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Returning Player from Core GW2 (Solo PVE quester/explorer) , need help with Ranger Build (Core)


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Hello all


Im returning player from Core GW2 , my main is a Ranger and i leveled her from 1-80 using Shortbow / Axe+Torch with focus on Condi damage gears. I tried to enter HoT start zone but the mob there brutalized my ranger to the point that i begin to think of new better build to survive HOT.


- My Playstyle is Solo PVE explorer / quester who want to do Story and Map completion of HoT zones.

- My current build is Condi ranger (Human) , SB / Axe+Torch , Skirmish+Wilderness+Beastmastery

- I want to try (after reading forums and googling) the +Power oriented Ranger with LB/GS and full Berserker set (Exotic) and a Tank (Bear) pet

- Is Power Ranger a better choice for HoT zones (Solo) ? compared to Condi Ranger ?

- the build from meta battle below , is it workable / better than my current condi set ?




Thanks all in advance for the advice



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HoT / PoF mobs for the most part are a bit more beafy than the core tyria mobs.

Since you don't have any specializations unlocked yet the build you linked is fine. However, core ranger is a bit worse than PoF soulbeast when it comes to damage.

I'd drop longbow for Axe / Axe since it doesn't have any range penalties, the bounce is useful and when traited properly [Winter's Bite](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Bite "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Bite") becomes an AoE plus you do extra damage with [Predator's Onslaught](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Predator%27s_Onslaught "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Predator%27s_Onslaught"). So i'd run something like this [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAnXRnUqAVsg1CC2rActgh9gav9AY0/44IqA+EC4evEhfG-jhRBABUq+jZKBX4EAc1+jyP80HAwDAgUA6JZD-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAnXRnUqAVsg1CC2rActgh9gav9AY0/44IqA+EC4evEhfG-jhRBABUq+jZKBX4EAc1+jyP80HAwDAgUA6JZD-e") with a core ranger. You can change the signet with something else like a extra stunbreak if you feel like you need it, Tiger is a good damage pet and generates perma fury.

Edit: The frost trap is another way for you to proc Predator's onslaught + a way for you to kite / leap with GS 3 for frost aura.

But once you unlock Soul beast with PoF you could run something like this [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAnXRnUqAtCid8CO8CctglCB7pLMDCAMvr2VqL/6udLvj4N-jhRBABL8AAua/R5Hlq/gn+AAOBAmpEkUA6JZD-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAnXRnUqAtCid8CO8CctglCB7pLMDCAMvr2VqL/6udLvj4N-jhRBABL8AAua/R5Hlq/gn+AAOBAmpEkUA6JZD-e") once you merge with a Furious archetype pet (Smokescale / Rock Gazelle, etc.) you'd get a significant stat boost and those bouncing axe hits will hurt, with some food and bloodlust stacks you're looking at ~3,4k power and with fury at around ~280% crit damage with 95% crit chance


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Thanks Deax , im so rigid in thinking i never go beyond LB / GS for power and Bear for pet.. never go for trap build and axe axe.. suprised theres a synergy on traps and axe axe whirling with predator onslaught ..


i definitely will try your build , as i find LB / GS with bear safe but very dry / boring..

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> @"dprijadime.6795" said:

> Thanks Deax , im so rigid in thinking i never go beyond LB / GS for power and Bear for pet.. never go for trap build and axe axe.. suprised theres a synergy on traps and axe axe whirling with predator onslaught ..


> i definitely will try your build , as i find LB / GS with bear safe but very dry / boring..


You're welcome.

I tried the core ranger build i linked and it seems to be preforming rather well, hope it suits your purposes. One minor adjustment i'd make is slot Tiger / Smokescale as pets instead of Tiger / Bristleback. You can take advantage of axe 5 in a smokescale's smoke field for continuous blind application to all mobs around you.

Feel free to whisper me in-game should you have more questions, im on EU servers.

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Both can work.


For power, I'd actually run remorseless instead of Predator's onslaught. Refreshing 10 stacks of vulnerability every time you get fury is better than an inconsistent 15% damage bonus when solo. If you are in a group and have vulnerability capped then obviously swap to predator's onslaught. If you only plan to solo or eventually unlock druid, I would recommend rune of strength instead of scholar.


For condi, the damage is lower, especially if you don't have viper gear. However, you have WS. Bot, top, bot is max dps condi ranger/sb for group stuff. However, Top, top, middle in WS will work much better when solo. This means you have a lot of condi clear which the power build lacks and better sustain healing. Shorter CD on troll unguent, entangle, sharpening stones and QZ will serve you better as you run around open world. Immobilize enemies that don't have break bars with your heal or elite and drop vipers nest and bonfires.


If you unlock soulbeast in the future, power SB is so much better than either of the above for damage.

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