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What is the best class for dps role in raids for returning GW2 player?

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As mentioned in the title, I am a returning GW2 player (took a year away from the game). I am now looking to return and would like some advice/ feedback with what the current meta is with regards to the dps role in raids. I have taken a look at Snowcrows website regarding the different roles and dps benchmarks but am still not entirely sure what the meta raid composition is. Are eles still prioritized for the dps roles?


Thanks in advance for the help.

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welcome back gator


well it depend on you which class did you like pure power or condition dmg complicate combo or simple one like myself i like warrior and keep coming back to warrior even i maxout every other class and yes for the ele it still dps thing atm also good for pvp too

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As a DPS person you should have both a good condi and power DPS build. If you have these two you cover all bosses. You can check the SC website shown above but if you want to keep these roles on the same class then currently i would say Thief, Holo and Rev are good options. Just if you happen to choose holo for the condi variant do not use the rotation in SC but the simplified one from the LN video. The one from the SC site is too complex and has small benefits to be worth it.


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