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Possible ideas for Wing 6 and Two instances.


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Wasn't sure to post it on forum nor where to post. Wrote a ticket before to suggest it but got told to post into forum and that raised some sort of "Will it even taken in consideration?" question in me. But in the end i decided to post as it could be interesting for some persons and a nice point if it makes it to the game.


So... where to start? Yeah from Menzies. Not so many knows about him since his very existence has been "forgotten" since gw1, there's no been Menzies army anywhere in the game. There's only some weapons named after it, a place of interest and nothing more.. I'll start with saying exactly who he is and his involvement. Yes some of you will already know, GW1 players. But not the new ones. The support team is behind with the tickets and there's been an high influx of new-coming players, prolly they will find those info helpful if they want to join the topic.


Menzies is Balthazar half-brother. He used to go with the nickname of "Lord of Destruction" in some guild wars 1 discussion, despite even in guild wars 1 we never had the opportunity to confront the evil god of destruction, we had the chance to enter in an instance called "Fissure of Woe" to confront his army in his tentative to corrupt the Eternals (Balthazar ghostly army) to gain an upper hand in the conflict between him and Balthazar.


Now the presentation are done there's something more to add. Menzies, Abaddon and Dhuum are or was Allied. Dhuum greatly underestimated the hero of Tyria/Elona as you can see in some of his dialogue with the commander of ~~Fate Razor~~ (This one on you Rytlock) Dragon Watch. Now we don't know if this underestimation its shared with Menzies or if he even cares about it. But now that Balthazar, Menzies should be free to make whatever move he was planning to do as he has no way to be stopped from corrupting all the eternal. If i were allied with someone and i got "stop'd" from a so-called Hero (Which we aren't we're literally the concept of anti hero, killnig world life force, handling the energy of a rogue god to an evil dragon ~~killing Joko the beloved~~), the first thing i'd do is bolster my forces and there's a special place in Elona where at least lore-wise "competent" ghost army that can be corrupted and serve as army. Unless he has still to be done corrupting Eternals after 300 years and all this time where he got free'd from Balthazar hand upon him.


My suggestion are two: As a great fan of guild wars since guild wars 1 i do kinda miss those two instances: Underworld (UW) and Fissure of Woe (FoW). Soooo.... the wing 6 could be centered to Menzies he's said to be in the realm of the Torment, maybe he's searching upon Abaddon rests or smth. Could be an interesting fight against the time, maybe he's trying to corrupt Saidon, Taeres or something relevant into the former Balthazar army. Maybe they didn't share the "power" concept of big B and remained on their own fighting against Menzies else he'd probably didn't need to get the attention of those half-dips of the White Mantle.

After having dealt with Menzies somehow, Fissure of Woe would need a clean up and Underworld a restoration. It could be possible to create an instance for the party with Underworld restoration and implement FoW armor, Shadow weapons and Eternal weapons from the past game as drops from a chest that would spawn from completing those **REPEATABLE** instances. Where we gonna help Desmina and the Repears to restore Underworld and FoW where we'd fight Menzies army once again.


Those are just ideas, maybe someone has better add-ups and anet will really take in consideration of giving us back UW/FoW which will be REALLY REALLY good to fight the routine of the "PvE endgame player" That's bored to farm Istan or any PvE map and already done its Raid / Fractal.

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