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[Suggestion] Filling the "Missing" Skills

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So, a couple years ago I made a post on the old forum about filling the "missing" skills (you can check that [here](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Healing-and-Elite-Skills "https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Healing-and-Elite-Skills")) then Derigar made a post on Reddit a year later ([here](

"https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4uii6g/heal_elite_skills_complete_them/")) about the same subject and WoodenPotatoes + Boots also made a video about it as well ([here](

Well, it doesn't seem we are getting them, it's been a while and a lot of things have changed in the game but I made a new list. Some of them are still the same, others not so much. Also, it would be pretty interesting to see your guys ideas about it. Enjoy! :)


## Guardian:

Healing Slot:

* Shelter: Consecration. Block attacks while healing yourself and creating a ring of light that reduces incoming damage on allies.

* Bow of Truth: Spirit Weapon. Heal yourself and command the Bow of Truth to barrage a location with healing arrows.


Utility Slot:

* Staff of Wrath: Spirit Weapon. Command the Staff of Wrath to channel a bean of light inflicting damage on your target each interval.


Elite Slot:

* Proving Ground: Consecration. Consecrate the target area creating a right of light that damages foes and grants light aura to allies. Enemies cannot leave the ring while it is active.

* Purifying Flames: Spirit Weapon. Order the Torch of Purity to blast itself cleansing conditions from allies and burning foes around it.


## Warrior:

Healing Slot:

* Mending: Physical. Heal yourself and remove conditions. Nearby foes are interrupted if you have no conditions.

* Battle Renewal: Banner. Heal yourself and place a banner that provides nearby allies a heal when attacking.

* Stab: Stab a foe with your banner.

* Cleansing Banner: Inspire nearby allies, removing a condition.

* Inspire: Inspire nearby allies, granting swiftness.

* Sprint: Run forward with your banner, ignoring movement-impeding effects.

* Plant Standard: Plant the standard back in the ground.


Elite Slot:

* "I Will Avenge You!": Shout. Taunt nearby foes. For each down ally gain quickness, regeneration, and swiftness. When you kill a foe, nearby downed allies are partially revived.

* Battle Rage: Stance. Gain swiftness, fury and remove movement-impairing conditions. Prevent application of such conditions while in this stance.


## Engineer

Elite Slot:

* Waypoint Pad: Gadget. Set a short-range waypoint granting quickness and swiftness.

* Return: Returns to the waypoint, breaking out of stuns and cleansing conditions.

* Tool belt: Flux Capacitor: Teleport to a target location cleansing a condition.


Elite/Tool belt (Racial Skills):


* Summon 7-Series Golem/Detonate 7-Series Arm: Detonate the golem arm to cause an electrical surge making nearby foes vulnerable and damaging them.

* Summon D-Series Golem/Detonate D-Series Arms: Detonate the golem arm to cause an electrical surge weakening nearby foes and damaging them.

* Summon Power Suit/Detonate Power Suit Arms: Detonate the golem arm to cause an electrical surge, dazing and damaging nearby foes.



* Artillery Barrage/Seeker Rocket: Fire a seeker rocket at your foe.

* Charrzooka/Exhaustor: Release a smoke screen that blinds nearby foes.

* Warband Support/Warband Kit: Call down a Warband Kit into the target area.

* Warband Kit: Grant Might and Regeneration.



* Avatar of Melandru/Prayer to Melandru: Pray to Melandru granting Vigor and Protection.

* Hounds of Balthazar/Prayer to Balthazar: Inflicts burning and blind on a selected target.

* Reaper of Grenth/Prayer to Grenth: Inflicts chill and poison on a selected target.



* Become the Bear/Prayer to Bear: Pray to Bear granting Might and Fury.

* Become the Raven/Prayer to Raven: Pray to Raven granting Regeneration and Protection.

* Become the Snow Leopard/Prayer to Snow Leopard: Pray to Snow Leopard granting Vigor and Resistance.

* Become the Wolf/Prayer to Wolf: Pray to Wolf granting swiftness and quickness.



* Summon Druid Spirit/Celestial Energy: Deal damage on a selected target.

* Summon Sylvan Hound/Sylvan Leaves: Heal yourself and bleed your selected target.

* Take Root/Entanglement: Immobilize a selected target.



* Mistfire Wolf/Mist Essence: Your next attacks burn foes.


## Ranger

Healing Slot

* Signet of Companion:

* Signet Passive: Heal you and your pet whenever your pet attacks.

* Signet Active: Heal yourself and your pet. Refresh all your pets skills recharges.


Elite Slot

* Lightning Trap: Trap. Set a trap that stuns foes when triggered and applies confusion on every pulse.

* Signet of Nature:

* Signet Passive: Grants you and your pet a random boon every ten seconds.

* Signet Active: Transforms your foe into a tree.


## Thief

Healing Slot:

* Trap of the Deceived: Trap. Heal yourself. When triggered, this trap slow and siphon life from nearby foes and transfer it to you granting quickness for each struck foe.


Elite Slot:

* Sadist's Signet:

* Signet Passive: Landing a critical hit strikes foes an additional time. This effect can occur once per interval.

* Signet Active: Deals damage to your target. Deals increased damage if your target is below the health threshold.

* Highwire Trap: Trap. Set a trap that holds enemies in place.

* Pull Highwire Cord: Pulls enemies and daze them.


## Elementalist

Healing Slot

* Conjure Watery Mace: Conjure. Heal yourself, manifesting a watery mace in your hands and at the target location healing allies. Wielders of this weapon gain increased healing power and outgoing healing.

* Water Strike: Strike your foe.

* Water Bash: Strike your foe again.

* Water Explosion: Strike your foe and heal nearby allies.

* River Flow: Damage foes and heal allies in a cone in front of you.

* Cleansing Retreating: Quickly roll backward removing movement-impairing conditions on you and creating a wave that knocks enemies back.

* Healing Rain: Call down a healing rain on the target area, granting regeneration to allies and curing conditions.

* Watery Grave: Leap at your foe, delivering a massive damage and healing nearby allies.


Elite Slot

* Arcane Pulse: Arcane. Blast your target with energy for critical damage knocking it back.

* Arcane Signet:

* Passive: Grants a random boon whenever you swap attunements.

* Active: Refresh all attunements cooldown.


## Mesmer

Healing Slot

* Ether Feast: Phantasm. Heal yourself. Summon either a clone or a phantasm depending on how many active clones you have in the world.

* Phantasmal Bard: Create a phantasm that uses sonic energy to heal you.

* Ether Veil: Glamour. Heal yourself, creating a wall of energy that heals allies who cross it and causing enemy projectiles to heal upon impact.


Elite Slot

* Phantasmal Warper: Phantasm. Summon an illusion besides your enemy that warps space and time pulling enemies while slowing and chilling them.

* Illusionary Vortex: Deals damage, pulling foes while slowing and chilling them.

* Mantra of Celerity: Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will slow your foe and grant quickness to nearby allies. Gain alacrity when this skill is fully charged.

* Power Flux: Slow your foe and grants quickness to nearby allies.


## Necromancer

Healing Slot

* Spectral Feast: Spectral. Heal yourself. For the next few seconds, your attacks siphon health from your foes while granting you life force.


Elite Slot

* Well of Soul Protection: Well. Target area pulses, granting barrier to allies.

* Signet of Suffering:

* Passive: Improves condition damage.

* Active: Your next few attacks bleed foes and deal increased damage.


**BONUS:** I really like Revenant but I wish Rev's Legendaries had more utilities, to diversify.


## Revenant:

Utility Slot:

* Echoing Banishment: Legendary Assassin Stance. Tether yourself to your target. Whenever you take damage, deal damage to that target.

* Boundless Suffering: Legendary Demon Stance. Deal damage and torment your foe. For each unique condition on you up to the condition threshold inflict additional torment stacks.

* Stone Barricade: Legendary Dwarf Stance. Create a stone wall in front of you that foes cannot cross.

* Watchful Spirit: Legendary Centaur Stance. Tether the table to nearby allies. Teather allies heal when they are struck.


## Herald

Profession mechanic

* Avatar of the Dragon: Become the Avatar of the Dragon to grant nearby allies Draconic Resonance every few seconds to increase outgoing boon duration.

* One with the Dragon: Consume the Avatar of the Dragon to unify with the facets gaining the boons which they apply. Avatar of the Dragon will be disabled while this skill is on recharge.


Utility Slot

* Facet of Nature: Place the Facet of Nature on yourself to grant nearby allies vigor every few seconds.

* Nature Vengence: Consume Facet of Nature to leap at the target area damaging foes and removing movement-impairing conditions.


## Renegade

Healing Slot

* Warband Resolution: Heal yourself. Gain additional health for each active Legendary Renegade.


Utility Slot

* Breakrazor's Bastion: Summon Era Breakrazor to shield allies from incoming damage and condition damage.

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