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Been Away For A Very Long Time. Not Sure What Builds Are Good Anymore.


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Been a couple years since I have really played GW2. Even then I didn't really play the game. So I am at a loss for what is a good build for a solo Ranger anymore in regards to my play style.


I prefer using a bow to draw them in and swords/daggers to melee with my pet. I am not a huge fan of sitting back and pumping mobs full of arrows. It's one of the reasons I no longer play WOW and there change with hunters.


Are there any builds today that still allow you to use a bow to pull and swords/daggers to melee?


Edit: Forgot to mention. That I prefer dual wielding over one sword/dagger.

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If your talking about corebuilds there is a power longbow build on metabattle.com you can easily use, greatsword is doing amazing right now, sword primary may not be the best option because longbow is better for st beyond its one aoe, right now im rocking gs and axe/axe loving it.

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An honest answer for an honest question. That is how I like to play. No other reason than that. The only other class I might try is Thief, but I have always played a Ranger type class except for in Everquest which is my very first MMO from back in 1999. There I played a Druid, but a DPS Druid, not a healing one.

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