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I am confused.


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I will just leave that here. :/


![](https://i.imgur.com/1PUGBF0.png "")


It was the 3rd time today that I had been killed, from stealth, just doubling over and being downed without any visual effect or anything telling me what happened, all I had was just a soulbeast jumping around on my very surprised corpse.


The third time was actually the funniest, because, as I was holding on to the last bit of sanity left in me, I had a little asuran guardian mate with me, who, guess what, got one hit by the Soulbeast as well, this time by a Worldly Impact, not even a second after I got killed.


Now, I know what you think: "get better", "be tankier", "get a group of people"; those are all things that I had heard before in the past, but looking at this and looking at the pure principle of this situation and me being a holo, built around sustain and durability, literally, - I have superior durability runes, ascended marauder gear and constant protection application + the light density amplifier trait - looking at all this makes me scratch my head, and I don't know what to say or think or even expect anymore, when the reason I die over and over again out of nowhere, is the gentle application of pressure on 2 or 3 keyboard buttons by someone else.


I'd like to hear from you people, throw at me whatever you have, teach me, I'm dead inside and don't feel anything anymore anyway so don't hold back.


Have a great day!

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> @"RoadRunner.9253" said:

>"get better", "be tankier", "get a group of people";

> Have a great day!

You have the solutions right there!

20k crits isn't anything new, or anything that big, if i'm being honest, seen 3 times that. I mean, power creep aside, i remember doing 20k crits in WvW back in 2012 using Warrior Burst Rifle.


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Stop complaing and u will be fine ;D

> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"RoadRunner.9253" said:

> >"get better", "be tankier", "get a group of people";

> > Have a great day!

> You have the solutions right there!

> 20k crits isn't anything new, or anything that big, if i'm being honest, seen 3 times that. I mean, power creep aside, i remember doing 20k crits in WvW back in 2012 using Warrior Burst Rifle.


U can still do that :)

(I did 24k - 1or 2 week ago if I remember well)


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> @"RoadRunner.9253" said:

> I will just leave that here. :/


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/1PUGBF0.png "")


> It was the 3rd time today that I had been killed, from stealth, just doubling over and being downed without any visual effect or anything telling me what happened, all I had was just a soulbeast jumping around on my very surprised corpse.


> The third time was actually the funniest, because, as I was holding on to the last bit of sanity left in me, I had a little asuran guardian mate with me, who, guess what, got one hit by the Soulbeast as well, this time by a Worldly Impact, not even a second after I got killed.


> Now, I know what you think: "get better", "be tankier", "get a group of people"; those are all things that I had heard before in the past, but looking at this and looking at the pure principle of this situation and me being a holo, built around sustain and durability, literally, - I have superior durability runes, ascended marauder gear and constant protection application + the light density amplifier trait - looking at all this makes me scratch my head, and I don't know what to say or think or even expect anymore, when the reason I die over and over again out of nowhere, is the gentle application of pressure on 2 or 3 keyboard buttons by someone else.


> I'd like to hear from you people, throw at me whatever you have, teach me, I'm dead inside and don't feel anything anymore anyway so don't hold back.


> Have a great day!


Holo has the same meme build, Full zerker Full CC build which will kill you while you stay face on the ground.


With this i'm saying anet should remove meme builds from game: This soulbeast meme, the holo full CC or the DE one shot permastealth, mirage and necro meme builds.


There is nothing you could have done there. You don't see the attack coming, it just hit you. Just don't give it more thought, If Anet could apply some real balance in game not just the flavor of the month, the game could be fun.


Random dodges, become an oracle to see the future, get gud and stuff like that are just memes the people who play those builds say.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> These are PvE tests will full zerker PvE armor but they shed light into mechanics with MoC and AoO. Since I'm by myself with this, I have to test vs PvE mobs to reduce randomness with interrupt procs. I have zero buffs and have stacked zero vuln on the target.

> https://imgur.com/a/6U7SWCr


> 1) My first world impact is 20.4k. A shark bit me for 2.5k right before. With my 17.4k health, that means I lost my double scholar bonus.

> 2) The 39k and 40.9k you can see have interrupts proc right before I hit the sand shark and I had my full scholar bonus from not being hit. I also pre-cast Maul for the 25% AoO bonus.

> 3) The 31.3k is also an interrupt but no maul precast.

> 4) The 23.3k was a standard Sic'em F3 nothing else.


> Situation 2 and 3 both have full scholar bonus and interrupt --> MoC procs. The difference between 3 and 2 is about 25% from the math which matches with pre-cassted Maul's AoO being 25%. The difference between 3 and 4 is an interrupt MoC AoO which is a 50%. Math adds up. I repeat, I had zero might/vuln being applied here but this is of course PvE gear. All of these were remorseless opening strikes which also adds 25% to a single hit. All of them of course also had Sic'em when I cast F3.


> Here is the build:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQFAhGtCiVsgl/ALn47iMQA4JN8DGeA-jJBXABNUGAg9HW+CAc8DAAA

> The gist of it is that SB F3 procs beastly warden but the taunt happens before the damage actually happens. This allows MoC and twice as vicious to both buff WI if the taunt interrupts someone. Since you take so much damage so fast, you don't even realize you are being taunted/interrupted if it 1 hit KOs you. So that is a 50% bonus AoO and a 5% twice as vicious proc. Precast Maul for a 25% AoO. Sic'em is 25%.


> So how does this translate to PvP? I just precast maul then did a Sic'em F3 on a light golem. I crit for 25k with zero might/vuln. I can't interrupt a golem but if I could that would have been a 38k crit with zero might/vuln. I believe a 60k in PvP is possible if someone is willing to test things with me. I need a victim to channel a skill that I can easily interrupt. Maybe a 3rd person to vuln to the enemy. It is very specific in how it needs to be executed though.


> I'm going to try and be as fair as possible with the nerfs to this super niche scenario.

> 1) AoO from Maul and MoC should not stack. I vaguely recall it working this way in the past but they now stack and shouldn't.

> 2) Beastly warden needs to proc after the damage on WI to prevent an interrupt out of stealth proc that self buffs WI.

> These two changes would result in very few ranger/SB players ever noticing a difference in their game play in PvE or PvP. It only prevents these super niche stars align scenarios of rediculous damage.


> In the mean time, if you run into this build, stab is your friend. It negates 50% of the damage by preventing interrupts/MoC. Any aoe cleave is your friend. It negates 32% of the damage from the triple scholar bonus. Just swing randomly at the air in melee and you will likely hit the SB and reduce the damage it does.


> Edit: 1 more suggestion. Maul should only apply the AoO bonus if it hits.


Quoting myself explaining the mechanics of how SB can get some rediculous numbers. Towards the end, I mention some very niche bug fix/nerfs that I think SB needs. That being said, you can also learn to counter this.


1) If you manage to cleave the SB in stealth, its damage is reduced by 32%. However this is a double edged sword as you open yourself up for interrupt procs. Stability or aegis helps. For holosmith, F5, 3 for stability then auto attack while running in circles is very likely to reduce the damage greatly.

2) Flash spark is an aoe blind that negates a ton of the burst from stealth. It wastes most of the procs that can only happen once in a real fight from SB.


For the general tankiness of your build:

1) Heat therapy procs mean you left forge and don't have your 15% damage reduction while in forge mode.

2) Maurader/Durability means you have 175 bonus toughness from gear. That is nothing for actually reducing power damage. "Constant protection" isn't protection when the SB bursts you from stealth. So get some more toughness. That's just a general thing I'd recommend for your build but will help with this situation but your build currently does nothing passively on the defense to actually counter this SB.

3) If you are running alchemy, protection injection will proc before the WI damage since the SB taunt happens before the damage happens.

4) Iron blooded if you have the trait can also reduce the damage.

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> @"Zerthi.5493" said:

> Stop complaing and u will be fine ;D

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"RoadRunner.9253" said:

> > >"get better", "be tankier", "get a group of people";

> > > Have a great day!

> > You have the solutions right there!

> > 20k crits isn't anything new, or anything that big, if i'm being honest, seen 3 times that. I mean, power creep aside, i remember doing 20k crits in WvW back in 2012 using Warrior Burst Rifle.

> >

> U can still do that :)

> (I did 24k - 1or 2 week ago if I remember well)



Yes, you can even do more now with some builds. I'm just saying that even at launch you could get those numbers in WvW.

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