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[Idea] Week Event: No Builds


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Blah blah blah ...


That's why it's hard to have a marketing degree... everyone thinks knows how and why of everything.

"Please, listen to me! I know what I'm saying."


Guys! This is a just a suggestion for one week. Probably will not be implementeded by Anet due some difficults in developing this implementation. As an open forum, I'm aware of the toxic and stupid comments, but try to be open-minded for new and different ideas.

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Hey, I have an idea. It's a great idea, because I came up with it. Let's have a weekend where we all go to the vendor and buy common armor and weapons! Then we get to equip our starter zone armor skins. We only get to use our 1 skill, AND we choose an amulet! /s


Most WvWers DO NOT WANT the amulet system from PvP. Most of us DO NOT WANT standardization of gear. People that play fractals/raids would destroy anyone that suggested this for their game mode. Wait, no they wouldn't, because no one that PvEed as their prime mode would suggest this.


There are too many people putting out too many variations of this same theme. "Hey, it's only for a week." "It's good for new players." "Think of the children!" How about let's not.

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Actually, I DO WANT PVP amulets or better yet, actually PvP amulet stats on ascended equipment (there are also crazy-good Rune options too, like [Lynx](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Lynx "Lynx")). I don't care about whether it is an amulet or not, I just want more 4-stat choices for gear. And what's so odd is how easy it would be to implement what is already in game (making them a WvW reward system component).


[Paladin, Seeker, >>>Diviner<<<, Sage, Deadshot, Wizard options please](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Four_or_more_attributes "Paladin, Seeker, Diviner, Sage, Deadshot options please")


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