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What is your Weaver build?

Cave Rock.4869

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> I want try this out but u think some of the stats are wasted, like healing power being a bit too high.sword/dagger


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMA94iFOAeOA8RgFTAjIBEAaAFngSQI4+MvmjzA-jFSHQBA4BAIgTAgQVroJK/wpeg6oEUXqqMu9HCAgAcz2MAG6QH6QH6Q77CNhmQv5NTKgMHZB-w



> Or this gear set up.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMA94iFOAeOA8RglTA7eMnmfzEHgAwCooEMC+AA-jVSHQBxTVlxt/AO1DAgHAgQVjoJK/EwJAIoqEUHlgBAQAuZbGADdoDdoDdo9dhmQTo38mJFwqDtA-w



Hey Fat Disgrace, well the first build all be it interesting might not have enough of either both types of damage or healing. The build suffers from the jack of all trades and master of none problem. It may work in some situations but most of the time it will end up with a stalemate or really slow conclusion to a PvE fight. That is not always a bad thing is it. As long as you complete to content is all that matters in the end right. But you also don't want to waste your time if it isn't necessary... For example living world story check points or open world way points, mean you can always get back fast if you get downed or die.


I personally do agree with the slow and steady wins the race but that is my personal preference. Many prefer the get it done fast approach.


Good luck from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42 with your build Zhaid Zhem, and I do hope it really works out for you in the end. It's a well rounded build and may fit your playstyle of hybridization.

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> @Jski.6180 said:

> > @Tinnel.4369 said:

> > Marshal insignias are easy to get then just magic toilet your ascended to change it.


> Where the wepon one?


Hey Jski you could get the Elonian rare weapons break em down with a really decent salvage kit to get the inscriptions from that process. But they are not exotic hmm. Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42, for the post Jski as it might inspire others to try out Marshalls gear in the future. Btw I liked the Weaver/Elementalist pun 'up in the air' :)

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @Jski.6180 said:

> > > @Tinnel.4369 said:

> > > Marshal insignias are easy to get then just magic toilet your ascended to change it.

> >

> > Where the wepon one?


> Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42, for the post Jski as it might inspire others to try out Marshalls gear in the future. Btw I liked the Weaver/Elementalist pun 'up in the air' :)


Also thanks for helping out Jski, Tinnel as it was much appreciated.

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> @MrRay.3027 said:

> What's the point of arcane resurection and bolstered elements?

> I think you could replace those trinkets for full viper or sinister. The same for stone resonance, can be replaced for something else.

> And is this build for pve or wvw?


Arcane resurrection because other 2 traits seem sort of meh compared to it. Bolstered elements for stability since we don't have any other source of it on weaver.

Stone resonance yes maybe can be replaced with glyph of elemental power or a stunbreak (preferably twist of fate). Trinkets are solely for precision sake and one vitality(for 20k hp) since critical hits do proc burns.

The build is for PvE outside of raids.

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> @Aravind.9610 said:

> > @MrRay.3027 said:

> > What's the point of arcane resurection and bolstered elements?

> > I think you could replace those trinkets for full viper or sinister. The same for stone resonance, can be replaced for something else.

> > And is this build for pve or wvw?


> Arcane resurrection because other 2 traits seem sort of meh compared to it. Bolstered elements for stability since we don't have any other source of it on weaver.

> Stone resonance yes maybe can be replaced with glyph of elemental power or a stunbreak (preferably twist of fate). Trinkets are solely for precision sake and one vitality(for 20k hp) since critical hits do proc burns.

> The build is for PvE outside of raids.


Final Shield has saved me alot of times. I'd recommend that. You never know when you might need it.


Yes, you could replace it with Twist of Fate (it's one of our best utilities), si you have a stun break and a evade. This way you could bolstered elements with the top one for more dps, since you don't get stunned all that much if you're careful.


As for the trinkets, the precision is nor worth for that little burn, compared to the dps boost from sinister or viper trinkets.

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Update to what I'm running in WvW. I think Sigil of Air over Concentration is more burst, but I spent so dam much on Concentration....It's working great for all but the most cancerous of condi, but what's great is the stats are such that you can throw on a staff or scepter and you still have great power damage and range on them. Chain together as many interrupts as you can and add vulnerability and condition cover from Primordial Stance. Feels like a real winner, if sword gets a little love in the balance patch all the better.



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I've been running the classic full-zerk Sw/D build on my weaver. It's been loads of fun as far as Open World PvE goes - it has high burst on trash mobs, however it really falls weak when fighting PoF veterans and three+ enemies simultaneously. Extremely low survivability until you get used to its mechanics. To me that's completely fine and viable but, in my opinion, sword weaver needs several buffs regarding base damage and auto-attack speed (really, though? 3/4 second for the second and third autos in the aa chain? sighs). I haven't changed my armor/trinket set yet because ~~I'm lazy~~ I really don't know what kind of build I should go for. Also haven't tried fractals or dungeons due to lack of free time.

I'm now working towards getting the new Grieving/Marshal gear to see if there's a dps/gameplay improvement - too bad we can't just craft them (?) :(

Still, I'm not ever switching back to Tempest, even though I get way more survivability/support/dps, to me Tempest's just like a regular ele with overloads and I loooooved the weaver playstyle. Hoping to see more tweaks and buffs the next balance patch for us ~~piano~~ elementalist players/mains.

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> @Kisylla.4359 said:

> I've been running the classic full-zerk Sw/D build on my weaver. It's been loads of fun as far as Open World PvE goes - it has high burst on trash mobs, however it really falls weak when fighting PoF veterans and three+ enemies simultaneously. Extremely low survivability until you get used to its mechanics. To me that's completely fine and viable but, in my opinion, sword weaver needs several buffs regarding base damage and auto-attack speed (really, though? 3/4 second for the second and third autos in the aa chain? sighs). I haven't changed my armor/trinket set yet because ~~I'm lazy~~ I really don't know what kind of build I should go for. Also haven't tried fractals or dungeons due to lack of free time.

> I'm now working towards getting the new Grieving/Marshal gear to see if there's a dps/gameplay improvement - too bad we can't just craft them (?) :(

> Still, I'm not ever switching back to Tempest, even though I get way more survivability/support/dps, to me Tempest's just like a regular ele with overloads and I loooooved the weaver playstyle. Hoping to see more tweaks and buffs the next balance patch for us ~~piano~~ elementalist players/mains.


Hey Kisylla, you can get an exotic form of those stat sets by completing the Crystal Desert reward track. At least until you can afford or work out how to get the Ascended set. Additionally some stat selectable living world ascended items like the Fire Islands lava backpack allow you to choose those stats. WvW and SPvP rings, accessories and amulets also work out great for those stats.


Cheers for the post from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @mbhalo.1547 said:

> > My weaver build is tempest, until sword gets reworked.


> Hey mbhalo, what do you think needs to be reworked? Try to fill us in on a few constructive ideas as to what would make the sword game play better?


Probably the same as everyone else: too weak, too slow, not enough range. It has the worst range and damage among Elementalist choices, and attack speed falls between the rapid attacks of dagger and the glacial pace of Scepter and Staff. The autoattack chain hurts it, too. It locks a spec that’s supposed to be about adapting into a 2.25s slog to get to an attack that does any meaningful damage. Move three pixels away and you’re out of range.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > > @mbhalo.1547 said:

> > > My weaver build is tempest, until sword gets reworked.

> >

> > Hey mbhalo, what do you think needs to be reworked? Try to fill us in on a few constructive ideas as to what would make the sword game play better?


> Probably the same as everyone else: too weak, too slow, not enough range. It has the worst range and damage among Elementalist choices, and attack speed falls between the rapid attacks of dagger and the glacial pace of Scepter and Staff. The autoattack chain hurts it, too. It locks a spec that’s supposed to be about adapting into a 2.25s slog to get to an attack that does any meaningful damage. Move three pixels away and you’re out of range.


Yep I agree those are most of peoples concerns at the moment. Those issues aside we all have to agree with a tweak or two the playstyle could be really fun right?


I think better gap closers and a bump to super speed durations might be what is needed to put the Weaver in a better position within the meta. Maybe a little increase to damage aswell but first of all start out with small upgrades to condition damage so we can joust a bit more and still do good damage, as this is what the Weaver seems to be intended to fight like at present.


Cheers for the post mygamingid, many thanks from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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