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2FA Text Code took > 1 hour to be sent

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TL;DR version: Sent request for 2FA text code ~8:15PM EDT last night, did not get code until 9:18PM. This magnitude of delay is a major problem in what should be an automated system.


Long version:

When I tried to log in and play last night I kept getting password errors, so I started the password reset process and requested that a 2FA code be sent to my phone. Then I waited a few minutes...no code. I'm starting to sweat at this point because I am wondering if someone managed to get in and change the email AND phone number on my account without having any notifications sent to me.


Luckily, I then noticed that either I had fat-fingered the Caps Lock or my wife had accidentally hit it when she was organizing stuff on the desk earlier in the day. After turning that off I was able to log in just fine. Played for ~45 minutes then went to bed. Still no code received.


I woke up this morning to find the code had finally been sent shortly after I had gone to bed, a little over an hour after the original request (requested about 8:15PM EDT, received 9:18PM EDT, yes I go to bed really early because I get up for work really early).


I understand the major backlog of support tickets. That requires people to actually look at and read the tickets and decide what to do. But isn't this system automated? Anyone else having such huge delays in getting 2FA texts? It is possible the delay was caused by my carrier, but I'm on Verizon and have do not generally have any such issues with receiving normal texts from other people.

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