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Semi-dynamic cam, or dynamic cam options would be nice

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Right now it's all or nothing. There is no way of chosing what component we want or don't want or even to slightly modulate dynamic cam. I'll try to write a few problems I have with it but I'm certainly going to forget some of them

* There is no way of changing the height of the aim dot. Especially in boss fights where the camera is super far away, the dot is moved so high that the semi-close range area around our character cannot be targetted with AOE skills. Also, this makes it insanely difficult to target a melee mob, because the dot will never be on them. A very nice change would have an option that would make the dot progressively go down (towards our character) on the screen as we look down, and go up the higher we look, so we don't lose any max range while at the same time being able to attack melee ennemies. A modifier option for the dot's movement rate would be nice, to select at what point at how fast we want the dot to get closer to our character, as well as an option to select how high we want the dot to go at maximum.

* We can't have the targeting dot without having the dynamic cam enabled. This may seem useless, but it would greatly help fighting groups of ennemies when we don't have any particular ennemy locked. It would also have a niche use with skills like Ride the Lightning (elem dagger off hand), when using them defensively to go away. Having a clear targeting dot would help avoiding rushing in a wall or over a cliff.

* "Locked on" ennemies aren't really locked. Should we look somewhere else than our target for even a second, our character will stop aiming at the ennemy and will start casting their spells towards where we're looking. Having the option to keep the ennemy locked no matter what would be a great improvement.

* The base camera doesn't have that "swift turn" thing. I'm talking about that thing in dynamic cam mode, where if you press a movement key other than "forward", our character will turn and move facing that direction, as opposed to side-walk or go backwards. This greatly increases the character's speed and reactivity when changing directions, and there's currently no way to enable this on normal camera. That would be really nice to have as a separate option, perhaps with a toggle key that we could set in case we want our character to go backards without turning, for whatever reason.

* We can't set any other button than mouse left for the #1 skill, and autoattacking doesn't start when using it that way. We have to use our actual keyboard if we want our character to keep attacking the ennemy. Also, being able to change what that button does would be nice.


In short, it feels right now like the dynamic cam is still in beta phase. There are no options whatsoever and the inovations that go with it can't be used on the regular camera.

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