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Dungeons are dead


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


> If I had a wish-granting djinn, I'd go with a reuse of the assets for the good stuff we already know that works: story, fractals, small maps.


> 1. Move the story mode to personal story like Arah's.

> 2. Move the explorable paths to Fractals.

> 3. Turn the dungeon maps themselves into small open world areas that happen after each dungeon's story mode. Finishing jumping puzzles in them, each one getting 2-4 repeatable hearts depending on the size of the map, and several events scattered over the map. And in some of them a meta-event in a 1 or 2-hour cycle.


I particularly like the idea of moving dungeon's into the Story Mode/Solo content like Arah and making explorable/solo paths in Fractals. Really great concepts. Group content should always remain an option but it would be really nice to have solo options too (for less rewards of course).


One other option I would want to add -

4. God Mode. Just for fun, the mobs do no damage and players can just be tourists admiring the dungeon design. No rewards for this option of course, but it might be appealing to RP-ers who may want to hold balls in an emptied Caudecus' Manor for example lol.


BTW - when you say dungeons should be int he open world, you mean there would be a gateway leading into them, not that the maps would need have them integrated into them (which would be more work)


If you find that wish-granting djinn, I will gladly donate Mystic Crystals for these wishes!


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