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Which Ranger Ascended Trinkets Should I get and How?


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Greetings Tyrians,


I am following the [Ranger - Power Survival Guide (MetaBattle) ](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Power_Survival "Ranger - Power Survival Guide (MetaBattle) ") I am also starting experiencing Fractals and Im trying to work my build for ascended Armour, I found a Laurel Merchant in Lions Arch (Near fractal portal) Not sure what to spend my precious laurels yet. any guidance? any other tips would also be appreciated.



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Laurels are worth hanging onto if you can help it, especially if you intend to craft legendary gear as you'll need them down the line.

If you have the living story episodes I would strongly recommend checking out what ascended trinkets you can get for their respective map currencies. The bloodstone ones are particularly good because you can reset the stats on them for a negligible fee.

You could also check out what ascended items can be earned from Heart of Thorns story achievements. I believe Marauder stats are available which are a great choice for power builds next to Berzerker.

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Well, part of the problem is that the link goes to a pvp build which uses demolishers amulet, which isnt available for pve. Closest thing youll find is marauder if you want 4 stats with vitality instead of toughness. The easiest method to get marauder trinkets is grinding map currency on the season 3 maps.


bloodstone fen - neck, backpiece, ring

ember bay - backpiece, trinket

lake doric - neck

bitterfrost - backpiece, ring, trinket


the other two arent really worth dealing with for these.


If you want to go a bit glassier with berserker, you can also do the above methods, buying them in fractals from vendors, buy with laurels, laurels and ectoplasm or guild commendations from missions. I'll include a link to one of the fractal vendors in the fractal lobby.



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If you're power ranger, then you're going Berserkers, which you have options in Core that don't involve laurels.


-From Fractals you can get Rings for 10 Pristine Relics each (you get 1 per fractal daily cleared) - Best option for core stat rings

-Accessories you can get with Guild commendations (takes a couple of weeks due to caps) - Also best option for Core stats

-Back Piece you can make a Fractal Capacitor that will cost you in relics and spirit shards - Time consuming due to the relic pay out of low level fractals; LS3 is generally easier for back pieces in terms of farming, and faster despite the gathering cap.

Crafting is also an option; Expensive in gold (50~130g), but does offer very nice skins if you're gonna unlock them anyway. Bough of Melandru also has 2 infusion slots by default (due to a long standing bug).


~50g (MF skins)




~120g (nicer skins)






Amulet without laurals has steep increase in cost, but since it doesn't offer AR slots, you could reasonably put this off for later.

- 100 pristine, but is choosy and can be reset

- 125 LS3 tokens + Unbound Magic (overall best option)


For HOT stats, the LS3 maps are undisputed the best option to get trinkets.... and is the ONLY option for asc Vipers outside of the Mist/Raid versions.

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