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Has any one tried stacking boon/quickness duration on soul beast using dagger and instinctive engage(condi), or sword with striders defense. Aiming at PvE content. I know you can make most builds work to some extent, but looking to make something efficient with boons as well.


Any thoughts??

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> @"Mufasa.5671" said:

> Has any one tried stacking boon/quickness duration on soul beast using dagger and instinctive engage(condi), or sword with striders defense. Aiming at PvE content. I know you can make most builds work to some extent, but looking to make something efficient with boons as well.


> Any thoughts??

Nope and nope.

Go NM , BM and Fresh reinforcement.

With WhaO and Zephir's speed you should be able to upkeep good amount of quickness.


@"Shadelang.3012" uses a very effective build for PvP which in PvE it would be even better with concentration sigil and food. You can watch him in Twicht if you want to see his build in action.


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@"Mufasa.5671" hey Mufasa. I run a build similar to this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnUqA1CiN8CuCCctgFPB7ZFEASYO7tOVKLf0uantlci0A-jZhIABAcIA8/KAw9DA479HouMAA in pvp. I often run soldier runes instead of leadership runes. In PvE WvW you can use something like golden fried dumplings to further boost your boon duration if you like. It uses pet swap to generate the intial burst of quickness. Then whao and pet merge to copy it. I don't know if I would recommend the build in PvE. as the current tactic in pvp is to never unmerge where as my build relies heavily on a continuous cycle of boon propagation through pet swap and boon copy mechanics.


It would probably work very well in open world. In organized groups though you should be having someone else act as your quickness source allowing you to go to town and stay merged for the stat bonus for more damage.


As for my channel its a twitch.tv/shadelang_ . Unfortunately I dont stream as often as I used to but I always do atleast one stream a week still. Typically on either Saturday or Sunday. You can also check out the vods for examples of how I use the build if that will help you form your own ideas.

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If you want quickness on the cheap, Sigil of Rage, Live Fast, Leader of the Pack and Moa Stance. Rune of the Firebrand is worth investigating since its the only rune that improves Quickness directly (total +35%, over Leaderships 30%), and happens to be condi damage. This also doesn't cut into your traits if you're running Condi builds (which you'll want to if you're running dagger MH), and is less complicated then trying to use Fresh Reinforcement and its related traits.


Between Firebrand runes and Moa Stance, you get +100% Boon duration on quickness without having to do anything else. Vulture Stance and One Wolf Pack is also a major condi combo due to how it stacks poison and might like crazy.




The choice of warthog is mostly QOL, as F2 is a leap and hard CC, making it pretty versatile and augments you're lack of CC in condi builds. Jacaranda is top choice for contingency self healing, having access to the 2 strongest heals in beast mode plus an extra condition clear.

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> @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> @"Mufasa.5671" hey Mufasa. I run a build similar to this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnUqA1CiN8CuCCctgFPB7ZFEASYO7tOVKLf0uantlci0A-jZhIABAcIA8/KAw9DA479HouMAA in pvp. I often run soldier runes instead of leadership runes. In PvE WvW you can use something like golden fried dumplings to further boost your boon duration if you like. It uses pet swap to generate the intial burst of quickness. Then whao and pet merge to copy it. I don't know if I would recommend the build in PvE. as the current tactic in pvp is to never unmerge where as my build relies heavily on a continuous cycle of boon propagation through pet swap and boon copy mechanics.


> It would probably work very well in open world. In organized groups though you should be having someone else act as your quickness source allowing you to go to town and stay merged for the stat bonus for more damage.


> As for my channel its a twitch.tv/shadelang_ . Unfortunately I dont stream as often as I used to but I always do atleast one stream a week still. Typically on either Saturday or Sunday. You can also check out the vods for examples of how I use the build if that will help you form your own ideas.


Hi Shedelang, where do you get condi cleanse for your pvp build? also using protect me in soulbeast means enemies will be taunted to you? Thanks for the future advise :)

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Yes protect me will cause enemies that hit you to be taunted to you. Which can be really strong for landing a boosted maul or worldly impact.


Condi clear in my pvp build USUALLY comes from either not getting hit by it. Or by running soldier runes with the build instead of leadership. If I need alot of condi clear I am usually going to die anyway because im getting massively outplayed.

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