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Can we have a serious discussion about what makes a class OP in Conquest?


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If you ever go to frostball, helseths, chaiths, phantarams, noscocs' streams etc.... they will tell you spellbreaker and scourge is op, when half of the forums posts are defending spellbreakers and scourges and blaming the outcry on L2P issues. Anyone of those players above, will absolute out rank you in every way possible, so dont even try to say they need to L2P. If you think spellbreakers and scourges are not op in WvW roaming or in 1v1 duel servers then I 100% agree with you that spell breakers and scourges are not OP, just good dueling specs etc.. However we are talking about conquest when players suggest spellbreaker and scourge are OP.

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Hello any spellbreaker/scourge defenders out there? Hopefully anet wont cater to the casuals again. Spellbreaker and scourge need minor changes, the elite specs will still be toptier. Anet doesnt need to nerf it immensely like they did to DH (even though dh was still good after the nerfs). It just needs to be balanced around Conquest a bit more.

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> @Zeghart.9841 said:

> You know you can edit posts, right? You don't need to make four replies to yourself.


> Also I'm sorry, but this kinda seems like a temper tantrum sparked by the fact that Thief isn't rolfstomping sPvP like it did pre-PoF.

> If you want a serious discussion, this is **REALLY** not the way to do it.


Why do you think i main thief? and because i have a thief symbol means Im bias towards thieves? lol? idgaf about thieves. This isnt a temper tantrum, this is reality check for you guys.

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> Why do you think i main thief? and because i have a thief symbol means Im bias towards thieves? lol? idgaf about thieves. This isnt a temper tantrum, this is reality check for you guys.


> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> Also deadeye is so bad in conquest its considered trolling.


A coincidence, I'm sure.


> or making up reasons to bump the thread? thanks btw.


Bumping is against the forum's rules. Might want to be careful with that.

I think it would also be wise to stop embarassing yourself.

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> @Zeghart.9841 said:

> > @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > Why do you think i main thief? and because i have a thief symbol means Im bias towards thieves? lol? idgaf about thieves. This isnt a temper tantrum, this is reality check for you guys.


> > @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > Also deadeye is so bad in conquest its considered trolling.


> A coincidence, I'm sure.


> > or making up reasons to bump the thread? thanks btw.


> Bumping is against the forum's rules. Might want to be careful with that.

> I think it would also be wise to stop embarassing yourself.


Did I say deadeye needs a buff? no? ill switch my pic so u dont get the wrong idea.

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> @Zeghart.9841 said:

> > @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > Why do you think i main thief? and because i have a thief symbol means Im bias towards thieves? lol? idgaf about thieves. This isnt a temper tantrum, this is reality check for you guys.


> > @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > Also deadeye is so bad in conquest its considered trolling.


> A coincidence, I'm sure.


> > or making up reasons to bump the thread? thanks btw.


> Bumping is against the forum's rules. Might want to be careful with that.

> I think it would also be wise to stop embarassing yourself.


If the cost of exposing autism on the forums, is embarrassment.. fuck it ill post nudes.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > I like how all the responses so far in this thread have been NOT about the topic/statement I made in the original post. I guess logic conquers all. ggs.


> considering most of the responses are from you, who’s fault is that?


I think he meant that no one could put up an answer against his argument, so he responded to the haters vigorously.

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> > @Zeghart.9841 said:

> > You know you can edit posts, right? You don't need to make four replies to yourself.

> >

> > Also I'm sorry, but this kinda seems like a temper tantrum sparked by the fact that Thief isn't rolfstomping sPvP like it did pre-PoF.

> > If you want a serious discussion, this is **REALLY** not the way to do it.


> Why do you think i main thief? and because i have a thief symbol means Im bias towards thieves? lol? idgaf about thieves. This isnt a temper tantrum, this is reality check for you guys.


You replied to yourself 4 times and on your 4th response after no one took your bait you pleaded with the forum users for a debate no one is interested in having. "Hello any spellbreaker/scourge defenders out there" ...

Definitely comes off as a temper tantrum or attention seeking.



Not only that but the title of your thread is "can we have a discussion about what makes a class op in conquest" of which you then change the context of your post to "spellbreaker and scourge OP" of which there are plenty of threads already dedicated too that and in those threads are simple counter play mechanics.


If you were on the forums seeking knowledge, the knowledge is there but you have made it clear you don't want knowledge, you want an argument to pass time.

That's the reality check.



> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> I switched to spellbreaker icon, now that means im bias towards spellbreakers. I main engi btw.


Oh I get it, you're a Holosmith.... You can be salty at anything in PvP right now except maybe Renegade. You should ask for holosmith buffs, I'd like to see that too.

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Fear not I have arrived just in time for the arguments! I also brought some popcorn ...and oh Btw It is a l2p issue when it comes to scourge and spellbreakers too many people want to face roll vs these specs rather then fight then using some intelligence they end up getting pooned then cry on the forums its OP! ...it isn't OP ....I might be a semi average/bad player but let me offer up some wisdom for scourge ...Try not standing in the shades .... and for spellbreaker assuming I understand full counter correctly ...stay at range try not to just spam 1 on him waiting to get hit by the proc? anything I missed someone else can correct me on or feel free to toss in them selves....though I'm keeping the popcorn

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> Hello any spellbreaker/scourge defenders out there? Hopefully anet wont cater to the casuals again. Spellbreaker and scourge need minor changes, the elite specs will still be toptier. Anet doesnt need to nerf it immensely like they did to DH (even though dh was still good after the nerfs). It just needs to be balanced around Conquest a bit more.


I'm not sure I would say I'm a defender but I wouldn't want their core mechanics nerfed just better counterplay. Scourges should be able to vomit conditions, control area and corrupt boons.... that's the entire reason they exist. Similar with spellbreaker boon strip and punishing enemy actions are their core. Expanding weakness on the class would be fine like for example nerfing barrier base but buffing scaling so barriers are garbage without investment would make them very vulnerable to burst damage(moreso than they already are).


No idea what to do about SB though, a lot of it's power comes from synergy with core warrior and neither is really that strong on it's own.

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