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The experiment has failed. Bring back DuoQ.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > I voted no. I'd like to play fair and entertaining matches. Not against Sind and Misha duo where the match is lost before you even leave the base.


> Fair matches are already seldom in soloQ. It wont make much of a difference if DuoQ is being implemented in that regard.

They are not seldom. If you are playing at non-dead times you will have fairly balanced matches most of the time. Last season was exceptional in this regards, at least for me, in plat T2-3 (EU). We don't have to make it worse even if it's already bad..

> Entertaining matches? Playing with a friend is much more entertaining in the current state of pvp than playing alone.

That's down to personal preferences. For me, entertainment is having a properly balanced and close game. With duoq, it will most likely be neither.


Anyway, it's like beating a dead horse, we will have it now no matter what.

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Anyway, I don't understand why all this debate & polling on this issue is good for? I mean, It has been already announced Anet is currently working on with a teamQ 2v2 & more. Insiders already announced & it's not even a secret that it's coming out soon. Like very soon. I'm thinking prolly for next rank season. So we talking about weeks. So why keep on posting this tired old post every month when the question already been answered by anet?

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> A few years back people voted for SoloQ. That vote MUST BE RESPECTED! It does not really matter if PvP dies, the community voted and their opinion must be heard. It is about what the majority of voters voted a few years back.


people voted for a trial run not a permanent change how bout we honor that...

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Anyway, I don't understand why all this debate & polling on this issue is good for? I mean, It has been already announced Anet is currently working on with a teamQ 2v2 & more. Insiders already announced & it's not even a secret that it's coming out soon. Like very soon. I'm thinking prolly for next rank season. So we talking about weeks. So why keep on posting this tired old post every month when the question already been answered by anet?


Uuuhm this poll was initiated before Anet anounced that they will bring back DuoQ?

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> A few years back people voted for SoloQ. That vote MUST BE RESPECTED! It does not really matter if PvP dies, the community voted and their opinion must be heard. It is about what the majority of voters voted a few years back.


People are allowed to change their opinion. Not to mention the vote was for a solo que TRIAL for a single season.


"It does not really matter if PvP dies" 4head

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If it were to cast a vote again, results will be the same. This is the best PvP ever, because everyone is forced to play alone, therefore we are all equal. We all get to farm it again and again for rewards. What's not to love?! Please don't change it, this was meant to be a PvE game above all.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> If it were to cast a vote again, results will be the same. This is the best PvP ever, because everyone is forced to play alone, therefore we are all equal. We all get to farm it again and again for rewards. What's not to love?! Please don't change it, this was meant to be a PvE game above all.


The votes have been cast again, and it's been pretty much 50-50 each time.


You're wrong. Only 1600+ are solo only. EVERY person below that threshold can play with a friend.


Keep in mind that not all of us are mindless PvE reward farmers who don't care if PvP dies. I'm glad duos are coming back. It means players like you will have a harder time afking to get rewards.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > I voted no. I'd like to play fair and entertaining matches. Not against Sind and Misha duo where the match is lost before you even leave the base.


> Fair matches are already seldom in soloQ. It wont make much of a difference if DuoQ is being implemented in that regard. Entertaining matches? Playing with a friend is much more entertaining in the current state of pvp than playing alone.


I only play solo since 2013. Playing with other person wouldnt allow me to concentrate.

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