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Any plans for adding new rewards for top 250?

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I really appreciate the upcoming shakeup since PvP seasons were getting kind of stale. But with the removal of top 250 titles it's going to be even more of a pure pip grindfest. Yes I know they are adding new rewards to the league vendor, but who cares about stuff anyone could just farm for. Is there anything planned for rewarding top 250 or is ranking going to be obsolete? With new rewards the old titles are not invalidated while there is an actual incentive to win(trade). And please no more ascended boxes. These are fine, but not unique enough to motivate players.

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Right. When win trading was more widespread, many titles were gained unfairly.


Removing PvP titles all together is extremely lazy from an auditing perspective and will not improve PvP at all.


It is also extremely unfair to not allow future players like me who would like to try to be the top 250 and have something to show for it.


Could you imagine what would happen if you removed the PvP Legendary Backpack and Glider and would not allow players to obtain it in the future? Both the PvE and PvP players would riot and cry for years to come.


Removing the top 250 titles or higher will upset most competitive PvP players in exactly the same way.


We don't necessarily want more Pips in order to get More Gold. We want a balanced game with fair match ups and climbing the leader board to actually mean something.


If titles are removed altogether, what incentive do I have to ever get or maintain platinium 1 or higher? Right now I play at a Gold 3 level, but have always tried to get better.


So whenever you take something away, you have to give something back. Anet took away duo quo for high level players, but finally brought it back.


I am willing to wait for the official blog with details on what exactly is happening, but some titles need to still be achievable.


I will riot by the way if all titles are removed. I am willing to accept that some titles will no longer be obtainable, but I will be extremely upset and go play Starcraft 2 or OverWatch and leave this game for good if all titles related to rank are removed.


ANET could learn a lot from looking at their main competitor Blizzard and their marketing team and how they approach the PvP community.


For example, more hacking and win trading bans need to be implemented to make this game more fun and fair for everyone.


Stop catering to just the PvE community and actually focus on what PvP players come back for. You can give players both by the way.


I really hope the next Guildwars 2 expansion has a greater emphasis on PvP and revamping titles, achievements and the match making system.


You have the best PvP mechanics in a RPG and are really not capitalizing on building and marketing towards the PvP community.


Whatever happened to a release of Guild Wars 2 on a Console platform for Play Station or X-Box ?


Why is there not a minI-Game GuildWars 2 app in development? Would it really be that hard to create a Polymock game using Mini's Obtained from GW2 game?


If you don't devote resources to developing the PvP game mode, then you are not willing to taking a risk. And without being willing to take a risk, you can't ever receive the rewards of becoming even more successful.

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Give the top players some gold or gems, but nothing that people will be willing to pay real world money for. Maybe XX00 gold and a precursor or or something. The leaderboard will still be there, and people can see you on the top spots.


Maybe a top 250 wide title and the above mentioned rewards.


But anything that is unique, will have the same game as always. Wintraders and end season throwers on alts padding their spots.


Who knows what is coming down the pipe that could replace this ranked debacle. Maybe Anet hasn't leaked everything and they have a surprise. Cause there were no surprises with PoF lol

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Give the top players some gold or gems, but nothing that people will be willing to pay real world money for. Maybe XX00 gold and a precursor or or something. The leaderboard will still be there, and people can see you on the top spots.


> Maybe a top 250 wide title and the above mentioned rewards.


> But anything that is unique, will have the same game as always. Wintraders and end season throwers on alts padding their spots.


> Who knows what is coming down the pipe that could replace this ranked debacle. Maybe Anet hasn't leaked everything and they have a surprise. Cause there were no surprises with PoF lol


A-net deciding to remove titles or other unique rewards to discourage win trading is like the Olympic committee deciding to stop handing out medals at the Olympics in an effort to prevent the people competing in the games from using steroids.


People pay real world money for gold and gems too btw.


I don't care about people seeing my spot on the leaderboard, I care about having something for myself (like a trophy) to take home after the season has ended and moved on.



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I can understand trying to deter win traders by removing titles but I believe this is the completely wrong step (unless other rewards are being added but at that point... why remove them in the first place). You are essentially ruining the point of playing ranked. Sure there are plays who will continue to play ranked just to see their name on a leader board and that is totally cool. To each their own. However, this is the wrong thing to do.


Look at other games/companies that have reward titles and their paths/history. Did you see them remove titles/rewards after X amount of time to deter win traders? No. The argument people are making that "you should have gotten them earlier" is a weak argument with nothing to support it. Other games have titles and while they change titles per season or per expansion they never remove the ability to get them playing competitively. What needs to be done is you need to crack down on win-traders and give them a swift and harsh punishment. You don't have to ban the account if you don't want to but making them ineligible for season rewards for at least the current + next season on top of a rating reset is a start. With a game that is free to play giving people a 30 day slap on the wrist does nothing.


We clearly saw this season that the win traders were dealt with pretty quickly and removed from the ladder. Why cant this process be done each season? If its personnel you lack then hire and accommodate for a balancing/exploits team for both pvp and pve. If you already have one, expand it. Removing these title rewards and all rewards from competitive ranked pvp is abysmal and should seriously be reconsidered.


At this point if you remove titles you may as well combine both unranked and ranked ques in a "PvP" que and call it a day. Doing that will also kill the competitive nature of your game.



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Anet is making a mistake as title farming is a symptom, not the cause, of wintrading. Win trading will always exist in any ranked system even if it's just for the sake of winning and elo. Some people just flat out get a kick out of cheating and do it purely for trolling / griefing purposes. **These people will always want to do this. There is nothing anyone can do to stop them from being dicks.** Trying to remove rewards does nothing but make the format less attractive to everyone.


The true cause is more or less a matching system that allows for win trading - which team Q in a game that doesn't have extremely high population and a matchmaking system that can be gamed by sync-queing is exactly that. So thus we will ironically likely see MORE wintrading next season, not less.



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