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[Request] RTS Elite specialization (Enemy of My Enemy quest)

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One of my absolute favorite story missions in the history of the entire Guild Wars franchise (yes I'm a long time series vet, and yes this mission was THAT appealing to my personal sensibilities) was the Enemy of My Enemy mission from Path of Fire. Words can't describe how thrilled I was to take command of a whole army of tactical minions and go rampaging through an enemy base. So, maybe just wishful thinking, but as soon as the mission was done I began fantasizing about the whole thing being a "prototype" or "proof of concept" for upcoming skills. And frankly, with that system already in game now there is little reason why it couldn't be with proper balancing.


So regardless if it is or isn't, I'm now here to shamelessly beg for that elite spec. I don't care what class it is part of so long as I get it eventually. It could be necromancer minions, engineer drones, ranger pets, even turn revenants into proper ritualists; I don't care. Heck, slap it on warrior as some sort of "commander" spec that bosses around an force of Pact Soldiers, again; I don't care. But please, please, PLEASE give us this elite spec. Whatever class it goes to instantly becomes my new main. Mesmer illusions, elementalist...err...elementals, a legit thieves guild, or even reworked guardian spirits, just...anything...please.

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You mean, a character acting indirectly by telling its "mininons" (depending on the class) whcih skills they have to used.


That's conceivable. That could be balanced. But it should be restricted to a small number. Then...perhaps.

If it happens, i would rather see it as spirits, for revenants, gardians or necro. Or djinns for ele why not. Mesmer already have phantasm but let's assume.

Just have to be entity that can be created and vanish for the justification. But yeah, portal for soldiers could also work.


Like this: the elite spec would have access to a mechanic skills, that can be activated with a condition (sme kind of energy bar). Then it invokes the "minions" and turn the five weapon skills into orders for a fix duration or until the spirits are revoked.


I say why not. The more original elite spec are, the better.

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> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> You mean, a character acting indirectly by telling its "mininons" (depending on the class) whcih skills they have to used.


> That's conceivable. That could be balanced. But it should be restricted to a small number. Then...perhaps.

> If it happens, i would rather see it as spirits, for revenants, gardians or necro. Or djinns for ele why not. Mesmer already have phantasm but let's assume.

> Just have to be entity that can be created and vanish for the justification. But yeah, portal for soldiers could also work.


> Like this: the elite spec would have access to a mechanic skills, that can be activated with a condition (sme kind of energy bar). Then it invokes the "minions" and turn the five weapon skills into orders for a fix duration or until the spirits are revoked.


> I say why not. The more original elite spec are, the better.


Given that I've recently taken on the engineer as my new "temporary main" I would like to see it appear there. Call it...Golemancer. As for how that would work I was thinking that the new skill type would be minions, and the new weapon would be a staff. The staff or "control rod" would be used to "mark" targets with its attacks instructing the minions (army of asura golems) to focus on that target or area with different tactics. As for the minion/golem skills themselves they aren't like the necromancer versions; they don't have a flip skill for commands but rather are ammo skills allowing you to prepare multiple uses of the same minion, and summon multiple copies so long as you don't exceed your maximum (grandmaster trait to raise the cap, obviously). This leaves the tool-belt as a way to have more specific commands for each minion type.


Alternatively it could work really well for Elementalist as well, with minions summoned based on some sort of resource that builds in combat and "commanded" via warrior styled banner skills. Each banner can be place to buff allies and command the summoned elementals to gather and preform certain actions, liek guard an area, heal, or shield allies. And when held the banners give more direct command skills. The profession gimmick is that the elemental type summoned matches your current attunment when you activate the summon button (F5), with each element focusing on its own thing; fire elementals use ranged attacks, earth are tanks, water elementals are support, and air provide shields and control effects. Your minion cap is obviously based on your resource limit, and maybe different types of minions "lock off" different amounts of the resource bar when summoned, so you can have a large number of weak minions, or a few powerful ones.


Addendum: I just thought of the perfect Golemancer elite skill: Transmorphic Override Protocol System, or T.O.P.S. When you activate TOPS mode it instantly refreshes all your minion/golem summoning skills and temporarily raises your golem maximum. When the effect ends any excess golems over your limit explode, dealing AOE damage around themselves.

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