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The joy of move-argh!


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I really enjoy the new mounts. From running with my raptor to flying with my griffon.

The only thing I encounter far too much are enemies who can pull you down from your mount in an instant. Especially the awakened. I don't know which one it is, although I know it's not the mines. I'd rather enjoy moving.


While we're at the awakened...could the devs take a look at the canid? Keep it a challenge, but all this teleporting, the long evades and the crazy damage-spike from the claw-attack...that's a packet that can be quite annoying when you're actually just interested in getting from point A to B as one of the low-hp-classes.

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> @MrWubzy.3587 said:

> I haven't encountered a mob that can instantly pull me off of my mount. I _have_, however, encountered traps on the ground that do so. Perhaps you're just getting knocked off of your mount by those while being around awakened mobs?


I've come across some awakened that have instantly pulled me off my mount, has happened quite a bit (seems like some sort of beam / energy tether looking attack).

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Actually, from what I've experienced, is if your mount takes too much damage you get instantly dismounted. I've never been pulled off my mount, but I have been hit with attacks that do enough damage to "kill" my mount in 1 hit, or too many enemies hitting me at one time. Hell, those sand eels have some kind of leech attack that takes about a third of my mount's health as I'm running by, and their attack seems to have long range too.

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> @MrWubzy.3587 said:

> I haven't encountered a mob that can instantly pull me off of my mount. I _have_, however, encountered traps on the ground that do so. Perhaps you're just getting knocked off of your mount by those while being around awakened mobs?


Certain mobs that stun or charge you can do that like few forged ones, many mobs that have knockdown mechanics will do that such as Sand Sharks, to name the few. It seems like any displacement/hard CC mechanic will do that.


Sufficient damage can do that too, but that's usually number of rapid attacks rather than a single strong one.

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