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Story order?

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To cut it short, I've boosted a character and atm I'm doing the personal story to learn all his abilities and such.

The problem is that I would like to unlock the elite specialization for him, but I would need to begin the PoF or HoT story, and since I never got that far with gw2 story, I feel like I would live them without a proper background, not knowing characters and stuff like that.

So, what would you suggest? Should I do all the living seasons before trying to unlock the Elite Spec or should I just jump into the expansions and do the story later?

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The specializations does not require doing the story. However, you'll need hero points from the new areas (they're all the same, but the ones from core tyria won't be enough) and getting to them without doing initial story might take jumping through hoops.


If you have a way of getting into the expansion maps without story (most commonly via either a Guild Hall or a Teleport to Friend), I'd recommend doing that to keep the story as intact as possible.

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after getting raptor, get to silverwastes and s a way to get to Verdant Brink. Get on that map and cehck LFg if there is any HP TRain going, join and follow commander to get mastery points


P.S also do 1st chapter of HoT for glider


P.S.S you will struggle alot on HoT or PoF maps with no glider or/and mount. You only need 1st chapet from PoF and Hot, those can be replayed latter on

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Personal preference really. If you're like me I like to do the story in order. But, I have been here since HoT, and I only have to "keep up with" the story these days. I didn't have to skip around, since there was no reason to. A lot of people will say go to PoF and at least get the raptor and springer mounts first, which makes sense to people that aren't interested in whether it is "out of order," story-wise. Mounts DO make things easier in HoT.


Your call really.

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I would complete the first chapter of HoT to get the glider and get into the HoT maps. Then I'd also complete the first chapter of PoF to get the raptor and to get into the PoF maps. You won't miss out on anything and you can get back to your current progress immediately. You can also repeat these chapters when you've actually reached them. The raptor and glider will make your life sooo much easier and you will need the extra hero points from these maps to fully unlock the elite specializations.


P.S. I don't know how far you've progressed with your story, but between finishing your personal story and starting living season 2 (dry top and siverwastes) I recommend watching this:


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Another alternative is to run WvW. You can actually buy random HoT and PoF HP unlocks there without ever setting foot into those maps. It might be even more time consuming than the above suggestions, but if you really want to preserve story order, it's an option.

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I'm presently focused on my Necro, also used the level 80 boost on him when I made him. What I did was went around the vanilla zones and did all the hero challenges to get the Hero Points, you will also need to go into some of the new zones as vanilla wont get you enough to complete one of the elite specs but will get you close. also the hero challenges in the new zones reward 10 points each so once I had cleared all hero challenges in the vanilla I only need to do 3 or 4 in pof to finish an elite spec.

The only thing you will need with the story is to gain access to said zone which I would suggest so you don't have to rely on others to get there. Also starting the pof story will get you the raptor before you leave the instance, after that just go to the npc's that offer the other mount and do there objective and you can purchase said mount regardless of how far you have progressed the story.

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