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MMOs do not normally get sequels. I can only think of 3 which have - Everquest, Lineage and Guild Wars - and I've heard Lineage 2 is more like a different game set in the same world, which is kind of true of GW2 as well. It's nothing like single-player games, or conventional multi-player, where after a few years (or immediately after release) the developers will stop supporting the game and make a sequel or a different game. MMOs are built to be played long-term and that means long-term support from the developers as well.


It is a weird idea to get your head around if you're not used to it. But basically it means there's no reason to expect a sequel just because a game is 'old'. If it does happen it's a **huge** deal and the developers will say so well in advance. Anet announced their intention to make GW2 almost as soon as they started working on it, because it mean almost all work stopped on GW1. And no I don't mean like GW2 now when one release was a couple of weeks late and everyone has their wishlist of features which will never happen. I mean almost all work stopped. GW1 used to get a new campaign every 1-2 years and free updates in between, some of which included new content. In the 5 years between Eye of the North (the last GW1 expansion) and GW2 being released the game got 3 small free updates (Guild Wars Beyond), which were roughly equivalent to 1 Living Story release.

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But GW3 would mean all the time, money, and emotion invested into GW2 would be "wasted" with regard to long-term investment. And who's to say "we" would like the new version better?


Besides, haven't there been rumblings of MMOs being a dying breed? Would Anet make the huge investment to make V3?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I don't understand this sudden increase of threads about Guild Wars 3


The young and many others seem to have zero sense of patience anymore.


People are chomping for the next best thing per normal in the greed that most of the other apes exhibit.


My guess is there will possibly be a GW3 maybe 5 or 6 years from now but if it is not already in design and creation it would be a decade from now at the earliest unless they use this same old tired engine which at that point why bother?



oh and people on this forum seem to love creating the same basic post over and over once they see one made. They are all the same and if the moderators were present more they could consolidated them faster... not really sure why 3-5 threads on the first page over a topic are needed but everyone wants to be special in a world where no one should be.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> MMOs do not normally get sequels. I can only think of 3 which have - Everquest, Lineage and Guild Wars - and I've heard Lineage 2 is more like a different game set in the same world, which is kind of true of GW2 as well. It's nothing like single-player games, or conventional multi-player, where after a few years (or immediately after release) the developers will stop supporting the game and make a sequel or a different game. MMOs are built to be played long-term and that means long-term support from the developers as well.



To be fair..... most MMO franchises die out within 3 years, and spend the remainder of their life span as zombies. From an investment standpoint, thats the equivalent of "no viable market interest" in a property. This line of thinking is also why a lot of MMOs after WoW simply chased trends, only to release after those trends had fallen out. EQ needed to update their Engine, and EQ2 was meant to have a ton of new features (most of which never pulled through) to justify said engine. They were actively pushing people toward it, so they could use it as leverage to pull in new players. And as we all know, it back fired.


Both Lineage and GW1 were sleeper hits, which helped its viability for a sequel. The second was having an original format that was worth remembering. The concept of a condensed skill system that focuses on synergy is the main reason I played GW1. Even with the changes to be more generic, the effort to retain the combo synergy as the basis of the skill system is the main reason I tolerate most of the other changes.


Anyway... the reason Sequels are rare, is because theres a narrow window in which a franchise can capitalize on it. WoW can't do it right now, because they forced too much attachment to "character progress", and people don't want to keep playing, but don't wanna abandon all that work either. In other words..... too much player awareness in the amount of time/money investment they have. Ironically, if they let WoW flounder for a year and a half, people would finally be ready to move on, and start over in the process. This is essentially what Anet did with the transition between GW1 and GW2...... after a while, we lost interest in our time investments from the first game, and were ok with starting over with the assumption the new game having a similar leveling curve. Though I'm still bothered by high end collections in GW2 being more material sink then scavenger hunt.... but thats the price we paid to have "Crafting" tacked on for people who "needed crafting".


GW2 can't do GW3 in the near future, because theres too much money tied up in the accounts that haven't had enough time to fully mature and enjoy the use of. This is going to be this game's Achilles heel; they've monetized too much, and thats created the wrong type of player investment. Having bought or done some really crazy/expensive collections to get these skins, we feel an obligation to get some mileage out of them. The leap in "gold sink value" alone is reason enough to try and cling to cling on to these items as much as possible. Thats why I say Legendary weapons are an inevitable direction every player takes- because what else in this game actually feels like a substantial long term investment? I remember when Ascended Armor was a big deal...... now getting a set is just a running cost of starting a new character or secondary build. But with WvW reward track armor boxes, I'm not even finding incentive to make new asc armor sets, given my previous reasoning was cost savings on expensive stats. I started doing stuff for WvW Legendary armor, but am now at a Dead stop, because I can't even decide how useful an investment it is at this point. You know somethings off when an outfit feels like a more worthwhile investment then the ultimate utilitarian armor set.

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I truly believe that a GW3 is already under developement by ANET, but of course why would they publicly announce that so early on? In the meantime its GW2 & business as usual. I always say "think outside the box" & "expect the unexpected". =)

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