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More "Natural" MOUNT SKINS, Please!

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I was never a big voice for or against mounts before their implementation, but I must admit that they have revitalized the game somewhat for me. That said, I would like to see more "natural looking" mount skins added.


I am not a fan of particle effects / light shows / sparkles / clouds, etc. on my armor and weapons, and I don't want them on my mounts either. There are TONS of ways to make different mounts for sale, often by just re-skinning an old model. Nature can offer up lots of suggestions that don't involve lightning bolts, flames, and flashing lights. **ANet: Don't feel that you have to implement "packs" of themed mounts!** Here are some suggestions for new mount releases that don't rely on particle effects to attract attention:


**RAPTOR** - The Raptor already is doing pretty well for variety. We could use more scale patterns, using real-life lizards and snakes for ideas. There should be a nice variety of scale sizes and shapes, just like in nature. (Think of the "baggy skin" look of some lizards with fine scales). Some folks might like neck frills that some lizards have to make themselves appear larger to predators.


**SPRINGER** - Look to dogs, cats, horses, and other real-life animals to give us a variety of NATURAL-LOOKING fur patterns. (Palominos. Paints. Calico. Tabby. Color Point. Stripes and spots of all variety). No more racing stripes and zig-zag patterns. Heads, tails, necks, and feet could have different fur LENGTHS for more variety. (Heads with a tuft of fur, or a mohawk, or with a horses' mane on down the neck. Tails of different types from a bunny tail to a squirrels'.)


**SKIMMER** - There are already a couple of more-than-reskins available (Orca & Hammerhead Shark) - awesome! The Skimmer could also have fish scales and more iridescent parts. Many aquatic creatures have an internal glow is more similar to a Sylvari, and does not erupt into external gee-whiz lightning. Patterns should look more like natural camouflage, and not like tattoos.


**JACKAL** - This one should be the easiest! Dogs are perhaps the most varied-looking animals on the planet. Kudos on the new Mastiff and on the Siberian Husky-looking model (_bring it back!_) No shortage of inspiration. Just... do they have to have an "ethereal cloud" around them, and be covered in fractal-like rocks? (Or is there some explanation for that which I never saw; such as they are beings from the mists that require the fractal rocks to stay in our realm? Whatever it is, those things detract from the Jackal's appearance in my opinion).


**ROLLER BEETLE** - This one has less real-life inspiration than most of the other mounts. I would look mostly to the insect world for ideas here (a black widow hourglass, perhaps? Bug eyes?) The Armadillo was cute, but should unroll it's body when not in motion. Sorry I have so few suggestions on this one. I can't find examples from nature for something that is almost entirely without a real world counterpart.


**GRIFFON** - Like the Raptor, the Griffon is doing pretty well as far as non-particle effect variety. Birds are very colorful, with a myriad of designs. Most of the excitement here will come from tweaks to the base model I'm afraid, and not so much from new plumage patterns. I'm talking about crests, different tail and wing shapes, etc. I'm sure tons of people are awaiting a giant owl, a pterodactyl, a wyvern, or a bat. (NO DRAGONS, PLEASE! Especially in this world where dragons are so huge. I'm not saying I wouldn't want a dragon mount. But it would be FAR bigger than the Griffon mount).


Those are my thoughts. Let NATURE guide the imagination, not Las Vegas!

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:



> **JACKAL** - This one should be the easiest! Dogs are perhaps the most varied-looking animals on the planet. Kudos on the new Mastiff and on the Siberian Husky-looking model (_bring it back!_) No shortage of inspiration. Just... do they have to have an "ethereal cloud" around them, and be covered in fractal-like rocks? (Or is there some explanation for that which I never saw; such as they are beings from the mists that require the fractal rocks to stay in our realm? Whatever it is, those things detract from the Jackal's appearance in my opinion).


Djinn have created the jackal out of sand. The "fractal rocks" are not to keep it in our world, but more to hold it together in its jackal shape.


Here's the wiki description


Jackals are mystical constructs of wind and sand created and tamed by the djinn of the Desolation. In the wake of Nightfall, remnants of Abaddon's tormented magic left by the Margonites' presence seeped into the Crystal Desert. Left alone, this magic would coalesce into tormented remnants over time. To cleanse the Desolation of this magic, the djinn have gathered at Sand Jackal Run and taken to reshaping this tainted sand into jackal-shaped constructs. The djinn imbue their magic into runes taken from the bodies of tormented remnants to tame the tormented energies, and in turn the jackals. These jackals are feral and hostile initially, and still seek to bring about Nightfall. Once tamed, it is said that the eyes of the jackal are all that remains of their Margonite forebears.


Jackals remain attuned to the Realm of Torment and are capable of utilizing Sand Portals as entryways into the Mists to travel distances instantly.


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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > @"Hamfast.8719" said:


> >

> > **JACKAL** - This one should be the easiest! Dogs are perhaps the most varied-looking animals on the planet. Kudos on the new Mastiff and on the Siberian Husky-looking model (_bring it back!_) No shortage of inspiration. Just... do they have to have an "ethereal cloud" around them, and be covered in fractal-like rocks? (Or is there some explanation for that which I never saw; such as they are beings from the mists that require the fractal rocks to stay in our realm? Whatever it is, those things detract from the Jackal's appearance in my opinion).


> Djinn have created the jackal out of sand. The "fractal rocks" are not to keep it in our world, but more to hold it together in its jackal shape.


> Here's the wiki description


> Jackals are mystical constructs of wind and sand created and tamed by the djinn of the Desolation. In the wake of Nightfall, remnants of Abaddon's tormented magic left by the Margonites' presence seeped into the Crystal Desert. Left alone, this magic would coalesce into tormented remnants over time. To cleanse the Desolation of this magic, the djinn have gathered at Sand Jackal Run and taken to reshaping this tainted sand into jackal-shaped constructs. The djinn imbue their magic into runes taken from the bodies of tormented remnants to tame the tormented energies, and in turn the jackals. These jackals are feral and hostile initially, and still seek to bring about Nightfall. Once tamed, it is said that the eyes of the jackal are all that remains of their Margonite forebears.


> Jackals remain attuned to the Realm of Torment and are capable of utilizing Sand Portals as entryways into the Mists to travel distances instantly.



While that’s an interesting bit of lore, the [Primeval Jackal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Primeval_(jackal_skin).jpg) shows that ANet doesn’t believe the runes are necessary on the new skins.

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I am all for this, I have always themed my characters in ways that I would consider less disruptive to the setting. Some people want the biggest, brightest, shiniest things to show off, and that's fine. But please don't forget about those of us that want to blend into the world a bit while still having something that looks a little more special than the default.

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I would like to see more varies of species mounts. For example raptors, they’re mainly all the same except for the Avialan which is a bird (odd) yet there is so many other dinosaurs to choose from. Skimmers, its more of a fantasy species so the designers should play with the model and make them more unique, use real world animals like a stingray and such. After all, this is a fantasy game and anything can be alter and scale to fit the game.


Rolling beetle, make a rollie pollie version of it or perhaps a porcupine etc..

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