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Question regarding mount skins.

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I have been away for around 3 years, and decided recently to come back and give GW2 another go. I was excited to see mounts in game, and even more excited to see that you could customize your mounts with skins and dyes. I love the customization available, so I was very exited to get this new expansion. I got my mounts and looked through the skins available, and I fell in love with several.


I very happily found that the adoption license for the skins did not give duplicates like the dye packs did (I get maybe one useable dye per pack). Seeing as how I had several gems left over already, in addition to the gems granted with the expansion, and nothing else I particularly wanted, I decided to see how many I could get, and perhaps get the ones I wanted. The skins stated they were obtained through Adoption Licenses on the BL store, so I got overzealous and purchased several packs of adoption licenses, thinking I was going to get at least one of my favorites.


Well I can tell you I was rather bummed out when I was told, with 6 Adoption Licenses left, that I had unlocked all available skins. There are dozens more that state they’re unlcokable with the Adoption licenses, and yet they aren’t? Did I just waste a bunch of gems, or will I be able to use the licenses again later? Do they rotate the available skins over periods of time? I can’t seem to find an answer already given, so I thought I’d ask.


Sadly this wasn’t the first time my overexcitement got the best of me, and even more so since it won’t be my last....

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There’s 2 Adoption Licenses...

Mount Adoption License (Original 30, no option to select)

Istani Mount Adoption License (further 15, option for random or select License)


There will soon be a third, Desert Racer Mount Adoption License.


You can't preview the license before you purchase it via the Gemstore, you can however hover over all mounts in your Hero UI and it will tell you what set a particular skin belongs to.

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First off, there is different adoption licenses for different mount packs. Depending on which one you bought there should be between 15 and 30 mounts available. You can check which mounts (and how many) are available by right clicking the adoption license and previewing the content.


Keep the extra licenses in your bank and contact customer support. Explain what happened and they should refund your gems (they have done so in the past on similar occasions). Try to be polite and as clear as possible. Bit of a bummer but that way you'll get your gems back.

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> @"kydra.2198" said:

> Thanks for the responses, I figured it was something like that. If I do or don’t get a refund, all is well, I’ll just be down $25.


There is a new mount pack coming out next week. Maybe some of those skins will fancy you. Also those gems could be used on convenience items too. Try to see the upside ;)

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> First off, there is different adoption licenses for different mount packs. Depending on which one you bought there should be between 15 and 30 mounts available. You can check which mounts (and how many) are available by right clicking the adoption license and previewing the content.


> Keep the extra licenses in your bank and contact customer support. Explain what happened and they should refund your gems (they have done so in the past on similar occasions). Try to be polite and as clear as possible. Bit of a bummer but that way you'll get your gems back.


Also expect a 3-4 day wait time. They are quite busy but will get to you.

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