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What is your Weaver build?

Cave Rock.4869

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> I had an idea that may get knocked back by the community or developers but now seems like a relatively good point in the game to ask, what if the Weaver got access to two weapons and could swap them when required? I know our attunement swapping over the years has been a similar type of deal, but i wonder now with the Weaver becoming a true damage dealer and a relatively squishy one by some peoples standards if a weapon swap would increase the Weavers out going damage potential and actually put those who say it isn't a very good new elite specialization back on board with it. I personally think it is amazing, but that it may need a little fine tuning increase its outgoing condition damage on the sword/dagger.


Weaver isn't the issue as much as sword. Players who choose it are choosing to go melee, with all that entails. If Weavers want to stick with sword, the good news is that it only covers 3 skills and you have four elements to work with. It does give you two closing skills and two ranged dual attacks to help, plus a lot of superspeed options for closing and staying on your target. You can always trait or gear to increase your sustain, too.


I'd be against a weapon swap mostly because Eles have so many weapon skills on tap with four elements. I'd say the same for Engineers. I do recommend having a backup ranged weapon, though. Just swap out of sword to staff or scepter if you think you'll need the range.

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> @Shooka.9712 said:

> Sword in PvP seems very undertuned. None of what it offers justify being a melee, and with not enough gap closers. Especially when a lot of useful condi skills require you to stay next to the target.


Sup Shooka, i agree with you about the sword feeling like it is under-tuned with regards to condition damage and perhaps even the condition durations. It is true about the gap closers there aren't as big a focus as they were intended. Perhaps there was also a missed opportunity to extend the amount of time that super speed was active. You know what it could also be the recent change to the unravel hexs, might need to be reverted, so Weavers aren't controlled as much as they are now.


Much appreciated for the insightful comment Shooka, as your honesty might be helpful for future balance focus. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.



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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > I had an idea that may get knocked back by the community or developers but now seems like a relatively good point in the game to ask, what if the Weaver got access to two weapons and could swap them when required? I know our attunement swapping over the years has been a similar type of deal, but i wonder now with the Weaver becoming a true damage dealer and a relatively squishy one by some peoples standards if a weapon swap would increase the Weavers out going damage potential and actually put those who say it isn't a very good new elite specialization back on board with it. I personally think it is amazing, but that it may need a little fine tuning increase its outgoing condition damage on the sword/dagger.


> Weaver isn't the issue as much as sword. Players who choose it are choosing to go melee, with all that entails. If Weavers want to stick with sword, the good news is that it only covers 3 skills and you have four elements to work with. It does give you two closing skills and two ranged dual attacks to help, plus a lot of superspeed options for closing and staying on your target. You can always trait or gear to increase your sustain, too.


> I'd be against a weapon swap mostly because Eles have so many weapon skills on tap with four elements. I'd say the same for Engineers. I do recommend having a backup ranged weapon, though. Just swap out of sword to staff or scepter if you think you'll need the range.


Hey once again Mygamindid, your on the forums about as much as me and that is a lot :) But i always appreciate you insights. Now to the point i was wanting to make, yeah you may well be right about being against the weapon swap idea proposed. I guess i thought of it as more of a convenience than a logistical issue. The thing is we would swap in the staff in the down time any way so it is bound to happen eventually, not so in a SPvP match but possible in WvW or PvE etc. Now how about if it was a weapon swap that had a longish cool-down to it, specifically designed for the Weaver so that they could not just run through all the attunements switch weapons and rinse and repeat. Say for example it could be like approximately 1 - 2 minutes, to deter the spamming of two weapon sets fire, water, air and earth to generate a lot of either condition or power damage. But still maintain that option for a Weaver to have a melee and ranged weapon (like many other classes/elites) when they make a smart choice about swapping to those weapon types, and that way it would work in all game modes, but not elevate the Weavers raw damage potential, thus preventing it from becoming over powered.


Just another idea from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42, what do you think about that Mygamingid and others?



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I for one still don't know what build to take for sword weaver (don't wanna experiment on my own dime, since I don't have that many dimes). Viper+berserker runes, Sinister+Balthazar runes, or something else. So confused. Tried something on the build editor (in my noob understandind) and with Sinister+Balthazar runes I get up to 65% fire duration, but I don't really understand why duration is all that important (haven't played any condi spec so far). And with Sinister gear I get alot more crit also, which I like, since Weaver still has some power dmg.

If somebody would be so kind as to explain, since I really would like to play a viable sword build.

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> @MrRay.3027 said:

> I for one still don't know what build to take for sword weaver (don't wanna experiment on my own dime, since I don't have that many dimes). Viper+berserker runes, Sinister+Balthazar runes, or something else. So confused. Tried something on the build editor (in my noob understandind) and with Sinister+Balthazar runes I get up to 65% fire duration, but I don't really understand why duration is all that important (haven't played any condi spec so far). And with Sinister gear I get alot more crit also, which I like, since Weaver still has some power dmg.

> If somebody would be so kind as to explain, since I really would like to play a viable sword build.


Condi duration is important because it is a pure damage multiplier unless your target can clear the condition. A burn stack that does 8000 over 4 seconds can do 16000 over 8 seconds if it has 100% burn duration from traits and gear. The initial hit itself isn't any more damaging, but over time it adds up to (+% duration) damage if the condition runs its course.


Sword favors condi over power. [Here is a sample build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFQQJAsYncMAlNgF5CGNAM5iFBAbIGsDKCBBgCwB4eVHrv1A-jBSAQBR7BBYTlgWT9HspkIkK3kmeCAcCBix+DBAOAS8g4jnxHf8xHf8ue8xHf8xHf8xHf8SB8oyK-e). It uses sword, as you requested, and may not reflect the meta as that works itself out. This build will have +75% bleed duration and +100% burn duration, both with +10% condi damage (+30% with Weave Self). You'll have a 90% crit chance with Fury and Superior Elements. Just keep cycling between Earth and Fire (Earth/Earth > Fire/Earth > Fire/Fire > Earth/Fire, repeat) to trigger both Weaver's Prowess and Elements of Rage. Use Signet of Fire off cooldown and use Fire 2 > Earth 5 to maintain Fury. Hit your #3 in each dual-attuned state to proc barriers, weakness, and Superior Elements Primordial Stance and Glyph of Elemental Power will add to your condis - particularly useful when your best attacks are on cooldown.

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Condi/Power Hybrid PvE bruiser Sword/Dagger


Been thinking of making this build in game. I like sword/dagger, but I want to keep it in general PvE for now. The purpose of the build is a PvE bruiser build that can sustain in "difficult" encounters but still do some considerable damage. Put focus also on condi damage here with 100% burn duration and 95% bleed duration. Feel that bleeding should get love as well since weaver has some significant bleeding skills with sword/dagger.


But now I'm wondering if I'm sort of on the right track with this build.


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> @Sieghawk.5793 said:

> Lightning rod works well. For Sw/D you have 3 disables in air 2, air 5, earth 3, air/earth 3. I tried it with conjure hammer as well to give myself an extra leap finisher and 2 more disables (3 and 5).


> If only power works better with weaver...


Yeah but with what stats, trait(lines) and utility skills do you use lightning rod in pve? I never used lightning rod outside of pvp. And sword earth 3 is just straight up bleed damage?

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So I finally cobbled together a condi build. Sinister armor with some viper trinkets. Now I gotta ask, how do you stay alive without water trate (cause I alot of builds here without water)? I can stay inside a pack of mobs with no problem if I have water attunement, but without I die very easy.

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> @"Aether McLoud.1975" said:

> > @Sieghawk.5793 said:

> > Lightning rod works well. For Sw/D you have 3 disables in air 2, air 5, earth 3, air/earth 3. I tried it with conjure hammer as well to give myself an extra leap finisher and 2 more disables (3 and 5).

> >

> > If only power works better with weaver...


> Yeah but with what stats, trait(lines) and utility skills do you use lightning rod in pve? I never used lightning rod outside of pvp. And sword earth 3 is just straight up bleed damage?


Sorry I meant 4 disables and earth 4 (earthquake). I go Air 1-3-3, Water 1-2-1, Weaver 1-2-2. I use conjure hammer with 2 defensive skills (armor of earth and the barrier stance). I go Air 1 just to get fury and extra swiftness on your leaps in fire fields to give you fire shield. Also using rune of the pack for power and precision with swiftness and fury. It should be around 100% crit chance if the enemy has weakness.

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I'm somehow managing to win most 1v1 and even a few 1v2+ fights roaming in WvW using a Sword/Dagger power build (save for the overtuned scourge meta ofc). It is absolutely a challenging class to master but I am having more fun in WvW than I have in awhile. Before getting to the build I'm running I'd like to note that I think a range buff to a lot of the sword-specific skills would do wonders (esp the 130 range ones).


I'm running Water 1 1 1, Arcane 3 2 1, and Weaver 3 2 2. Mixture of power gear (crusader, marauder, berserker) and Pack runes for swiftness uptime. Sigil of Severence plays a big part as well.

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Hey everybody, If your all wanting to find out about the lightning rod build you could check out the twitch streamer Phantaram, he also has a YouTube video channel. He goes through how to setup the build and demonstrates how to play it exceptionally well. As a pro-league player i recommend his content extremely highly to any budding Weaver/Elementalist.


Cheers all for your great builds i have been checking them out and putting a like or helpful on them as real life had been taking its toll on me so i had not yet been able to reply to so many comments. Having cancer treatment is really rough and time consuming, plus trying to be present for my kids during their school holidays has slowed down my replies. But keep on chatting and i will be watching, following and commenting when i am able to do so. Btw all if you don't mind check out my video if you get a minute where i discuss an overview of Path of Fire and also give an in depth breakdown of all nine of the new elite specializations. I would really appreciate it guys and girls, plus many thanks for continuing to discuss about the Weaver and providing others with ideas and builds, from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.


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> @MrRay.3027 said:

> I for one still don't know what build to take for sword weaver (don't wanna experiment on my own dime, since I don't have that many dimes). Viper+berserker runes, Sinister+Balthazar runes, or something else. So confused. Tried something on the build editor (in my noob understandind) and with Sinister+Balthazar runes I get up to 65% fire duration, but I don't really understand why duration is all that important (haven't played any condi spec so far). And with Sinister gear I get alot more crit also, which I like, since Weaver still has some power dmg.

> If somebody would be so kind as to explain, since I really would like to play a viable sword build.


Hey MrRay, i am sorry it took me a bit to get back to you bud. Here is my opinion on when it is important to have condition duration or not. Condition duration is important for many professions but not all. One great example is the Firebrand, that only really does burn, bleed and mobilize for example. As the Firebrand can only do three types of conditions it may not be that important to have condition duration over condition damage burst potential. Also if a profession has many ways to apply that same condition like burn for example then duration is not that essential. Now if you want you maximum burn potential then your profession trait will generally help or you could use a rune to focus on that one specific condition duration say like with Balthazars runes. Do you see what i mean?


Now MrRay if you have a profession like the Mesmer/Mirage that does multiple types of damaging conditions like burn, confusion, bleed, torment etc then you will definitely want to have condition duration to get your maximum potential across the board damage. That is when it is far too hard to focus on one condition type and additionally you will end up getting more condition damage output because of your condition duration on all of them and not just one.


Now with the Weaver at least on the sword and dagger you have access mostly to burn and bleed condition types right. So what you can do is take Sinisters Armour for max condition damage, and then take a sigil of burning and a sigil of bleeding. That will do pretty well but your going to need to focus your traits in the Weaver and Fire lines to increase your damage out put. But sadly as Elementalists' we are still very dependent on the water trait-line for condition cleanses and survival. Another type of armour you could also use for hybrid damage would be Vipers and that should give you close to the max condition duration from your gear and triats. But you will also need to suppliment that with rare veggie pizza for a bit more condition damage and duration. Also the toxic focus crystal will work really well with this build.


Well MrRay i would suggest that it is really a personal preference choice as to whether you want burst condition damage that packs a punch at the start or constant long duration conditions that become deadly overtime. But you risk fighting opponents that ultimately don't usually go out to a fight without condition cleanses, at least in the meta prior to Path of Fire. It may have since change and more people might be taking a bigger risk with few condition cleanses and greater fire power. My advice is still take some condition cleanses because that will save your life more than anything in both WvW and SPvP


Good luck out there fighting as a sword/dagger Weaver really soon. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.


Burst Condition Damage




Versus Condition duration (more damage overtime, but greater risk of it being cleansed off the target)




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> @Retsuko.2035 said:

> Condi/Power Hybrid PvE bruiser Sword/Dagger


> Been thinking of making this build in game. I like sword/dagger, but I want to keep it in general PvE for now. The purpose of the build is a PvE bruiser build that can sustain in "difficult" encounters but still do some considerable damage. Put focus also on condi damage here with 100% burn duration and 95% bleed duration. Feel that bleeding should get love as well since weaver has some significant bleeding skills with sword/dagger.


> But now I'm wondering if I'm sort of on the right track with this build.

> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMA9Ngt4CG5CM5iFNA7+PHoP0FrxeQOYIAsAqAA-jlSAQB3UJYXUaBgHAAg0BERVUCoWAspMJhqXItTAQM2fgUAKKNC-w


Hey Retsuko, your build has an interesting concept of having sustain and condition damage overtime. One thing i notice is that you might have trouble against conditions and getting rid of them with this build. So in essence the notion of survival or self sustain might work against power damage builds (mobs) but not condition damage ones. I liked where you were going with it, but it still needs a little fine tuning. Hit me up again if you need to our check out some more of the build on this thread to get some more helpful ideas. Perhaps the best advice i can give is throw in some condition removal and bump up the out going damage potential and you might have a really great PvE build.


Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42, i know i sound harsh in my constructive feedback but i just truly want you to be able to complete the PvE content as easy as possible so that you don't struggle or get frustrated.


P.S. Another thing you can consider for PvE is using a power staff build so that you can stay at range, as many of the Path of Fire mobs will attack from incredible range. Also they chase very long distances, so you could effectively kite them if you use super speed traits, skills or utilities.


Just some idea i hope they help you out Retsuko and by the way many thanks for your post i know you were not sure it if was a build that would work but it is always in my opinion best to ask for help if your unsure.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @MrRay.3027 said:

> > I for one still don't know what build to take for sword weaver (don't wanna experiment on my own dime, since I don't have that many dimes). Viper+berserker runes, Sinister+Balthazar runes, or something else. So confused. Tried something on the build editor (in my noob understandind) and with Sinister+Balthazar runes I get up to 65% fire duration, but I don't really understand why duration is all that important (haven't played any condi spec so far). And with Sinister gear I get alot more crit also, which I like, since Weaver still has some power dmg.

> > If somebody would be so kind as to explain, since I really would like to play a viable sword build.


> Hey MrRay, i am sorry it took me a bit to get back to you bud. Here is my opinion on when it is important to have condition duration or not. Condition duration is important for many professions but not all. One great example is the Firebrand, that only really does burn, bleed and mobilize for example. As the Firebrand can only do three types of conditions it may not be that important to have condition duration over condition damage burst potential. Also if a profession has many ways to apply that same condition like burn for example then duration is not that essential. Now if you want you maximum burn potential then your profession trait will generally help or you could use a rune to focus on that one specific condition duration say like with Balthazars runes. Do you see what i mean?


> Now MrRay if you have a profession like the Mesmer/Mirage that does multiple types of damaging conditions like burn, confusion, bleed, torment etc then you will definitely want to have condition duration to get your maximum potential across the board damage. That is when it is far too hard to focus on one condition type and additionally you will end up getting more condition damage output because of your condition duration on all of them and not just one.


> Now with the Weaver at least on the sword and dagger you have access mostly to burn and bleed condition types right. So what you can do is take Sinisters Armour for max condition damage, and then take a sigil of burning and a sigil of bleeding. That will do pretty well but your going to need to focus your traits in the Weaver and Fire lines to increase your damage out put. But sadly as Elementalists' we are still very dependent on the water trait-line for condition cleanses and survival. Another type of armour you could also use for hybrid damage would be Vipers and that should give you close to the max condition duration from your gear and triats. But you will also need to suppliment that with rare veggie pizza for a bit more condition damage and duration. Also the toxic focus crystal will work really well with this build.


> Well MrRay i would suggest that it is really a personal preference choice as to whether you want burst condition damage that packs a punch at the start or constant long duration conditions that become deadly overtime. But you risk fighting opponents that ultimately don't usually go out to a fight without condition cleanses, at least in the meta prior to Path of Fire. It may have since change and more people might be taking a bigger risk with few condition cleanses and greater fire power. My advice is still take some condition cleanses because that will save your life more than anything in both WvW and SPvP


> Good luck out there fighting as a sword/dagger Weaver really soon. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.


> Burst Condition Damage


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAlNgNOAG5CM5iFBALIAEKfA3v6Y9teIGsDuhA-j1hAQBRTPQ1U/5aK/C4+D1UJYCOBAA4BAEA4AY8iHAjP+4jP+4d94jP+4jP+4jP+4lCYRlVA-w


> Versus Condition duration (more damage overtime, but greater risk of it being cleansed off the target)


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAlNgNOAG5CM5iFBALIAEKfADxgdwN8+VHrv1A-j1hAQBAUPAAeAA2UJIEV/JBnAgAu/AIV+FA4AY8iHAjP+4jP+4d94jP+4jP+4jP+4lCYRlVA-w



Thanks for the detailed explenation. :dizzy:

Decided after all to go with sinister armor,weapons, viper trinkets, water, earth, weaver. With baltazar runes, sigil of bleeding, and condi dmg buff sigil (I forget the name) I get around 85% fire time and 80% bleeding.

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