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LFG Returning Player [PvX]


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Hey, I'm a returning player looking for a guild mainly for PvE and PvP. I haven't played much WvW but I'd like to get into it (Isle of Janthir). This is a new account, and I still need to get HoT but when I do, I would really like to get into raiding. I also enjoy fractals quite a bit, but haven't played this account enough to gear up too well yet, and the fractals have changed a bit since I last played.

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> @"RandomJay.9734" said:

> Hi there i was wondering if you are NA or EU. Of you are and EU player you are more than welcome to join our guild. For more information just follow this link https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47121/eu-cbd-is-recruiting-experience-returning-and-new-active-players-any-one-welcome#latest


He's on IoJ and that's an NA server.

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