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need a build that works in pvp pre pof cause i still dont have that.

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I've seen more power reapers lately than scourges in my matches, so maybe it's actually the stronger of the two now. I don't play necro so I can't say for sure, but the power reaper is at least doing pretty well this season from what I've seen. (My last match had 4 power reapers in it, too. It was kind of funny seeing all the reaper scythes flying around, as long as I was at a distance from them because they hit like a truck if you get too close, lol.)

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  • 2 months later...

You don't need PoF to be effective. By my opinion the three easiest but strongest specs are (sorted by asc. difficulty):


Power Guard from metabattle: easy to use, strong af, heals, mobile. You even have a room for adjusting the build for your playstyle, it will be strong anyway.


Axe/Sh GS Warrior: Just spec it for might, heal from might, and counter CC. Check metabattle for the base layout, and adjust for your needs. I have to work hard to not have 25 stacks of might. Press rampage, kick arses.


Vamp GS Reaper from metabattle: takes some time to get used to life force management, but after faceroll to plat. From there it starts to be more and more team dependent, so get a team mate to rank up further.

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