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a massage to the pvp devz

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So depressing but so true. It's sad GW2 will never reach the awesomeness that is gw1. I had the most random amazing builds that i could never even get close to today. For instance my Rit/R Spirit bow Ritualist. Sadly in gw2 pvp there is only a few options of skill combos per class (That actually work) and that's it. I loved having the freedom to put any skill combo i could imagine into okay.

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I'm an addicted GW2 player and been playing Guild wars the first for years before that. The things that make ppl get into it are multiple ... such as the reasons that make ppl leave.


I'm okay with the fact the OP is comparing GW1 with GW2 . Even if anet claimed it was 2 totally different games just sharing the same lore.


However I don't agree at all with the arguments in this video and find the comparison between both games not reliable and lackluster.


* Game comparison

GW1 was based on stand alone games (3 differents ones) that came more that 1 years one after another. Prophecies brings RA and TA. Faction brings AvA and nightfall brings the pve elit zone.

GW2 is based on expensions and living story between them. The fonctionnalities are different. It means you will have less new content than a stand alone game. However HOT brings a lot of new contents (guild hall + Stronghold+ ...) and POF brings less but had better engine support and mechanics which increase the game performances imo.



You get less gold that sPVP in the reward track and with pips. But you have loot from foes and NPC. So rewards are less ofc if you compare it to silverwaste farm (but it's really boring imo) But it's a totally new game mode if you compare it to GW1. Even if the game mode had the less love compared to others, it's still enjoyable to play with friends and super rewarding when you rekt an enemy zerg.


* sPvP

That where I feel totally "WTH" about OP comment . Bunker meta isn't a thing at all anymore. The only build that can survive now is firebrand and /or mirage. However firebrand get burst down in 2 sec by the right classes (only needs 2 burst classes)

BUT , it doesn't mean sPvP is in a good state now.

Anet failed at developping e-sport . Esport was the reason we don't have too many pvp game-mode at start (with WvW and stronghold) And when they failed at it (can't blame tho... or maybe we can cause they are responsible of the bunker meta back to these days) They then stopped putting too much effort and ressources in it. Since the population is super low now . Simple as that.


Finally : Anet is a franchise that need money to exist... They won't waste money just for few players not being happy. That's what I don't rely to the OP argue. He doesn't think in the economy aspect of the game/company.


PS: You're free to not like the game tho. But at least use some reliable arguments. All that guy said was comparing it to GW1 and not really about the GW2 game itself . I'm fine with you not liking it. It's your personnal feeling. But I don't feel like it's very constructive opinion.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> He is 1000% spot on. Everything he mentioned is true. And there's most certainly thousands of players that feel like him. Most of them have quit. Others are still playing and ask themselves WHY.


Being a OG Gw1 prophecies player up to a hardcore GW2 player I have to say sadly since Gw2 pvp is basically dead and has been since season 6 or so of pvp. I to have been watching all the new upcoming games closely. All it will take is a good story, good game play, and good pvp then I'm checking out. Guild wars 1 and guild wars 2 feel like they were made by separate companies that never saw the other's work just the story line.


In general with the joke pvp style of circledancing around 3 little circles on huge maps ruined any chance of a competitive pvp. I really wish they wqould have hired whoever worked on pvp in Guild wars 1 to do the work on GW2. Heck even if the person died, bringin them back from the dead to make a working pvp would have been worth it.


Lets not talk about just that. How about we used to have 30 or so viable builds per profession that worked in pvp and pve or one of them. Now its just 2 or 3 builds that actually work anything else is a joke.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:


>I really wish they wqould have hired whoever worked on pvp in Guild wars 1 to do the work on GW2. Heck even if the person died, bringin them back from the dead to make a working pvp would have been worth it.



The guy in charge of GW1 balance until GW2 began to get worked on, Izzy, is still part of ANet but unfortunately no longer works on balance tho.


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I often tell my employees not to bring me a problem without offering at least one potential solution. People need to think about how to fix things and not just about why they are broken. According to the video, he doesn't play gw2 because its not gw1, or at least that's my take away. I didn't hear any suggestions as to how to fix it, so what's the message?

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> I'm an addicted GW2 player and been playing Guild wars the first for years before that. The things that make ppl get into it are multiple ... such as the reasons that make ppl leave.


> I'm okay with the fact the OP is comparing GW1 with GW2 . Even if anet claimed it was 2 totally different games just sharing the same lore.


> However I don't agree at all with the arguments in this video and find the comparison between both games not reliable and lackluster.


> * Game comparison

> GW1 was based on stand alone games (3 differents ones) that came more that 1 years one after another. Prophecies brings RA and TA. Faction brings AvA and nightfall brings the pve elit zone.

> GW2 is based on expensions and living story between them. The fonctionnalities are different. It means you will have less new content than a stand alone game. However HOT brings a lot of new contents (guild hall + Stronghold+ ...) and POF brings less but had better engine support and mechanics which increase the game performances imo.


> * WVW

> You get less gold that sPVP in the reward track and with pips. But you have loot from foes and NPC. So rewards are less ofc if you compare it to silverwaste farm (but it's really boring imo) But it's a totally new game mode if you compare it to GW1. Even if the game mode had the less love compared to others, it's still enjoyable to play with friends and super rewarding when you rekt an enemy zerg.


> * sPvP

> That where I feel totally "WTH" about OP comment . Bunker meta isn't a thing at all anymore. The only build that can survive now is firebrand and /or mirage. However firebrand get burst down in 2 sec by the right classes (only needs 2 burst classes)

> BUT , it doesn't mean sPvP is in a good state now.

> Anet failed at developping e-sport . Esport was the reason we don't have too many pvp game-mode at start (with WvW and stronghold) And when they failed at it (can't blame tho... or maybe we can cause they are responsible of the bunker meta back to these days) They then stopped putting too much effort and ressources in it. Since the population is super low now . Simple as that.


> Finally : Anet is a franchise that need money to exist... They won't waste money just for few players not being happy. That's what I don't rely to the OP argue. He doesn't think in the economy aspect of the game/company.


> PS: You're free to not like the game tho. But at least use some reliable arguments. All that guy said was comparing it to GW1 and not really about the GW2 game itself . I'm fine with you not liking it. It's your personnal feeling. But I don't feel like it's very constructive opinion.


Imagine if Gw1 as it is had expansion's. What would it be today in 2018???

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> @"Blackari.2051" said:

> the saddest point is that there are no "pvp devs" .. there is no balance team for pvp, that is why PVP is and almost always was in such a kitten state


I keept playing because I was hoping a decent balance patch would come out to make more builds viable. Boy I was dumb.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Imagine if Gw1 as it is had expansion's. What would it be today in 2018???


> It had one... EOTN to introduce GW2.




Good point, but i ment expanded from that old Gw1 system. Not from what ever this is in Gw2. Pretty sure you got what i ment.


It was mentioned this last sunday on Teatime it might be time to start over from ground up. I kinda agree.

Cuz as mentioned above on the thread, we are on the verge of getting more new games & there need to be only one good mmo to make me perma leave.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > Imagine if Gw1 as it is had expansion's. What would it be today in 2018???

> >

> > It had one... EOTN to introduce GW2.

> >

> >


> Good point, but i ment expanded from that old Gw1 system. Not from what ever this is in Gw2. Pretty sure you got what i ment.


> It was mentioned this last sunday on Teatime it might be time to start over from ground up. I kinda agree.

> Cuz as mentioned above on the thread, we are on the verge of getting more new games & there need to be only one good mmo to make me perma leave.


Sorry but I really don't rely to those players coming into teatime . And I can't stand watching it =/ As someone already said... I'm okay about critics as long as you give solutions and/or improvement ways.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > Imagine if Gw1 as it is had expansion's. What would it be today in 2018???

> > >

> > > It had one... EOTN to introduce GW2.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Good point, but i ment expanded from that old Gw1 system. Not from what ever this is in Gw2. Pretty sure you got what i ment.

> >

> > It was mentioned this last sunday on Teatime it might be time to start over from ground up. I kinda agree.

> > Cuz as mentioned above on the thread, we are on the verge of getting more new games & there need to be only one good mmo to make me perma leave.


> Sorry but I really don't rely to those players coming into teatime . And I can't stand watching it =/ As someone already said... I'm okay about critics as long as you give solutions and/or improvement ways.


I agree. Except in this case. & the op's video says it all why. It's been 6 years that this game has been reviewed, criticized & offered solutions. It's just dragging & getting really no where.

PS: i love Teatime & the guest. & so are most of the 350 & up viewers.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> He is 1000% spot on. Everything he mentioned is true. And there's most certainly thousands of players that feel like him. Most of them have quit. Others are still playing and ask themselves WHY.


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