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Need some help for Condi Support Renegade


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I need some help from a renegade expert. I want to play a Condi Support Renegade in Raids/Fractals, similar to the more or less commonly used variant before Alacrity was changes to a boon.


I have three mandatory points which the build should maintain:

* Healing should be quite good (maybe a little bit better then the current condi druid)

* It should maintain nearly 25 stacks might

* It should maintain perma Alacrity by just using F4


One short explanation of the last point: I personally don't like using Ventari to maintain Alacrity. There are mainly 2 reasons behind that: First of all I play a lot with pugs or not high exp players, this results in a not perfectly stacked group and therefore the small AOE of Ventarii Heal leads to a bad uptime. The other reason is that as a main Healer I know, how important it is to freely use heals e.g. moving the tablet to the single person which is low.


Beside those 3 points the only target is to reach the highest possible dps. I created a build which is quite ok, but because I am not a renegade main, I think there are better variants of the build or at least the rotation. So my main request is too all renegade main: Where I can improve the build and/or the rotation?


The build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJApnnnNWMTyJvmRNlZzsoytZ4UZ3MIs8bmFUlaNGuhc4fETxYMNAKgEA-jBiAQBdZfAL+AAU3CDCV53QVC6T9AAV9HAcCACAkAMTlpAYmmpZammpZqy0MNTz0MNTz0MNTzUpAWUZF-e

(please note that in theory you need 66.6% boon duration to maintain perma alacrity by using F4, but actually this is not enough as you see by trying it out)


The rotation: https://youtu.be/MagEIs3PFNM

(please note that I currently do not have concentration infusions, so I used a food that gives me +100 concentration instead)

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Well, alacrity shouldn't be such a huge concern for you in raids/fractals unless for some crazy reason you don't have a chronomancer.


As far as I see it, there's two paths you can go for effective Rev support, either:

- Utilize healing stats and Ventari to overheal the crap out of a bad group.

- Use Vipers, and just use Soulcleave to keep everyone topped off in really good speed run groups (as you can see in the Snowcrows' Kalla support video:



How you decide to mix between the two is up to you and your group, but remember it's probably better to lean all the way in one direction or the other, since they are the two areas where Renegades actually outperform other support classes: Straight pure healing output or Max DPS while supporting.

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> @"EpheSOSIayer.6370" said:

> Please take my mandatory points as they are, this thread is not about to discuss these.


Just tryin to help... If you run with a static or guild it's fine, but you're going to have a real rough time in LFG groups using a build like you said.


But if you really insist on playing something like that, here a few tips:

- Always finish your AA chain.

- Use Shortbow and weapon swaps.

- Use the max dps renegade rotation, but replace the least valuable dps skills with your f2/f4 (i.e. The spot in the rotation where you use Unyielding Anguish or Icerazor, replace those with f4 and f2 and heals as needed)

- I know you said you on't like tablet for alacrity cuz people spread out too much, but just an FYI, the tablet and f4 both have a radius of 240.

- You're getting 25% condi duration from your runesets... Leadership runes would give you 35% boon duration, which is a lot more stat weight, allowing you to build less concentration and therefore use more Viper's for more dps.

- See if you can get by using Invocation instead of Salvation, the extra energy on legend swap really caters to a build that's trying to do everything and the extra dmg is always nice.


But, like, really try to understand what you're bringing to a group... I.E. You probably definitely have a chronomancer (since yer pugging), meaning focusing so much of your build on alacrity uptime is completely wasted resources... If you have a druid (you will), you probably don't have to use f2 for might either since GotL is 10 target and your mace 2/3 combo's plenty to fill in the gaps... Etc... Cuz like, when it comes down to it, if you're focusing such a huge portion of your build to Alacrity and Might uptime, and you're in a raid with chronos and a druid, you're sort of unnecessary at that point. I do think a build like this could be better suited for Fractals tho--but the elitism is sort of catching on hard there too, so it could still be tough out there in the PUG world. But to be fair, one of your mandatory points wasn't "To easily find groups and not get blamed/kicked from them when things start to go wrong," so gl/hf--there's lots of fun viable builds out there, it's convincing random strangers to wander off meta that's the real challenge. :bleep_bloop:

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Please have in mind that the radius of F4 is higher when traited, moreover the AoE is moving with you which is a benefit. I know tablet can be moved too but not that often and the alacrity is delayed.

Leadership runes give only 30% boon duration, but you are right it is an option. However this leads to lower healing power and don't forget my 1st point on he list. Same with Innvocation over Salvation.


Here my expirience so far:

I pugged a little bit and took allways the spot of a druid (most of the people don't care about a heal rev if one druid is already there). Noone complained about bad healing, even with outheal at VG. This build need 2 tablet heals or one Renegade Heal to set group HP to 100% after one green which was basically the idea: lower the heal potential which is far more than needed anyway to get more DPS. During all fights I had at least 10k dps which was between chrono and the warrior.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Well, alacrity shouldn't be such a huge concern for you in raids/fractals unless for some crazy reason you don't have a chronomancer.


> As far as I see it, there's two paths you can go for effective Rev support, either:

> - Utilize healing stats and Ventari to overheal the crap out of a bad group.

> - Use Vipers, and just use Soulcleave to keep everyone topped off in really good speed run groups (as you can see in the Snowcrows' Kalla support video:

> https://youtu.be/wlOIV4cng1w)


> How you decide to mix between the two is up to you and your group, but remember it's probably better to lean all the way in one direction or the other, since they are the two areas where Renegades actually outperform other support classes: Straight pure healing output or Max DPS while supporting.


which dps meter you use?

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Short update:

* I did some optimizations of the build, check it out here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApXmnnNWMTyJvmRNlZzsoytZ4UZ3MIs8bmFUlaNGuhc4fETxYMNAKgEA-jRyXABzqGg5KBHX1ncPBA09AAKX5XjLMEueAA2HIAQCwMVmCgZammpZammpKTz0MNTz0MNTz0MNTlCYR9WA-e

* I ran this build on river (W5 2nd boss) as the healer for the two DHs in front. I did this just to show that the healing ability of this build is still very high, not because I think it is meaningful and yeah it works quite well, not downstates.

* For the damage potential take a look at this dps report on Mursaat: https://dps.report/1cqw-20180812-165157_mo

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