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D/D Ele Roaming (Stream Highlights #4)


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Nice duels. That fight with the mesmer just got me so frustrated watching it. :angry: While I love weaver, I really long for the days of D/D past. Out of curiosity what do you think D/D Ele would need to be more relevant in WvW today or do you think its in a decent spot? I don't really see anyone running D/D anymore.

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> @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

> Nice duels. That fight with the mesmer just got me so frustrated watching it. :angry: While I love weaver, I really long for the days of D/D past. Out of curiosity what do you think D/D Ele would need to be more relevant in WvW today or do you think its in a decent spot? I don't really see anyone running D/D anymore.


Aye it was an extremely frustrating fight! I did do more duels against him aswell, but never managed to take any, sometimes you’ve just got to admit defeat in build wars xD!


I honestly think d/d ele is already relevant in a roaming/duelling scenario, every build has counters and we obviously has ours to, but I still manage to win most of my fights vs good and bad players alike, I know it’s a popular belief that d/d is a dead build, but I honestly feel like it’s still in a good spot, it’s just very reliant on stats to be relevant, you have to get a good balance between defensive stats and offensive to be able to survive beens your going to be forced to face tank some stuff as a D/D ele due to a lack of blocks etc, I feel like I’ve achieved that with my build tho, so I defiantly do feel viable and like I’m able to compete with the current meta, it just takes a little more effort to pull off then playing another build would, but at the end of the day I find d/d ele to be the most fun so it’s worth the extra effort for me! So if you enjoy it aswell, I’d say just go for it! Get yourself geared and just practice and practice and you’ll be doing fine in no time!


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Did that mesmer ever switch away from staff.....i dont remeber seeing him use anything else..ill admit i didnt watch the enitre 3 hour video though.


having what a 9 second 1200 range teleport to escape anything is alittle to op....it needs to be like a 20 second cd so that it can be used strategically and not spamed just to avoid every major hit.


Another retarded thing about mes is at the 8:55 mark of the youtube vid...u successfully evade the clone sprint but the clones remain and dont disappear and continue on...mesmer is just a op mechanic that some dev was able to sneak into the game i feel.


An easy fix for it i feel would be having the clone explosionsf1-f4 be like circle placment. So the clones explode in an area and dont follow the target for ever. Giving the evade mechanic somw more usefullness against clonage spamage.

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He's playing on EU server its less toxic and not as meta build wise to worry about. Compared to NA you'd get jump by 3-4 person havocs who are plat or diamond level. Even if he plays well in a true 1v1 he would lose vs most of the new POF metas like Mirage hybids, core vanilla wars pre str nerf, or holos. Very nice vids keep up the good work. You make core ele proud!


The mesmer in the video is a C+ skill wise and not utlizing a toxic enough build.

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> @"Waisenpai.6028" said:

> He's playing on EU server its less toxic and not as meta build wise to worry about. Compared to NA you'd get jump by 3-4 person havocs who are plat or diamond level. Even if he plays well in a true 1v1 he would lose vs most of the new POF metas like Mirage hybids, core vanilla wars pre str nerf, or holos. Very nice vids keep up the good work. You make core ele proud!


> The mesmer in the video is a C+ skill wise and not utlizing a toxic enough build.


![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/131/351/eb6.jpg "")


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