with their friends.

> 6. Caused PvP streams to consist mostly of the streamer getting pissed off about how garbage solo que only is.


No it did not. Population problem, toxicity & ect in Spvp resided way before the removal of team Q's.

I don't buy it & so most of the vets in here that remember how it was.

You can keep posting whatever, it won't change the fact that the mmr & team abuse still remains.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > No, the joke is bringing back any type of Duo or team Q's back in a broken game.

> > > Why Team Q's was removed in the first place.

> > > What? You think the main mmr & team Q abuse just magically disapeared?

> > > I'm telling you i would be first to welcom any team Q's as soon they fix it.

> > > & that's no joke!

> >

> > Removing team/duo que didn't make anything better. Instead, it:

> >

> > 1. Caused a massive amount of skilled players to quit the game.

> > 2. Killed the majority of PvP guilds instantly.

> > 3. Created a lot of toxicity.

> > 4. Removed the social aspect of an MMO.

> > 5. Forced people to stop being able to play with their friends.

> > 6. Caused PvP streams to consist mostly of the streamer getting pissed off about how garbage solo que only is.


> No it did not. Population problem, toxicity & ect in Spvp resided way before the removal of team Q's.

> I don't buy it & so most of the vets in here that remember how it was.

> You can keep posting whatever, it won't change the fact that the mmr & team abuse still remains.


When team ques were a thing, people were encouraged to play to find other players to play with. I'm not saying they didn't already exist, but PvP was a lot more lively and positive back when people could actually play with their friends.


MMR and team abuse would still be solved by introducing team ques back. If a particular group of players tried to game the system, they wouldn't be able to reach rank 1 regardless because an organized group of pros wouldn't let them. Either way, all PvP guilds are dead and the gamemode is now an antisocial toxic shit-fest.

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People are caring too much.


- There is no competitive scene.

- There is no frequent patching.

- There is no true balance.

- There is no true value to leaderboard rank.

- There is no good matchmaking.


But no, people above 1600 rating can't have DuoQ, cuz that would create ''unfair'' matches. 90% of the games I play now are already unfair.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > You are missing the third option. The only option:

> >

> > * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.

> >

> > That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.

> >

> > Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.

> >

> > For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.


> best answer of the topic


> I played 10.7k matches since release and PvP was never as bad as now. with a steady downward trend since HoT was released


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> You are missing the third option. The only option:


> * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.


> That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.


> Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.


> For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.


Very well said. I agree with his completely.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > > > Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

> > > > >

> > > > > The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

> > > >

> > > > Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

> > >

> > > Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

> >

> > Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.


> You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.


> Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.


I don't believe you're asking for duo because you want to create lopsided games, I do believe you genuinely just want to play with your friends, as a lot of other people do also. However, your arguments have a lot of really obvious holes that lead me to believe you haven't actually thought this out. You seem to want balanced games but you also want to play with your friends, and that's the problem.


The bottom line here is you have two choices:

1. Play with your friends

2. Play balanced games


The two concepts are against each other, you cannot vote for both. The matchmaker is already strained as it is, duo is only making it worse. It is currently already a lot worse under 1600. In fact, if anet were to release numbers I suspect it would be much, much worse than you think - in terms of average score difference in games containing a duo vs games not containing a duo. You can already visibly observe this by dropping low enough to consistently get games under the 1600 level.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > > > Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

> > > > >

> > > > > The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

> > > >

> > > > Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

> > >

> > > Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

> >

> > Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.


> You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.


> Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.


I couldn't agree more with this. Exactly this. I want to play with friends in a competitive game mode where everyone on both teams are playing with good builds and are actually trying. Currently that is high rating ranked. These matches can be a lot of fun, close games against skilled opponents and win or lose it's fun. Except that I can't do this with my friends which is a lot less fun.

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tfw people think the current gw2 PvP environment is competitive


like, there is insanity, and there is that lol


y'all are almost as much of a joke as this game




myself and the rest of my remaining guilds had a chat, and with WvW and PvP in the states there in we decided it was a good idea to free up the harddrive space this broken game was taking up. current balance, and not being able to play together in PvP were big factors


so ciao y'all


it's been fun


all I can say is wish I'd given up on this game earlier. gave me a real peace

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Im pretty sure 80% of the plat 2+ playerbase wants duoq back... Only reason this pollys always fail are amounts of silver/gold players who thinks its more competive without duoq...

But actually the Soloq is made for the ladder (Top 250, so plat2... Which is total logical) and gold/silver players never ever feel any difference with it.

And why I think so?

Because silver/gold players have not really any clue about the game. They just run around smash Buttons and hope they will win....and exactly, they will ever stuck there even if they vote for 1000 Times against duoq in Plat2.

Please, no of this silver /Gold players want tell me about anything competive until they stop playing like bots...

Im pretty sure anet can activate duoq over night... These players feel no difference. They just still smash buttons and feel pro when they smashed buttons faster than the silver player in enemy Team who capped with his 3 Team mates close at start, because they thought it caps faster.


And even when they manage one time to become better. They just realize for what stupid piece of s*** they voted for.





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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> DO NOT BRING DUO QUE BACK! PROS will farm gold players evwen more


If we already farm gold players, what's the difference between farming them _faster_?


And if you bring duos back so platinum rated players come back to the game, then you'll never get farmed at all because there will be an abundance of plat players for the matchmaker to choose from.


But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.


Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

> We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.


> Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.


You're actually so wrong lol


"All the good players can leave because us bad players don't care."


No. Any vote that ONLY affects the top players should not take into account random bronze/silver/gold tier randoms' opinions. That's actually such a terrible decision to listen to people who have both poor mechanics AND a poor understanding of the game.


Also, funny you should mention selfishness. Like how low rated players voted to BAN players from playing with their friends in an MMO under the twisted delusion that somehow duos TWO ENTIRE divisions higher than them affects their matches. Speak of selfish. While you're at it, let's consult some bronze tier players about balance advice because apparently knowing how to move and press buttons at the same time is too hard and must be made fair for people who can't.


Even worse, Anet listened to them. No wonder all the good players think this game is a joke.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

> We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.


> Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.

'Beginner' and 'average players' would be less likely to be put in 'unfair' games matched against plat 2/3 players if we allowed duo queue because more plat 2/3 players would actually want to play the game. Like, I don't understand how this is hard to understand

> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > > > > Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

> > > > >

> > > > > Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

> > > >

> > > > Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

> > >

> > > Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

> >

> > You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

> >

> > Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.


> I don't believe you're asking for duo because you want to create lopsided games, I do believe you genuinely just want to play with your friends, as a lot of other people do also. However, your arguments have a lot of really obvious holes that lead me to believe you haven't actually thought this out. You seem to want balanced games but you also want to play with your friends, and that's the problem.


> The bottom line here is you have two choices:

> 1. Play with your friends

> 2. Play balanced games


> The two concepts are against each other, you cannot vote for both. The matchmaker is already strained as it is, duo is only making it worse. It is currently already a lot worse under 1600. In fact, if anet were to release numbers I suspect it would be much, much worse than you think - in terms of average score difference in games containing a duo vs games not containing a duo. You can already visibly observe this by dropping low enough to consistently get games under the 1600 level.

It's wild that you've repeated this same absurd argument that duo queue and balanced games are mutually exclusive without any evidence for the umpteenth time and it still isn't true

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking. If you care about the leaderboard you shouldnt play ranked matches in any non-peak hour or during any AT. You'll get stuck with players who are far below your skill level, which makes a lot of matches impossible to win. Ranked Q's got more and more boring. People deliberately lose matches to stay under the 1600 MMR hurdle so that they can at least have fun with a friend in a DuoQ. I have to admit that I wasn't against the idea to remove DuoQ for ppl who are above 1600 rating, but it turns out that this plan didn't make the game or pvp experience better. This can be partially explained by the shrinking playerbase. Maybe if we remove this SoloQ-only limitation, we might get some players back. It might improve the fun for the last remaining PvP players as well. It should be worth the try, because doing nothing won't make things better for sure.


I'd say bring back team queue, but baby steps, i guess!

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

> We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.


> Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.


Um, this is the definition of selfish. Players who aren't 1,600+ should NOT have a voice in determining game play for players who are above the duo queue cut off. Just because you can play with a friend at all times and choose not to, doesn't mean the rest of us should have to play alone because you're being selfish and voting against something that doesn't even effect you.


The gall of some people. Lol.

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We dont have Unranked for people who just wanna play with friends, to have 'fun"? Anyway, i am Plat 2 and I honestly believe that a solo only leaderboard reflects better individual skill...reason why I dont think Tournaments have any prestige at all, i myself have my good share of stomping try hards "best of the best" on WvW...sure solo only have problems, thanks to matchmaking and low population, but I rather throw the dice and pray that i dont get some clueless player then to have most of my games at 1600 rating with try hards duos...that or give the sames rewards for unraked too, really i dont care anymore, just wanna farm for my legend armor lol


Edit: If the pool gave me the option, I would vote to remove duo from ranked in general, solo only

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> @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

> > We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.

> >

> > Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.

> 'Beginner' and 'average players' would be less likely to be put in 'unfair' games matched against plat 2/3 players if we allowed duo queue because more plat 2/3 players would actually want to play the game. Like, I don't understand how this is hard to understand

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > > > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > > > > > Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

> > > > >

> > > > > Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

> > > >

> > > > Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

> > >

> > > You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

> > >

> > > Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.

> >

> > I don't believe you're asking for duo because you want to create lopsided games, I do believe you genuinely just want to play with your friends, as a lot of other people do also. However, your arguments have a lot of really obvious holes that lead me to believe you haven't actually thought this out. You seem to want balanced games but you also want to play with your friends, and that's the problem.

> >

> > The bottom line here is you have two choices:

> > 1. Play with your friends

> > 2. Play balanced games

> >

> > The two concepts are against each other, you cannot vote for both. The matchmaker is already strained as it is, duo is only making it worse. It is currently already a lot worse under 1600. In fact, if anet were to release numbers I suspect it would be much, much worse than you think - in terms of average score difference in games containing a duo vs games not containing a duo. You can already visibly observe this by dropping low enough to consistently get games under the 1600 level.

> It's wild that you've repeated this same absurd argument that duo queue and balanced games are mutually exclusive without any evidence for the umpteenth time and it still isn't true


It's wild that you're arguing against something that's logically obvious without any evidence for the umpteenth time that it "isn't true" when it very clearly is. Well made point I guess?


Why do you need evidence to understand that there are inherent advantages to being in a duo relative to queuing solo? You really aren't able to figure that out? Do I need to list them for you?


Pretty clear denial of the obvious just to get what you want.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > But by all means, keep voting no so that the good players keep GW2 uninstalled so you get matched up against whatever remaining pros still play more and more frequently.

> > > We're at a point where we have a large pool of beginners and average players who want a fair gameplay experience. The above average pool is small and trying to be selfish with their demands. Duo queue only allows such players to abuse the game mode. We don't need it. Those who uninstalled may go wherever they like. We don't really care.

> > >

> > > Also, all players are entitled to vote. Any sort of vote for elite players only would be discriminating in nature to begin with. All players must have a say in this.

> > 'Beginner' and 'average players' would be less likely to be put in 'unfair' games matched against plat 2/3 players if we allowed duo queue because more plat 2/3 players would actually want to play the game. Like, I don't understand how this is hard to understand

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > > > > @"Revilrad.1962" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > > > > > > Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

> > > >

> > > > You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

> > > >

> > > > Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.

> > >

> > > I don't believe you're asking for duo because you want to create lopsided games, I do believe you genuinely just want to play with your friends, as a lot of other people do also. However, your arguments have a lot of really obvious holes that lead me to believe you haven't actually thought this out. You seem to want balanced games but you also want to play with your friends, and that's the problem.

> > >

> > > The bottom line here is you have two choices:

> > > 1. Play with your friends

> > > 2. Play balanced games

> > >

> > > The two concepts are against each other, you cannot vote for both. The matchmaker is already strained as it is, duo is only making it worse. It is currently already a lot worse under 1600. In fact, if anet were to release numbers I suspect it would be much, much worse than you think - in terms of average score difference in games containing a duo vs games not containing a duo. You can already visibly observe this by dropping low enough to consistently get games under the 1600 level.

> > It's wild that you've repeated this same absurd argument that duo queue and balanced games are mutually exclusive without any evidence for the umpteenth time and it still isn't true


> It's wild that you're arguing against something that's logically obvious without any evidence for the umpteenth time that it "isn't true" when it very clearly is. Well made point I guess?


> Why do you need evidence to understand that there are inherent advantages to being in a duo relative to queuing solo? You really aren't able to figure that out? Do I need to list them for you?


> Pretty clear denial of the obvious just to get what you want.


And there is the obvious adjustment to rating that is applied to Duo Q partners where they get an inflated rating and get paired against players with higher ratings and paired with lower rated players to offset.

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