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Do charr...?


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Particularly female Charr, go into heat? I know their felines, but it has never been covered to my knowledge on whether or not their anatomy makes them go into heat. If they do how do they normally behave in heat? Are they more vicious and aggressive with their tactics?

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Well, from what we have been told, they can mate throughout the year, but the exact mechanisms behind that are enough material for a dissertation (Doctorate in Biology).


That might look something like this.

> It is unclear whether or not charr females undergo cyclical or induced ovulation, or both. This would dictate a charr female's receptiveness over the course of a year. Then there is the issue that the other large intelligent mammal we can observe, the humans, does not seem to have a pronounced period of heat at all, which means that charr may not go into heat at all, or exhibit only very subtle behaviour to indicate receptiveness.[...]


> [...]Without an experiment and a medical laboratory or willing test subjects*, we have to observe charr courtship. The likely finding is, that charr receptiveness is not just dictated by biological cues alone, instead there are a number of psychosocial factors, that can have equal or higher influence on the process of courtship and the choice of a suitable mate.[...]


> [...]We also know that charr can form lasting relationships. The Olmakhan rear their young in a familial structure, while the Legions utilize a communal crèche, or Fahrar. Interestingly, both patterns of behaviour can also be observed in other cat species.[...]


> *The author notes, that a certain faction of asura would disregard the willingness of their test subjects, but the study of intelligent beings without their cooperation will lead to distorted, or purposefully falsified results.

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