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Wordly impact needs a serious nerf


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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> this isn't a bug and isn't an issue. This is what a glass ranger is made to do,you where probably sitting on 25 stacks of Vuln vs a ranger as well so all that armor won't help much. Not that armor helps much in this game period and that's been the story since day 1.


Yea but rangers are meant to be free kills remember? /s

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Here we have a malicious backstab from stealth doing the same amount of damage in a tanky build (said by the DE in question) to my tanky build.


i dont think i said i am tanky, i am not berserk but that doesnt mean i am tanky. i just have more HP then usual thief build as i use valkyre wich limits my damage to 2 seconds after leaving stealth and then its pretty much 0 as my crit chance is non existent. but during that 2 seconds it is nearly berserk lvl damage, maybe 10% less.

against a target with OPs armor it depends, without further demage reductions malicious backstab could probably hit around the same.


but with malicious backstab and WI it is the very same, stacking of short time or for one hit only damage modifiers to a quick burst. usually right after the hit the followup is compareably minimal yet rather tanky builds if they do not get onehit can just heal it up. nerfing those extreme bursts will make some builds nearly unkillable, if you want to nerf those stacked modifiers , lower them and apply to more hits so its higher sustained damage and then reduce sustained healing, damage reductions and cleanses. but either way a onehit meta with setup is allways better than a bunker meta.


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