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What's your favorite mount? Why?


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> @SpellOfIniquity.1780 said:

> Skimmer. I love the drifting feel of it and that it can basically fly. I love that it takes no fall damage and is quite versatile in terms of where it can go.


I like raptor best for the speed. I use skimmer and Jackal the least. To be honest, I don't really get the point of the jackal. I had exactly ONE scenario where the jackal could span a gap that the raptor and glider would miss. In general, I just don't see the point (unless it's for the portals).

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Visually... Raptor, probably because For a large part of my life I have been fascinated by dinosaurs and being paleontologist was one of my longer lasting dreams (cliche, I know, but worked for me). Skimmer is pretty cool and unique too, but I really can't find any appeal in an overgrown rabbit. Jackal is just another stereotypical "wolf" mount that you see in almost all MMOs supporting riding. Griffon is cool, but shares same sort of notion as wolf (I admit, Wow and alliance ruined me).


Ability wise... still raptor, because I just have a lot of fun making those leaps... sometimes into the abyss, lol.

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:

> > @SpellOfIniquity.1780 said:

> > Skimmer. I love the drifting feel of it and that it can basically fly. I love that it takes no fall damage and is quite versatile in terms of where it can go.


> I like raptor best for the speed. I use skimmer and Jackal the least. To be honest, I don't really get the point of the jackal. I had exactly ONE scenario where the jackal could span a gap that the raptor and glider would miss. In general, I just don't see the point (unless it's for the portals).


I found this as well. There are like 3 or 4 places where you actually need Jackal (where vistas or POI's are located and you need to take a sand portal without any other way around it) otherwise you can always get where you need to go either by gliding, leaping or vertical jumps. I don't use Jackal at all otherwise.

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Even though I am not the biggest fan of "cutsy wootsy", I will have to vote for the **Springer**, because it saved my life so many times (getting up somewhere safe fast ist a huge help is PoF). Also, I sincerely enjoy the jumping puzzles with it. I even reached most Mastery Points with it long before I had the Jackal available at tier 3 (to be able to use its sand portals). :)


For general use, I always rely on the **Raptor**. Nothing like long range jumps to get to places fast and avoid mobs.


My third place goes to the **Skimmer**. I love it, but it generally seems so slow compared to the two others. However, its value in certain areas (like the branded lightning one on the last map) is uncontested. I just wish you'd be able to mount it in all dangerous terrains at any time (like on branded crystals, in the water, in quicksand), however you cannot mount it in sulfur, which is odd and hope will get fixed.


The **Jackal** is a bit of a disappointment in some areas. Its use of sand portals, of course, is _major_ fun. Portal 1+2 belong to my all-time favorite games, and I believe the devs got inspired by those. ;) Its dodge ability is very useful too, but as soon as you have leveled it to the max, that ability becomes available on other mounts as well.


I can't say anything about the **Griffon**, as I have not acquired it yet. However, I saw it on other players, and I did not like its looks. It actually creeped me out more than the Springer did at first :p , most certainly because of its huge owl head (which is not what a griffon actually looks like, and we already have [decent looking griffons in GW2](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hawkeye_Griffon "decent looking griffons in GW2")...).

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Raptor (speed+leap) + Skimmer (aka majestic glider who also protec) is my fave i guess. + Both have epic idles.

Springer controls like a truck with a carrot in place of a steering wheel, only use it to get over/up. And just moving around on it feels meh.

I would use Jackal instead of Raptor if not for his teleports dropping height every blink. So many times faceplanted into ledges and fell into abyss.

Still long way to Griffon.

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Raptor and Bunny are just great while skimmer is necessary for water hoovering.

I just don't understand what's the point of Jackal and Griffon. I don't find them useful. People mount Jackal just for the looks.

I stick to my Raptor bcs it's fast, jumps far and great at navigation. Nothing beats it.

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I like every mount :) But that's my ranking:


**1. The jackal:**

I am in LOVE with the jackal! Not only do I have the mount, I also got the jackal pup backpack and the mini jackal. It looks so damn cute when I am riding the big jackal while the pup jackal clings to me on my back. SO friggin cute!! :D My own cute little jackal family :D


I always pretend that the mini jackal and the mount jackal are the same. Before I mount the jackal he is just a normal-sized jackal. But when I want to mount him he gets bigger for me. :D

(that explains the mystery why my mini vanishes while I am riding a mount)


I also like to pretend that my mistfire wolf is part of that family xD


I don't know why some people say the jackal is useless. If I want to avoid fights I stick to the jackal. They never get me if I use the leap skill of the jackal. When I use the raptor or any other mount the mobs spot me faster. Sometimes you can't avoid running through mobs to get somewhere. But if I do that with the jackal and use leap they don't have a chance to catch up to me.


And it just feels easy and natural to me to ride the jackal. Easy to maneuver, fast and can do almost every jump the raptor can.


**2. The griffon:**

Majestic, graceful and sooo beautiful. Flying with the griffon is very useful and feels great. Being able to avoid all those annoying enemies on the ground is awesome. And the griffin fits perfectly to the image of my main that I like to imagine ^^


**3. The raptor:**

What an adorable little puppy! The raptor has such a cute personality. The idle animations are just too cute!


**4. The Springer:**

I don't like the design of the springer but it's so useful! Being able to jump that high is great.


**5. The Skimmer:**

The skimmer is the mount I use the least but I still like the design and everything.




My only complain about all of the mounts: I wish we could dye more than just one part of them :< The predefined parts don't give me a big choice. Some colours just look bad together with them so I try to stick with a colour that compliments the fixed colour. And that's just boring...please let us dye more parts! :)


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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> I like the Springer the most, i never thought i'd like that bunny, but it can get you basically everywhere on the map. I hope there will be different mount skins in the future, then the springer will be the #1 forever.


Yes, please! I would be the first to buy a skin just to change the appearance of that ugly bunny >.<

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Overall I use Jackal the most because it's the fastest to move around with and since you run through dense areas having more dodges is game changing (raptor loses a lot of its horizontal speed on uneven terrain sadly, where's Jackal's teleport doesn't and can also be used mid-fall to ignore fall damage completely).

But I like the Griffon the most, the look and feel of flying around on it and pressing that dive down skill on high terrain to gain an insane movement/fly speed increase, feels very satisfying if you can get this effect off.

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