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[NA][PVE][PVX] LFG to hang out with


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Hi~ My name is Sally, I've been playing GW2 since beta and before that... GW1 veteran. PST timezone. Coffee addict, chocolate lover, artist, metal & edm listener, part time worker is just a little bit about me. I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind and I am an all around nice person. With the right bunch I only think about the fun I'm having or people I'm teaching. Now onto the actual body and purpose of this post!


I'm currently looking for a guild or group that is built around togetherness (couldn't think of a better comparison) and made of people that actually enjoy playing this game. After playing for so long you begin to take the game with what it has to offer - for granted. Being a seasoned Raider and Fractal player with an embarrassing amount of hours spent on the Golem, farming wood, flax, map currencies, meta's every rotation I'm online... alone... or in chat comms with players who don't play anymore has gotten rather stale and leaving me searching for more. Don't get me wrong I've made effort after effort of looking for a guild on my own but alas I end up leaving due to the massive amount of inactivity in hopes that the next one joined will be an improvement. If you have a guild or group even and I might seem like a good fit, throw me a message and we can hang out. I prefer Discord but TeamSpeak is alright too. IGN is Salicia.5943


Right now I'm not currently looking for a raid group but if you have one with a spot to fill and have a situation that I'm explaining above, I'd be happy to join but know that my Wednesday evenings are unavailable.

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Hello Sally,


I think XHSA is just the guild you are looking for. We are a guild of 13 years that focuses on just that "togetherness" and community.


We like yourself have been playing Guild Wars for a very very long time as well as have some newer members just joining us. Being a GW1 veteran myself I have been leading this guild for all 13 years of its existence, we won't be dying out any time soon from massive inactivity. We currently have 130+ members and we keep our roster very pruned as to only include, not only active players, but members that are dedicated to our community as their main community.


We are most active in the evenings in there American Time zones until about midnight. We also are a group of experienced raiders and fractal runners. We host guild missions with a great turn out every Friday at 9PM eastern. These are a huge event for us as everyone online is in attendance and we use it as a effective way to welcome new members into our community. We make a huge effort to get to know and include anyone that we invite to the guild.


I think you would be a great fit as we seek out players, like yourself, looking for something more than a LFG roster, and want people to socialize with. I think you will find what you are looking for here.


If this interests you, I invite you to check out our most recent recruitment post. There is a small application process as the community likes to get to know a bit about a person before we welcome them into the community and to make sure said person has made the effort to learn a little bit about us before deciding to join us. This is mostly just a formality as we do not believe in blindly recruiting just anyone that will accept an invite.



If you have any questions feel free to contact me on our website, discord, or in game.


Looking forward to hearing from you, otherwise best of luck in your search.



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Dear Mireles,


I am actually 1 week since starting to play the game and I am still new on some mechanics. I have played MMOs before but alas, it is pretty daunting to play solo always. My personality is passive at most times so people might think I am not very active however I also want to have a community online which is something I always wanted to have.

Somehow, I started enjoying this game after trying many other MMOs and I have decided to learn more and invest time to continue.

I play from Asia now so I hope I can play with all of you.


Best regards,


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