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A couple of suggestions for upcoming PvP-seasons


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> @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > Spectating ranked games for a friend would be one of the BEST changes that could possibly be made. It enables coaching which helps people get better.

> > >

> > > Yes, i want to be able to spectate so i can discord my friend where they at. No exploits here, move along!.

> >

> > Sorry I didn't realize that telling a friend what they can ALREADY SEE on their screen is exploiting.


> I think the issue here is that a second set of eyes can see alot more ;), not that its an exploit :D In all honesty, though I am all for spectating matches in order to coach, but this would get abused to no end for the upper end of the ladder.


Good point. Maybe once a match is finished, you have the option of replaying it alone or with people in your party. With another option to save them to your computer to watch in the future.

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A suggestion if the team queue separated from solo would come back:


If you are in a ranked solo queue and your team is doing well you could choose at the end of the match to team up with them if all 5 of you want to (as shown in unranked) the team will receive a small reward (more PvP exp / faster reward track / maybe +1 pip more?) which would increase for every won match by the team until a number of matches would be won.


This would encourage people to find new friends and play together with them instead of creating a lot of small teams which would exclude everyone not member of their team.

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> @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:


> > The population will NEVER get big enough if you DON'T bring back a means of friends playing with a group (3-5) of friends in a competitive environment at any time. It's catch 22. ^^ AT's are too "hard" for those looking to play on a bronze-silver lvl. and even if they make them 1 time/hour, it's not the same at all as just jumping in a game with friends at your own convenience.

> > In all my guilds through the early seasons, this is something we enjoyed and did the most all the time. For higher lvl./solo players it might not be as interesting, but for average gamers which make up the bulk of bronze-gold this would be immense. = A lot more population.


> A fair enough argument in theory, however, GW2 has backed itself into a pretty nasty corner. The population as it is currently is too low to support a seperate 5-man queue and an integrated 5 man queue will lead to the worsening of match quality. Integrating either might start bringing people back, but this will happen slowly and now that you have higher queue times and/or worse match quality, people might not like what they find and rather stay away. The short run impact of these changes is too negative currently for anet to even consider attempting.



Ah but this we will never know if we don't try. And that's why I mention marketing is also needed by Anet. If they just put it in without a lot of fanfare and bad timing, ofc. it will probably be a catastrophe, but Anet knows better than that.


And why not try it when the new expansion comes out and there will be a lot of new+old players players anyway and "free" advertising as you can bundle it in with all the other new stuff since you will do marketing around the Exp. anyway?

And/or as I also suggested on special occasions to start with. I.E. between seasons or 1 weekend a month or during Halloween/Xmas specials etc. etc.

@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" ? =)


There's are many other options to consider, but fear of a bad result is just that, fear... if one thing doesn't work, you try something else. But at least you're trying, doing nothing will not bring ppl. back in hordes. New games are always coming out and pulling away more and more people. The foundation in an MMORPG is that you can play what you like in the game with friends (as many as possible), and it will be vital for a healthy resurgence that we have more new and old ways to play together to keep a healthy population imo..

I play a lot of other games where I can play with 5 friends in a group and that's also what all my friends spend most of their time doing.


It might not be the correct crowd to bring this subject to, since maybe there are mostly solo players left in GW2 PvP... but I'm still in 2 different PvP Guilds on different servers and accounts and we try to play together as much as possible, but we long for the old days, not only farming unranked.


Thx for listening and giving feedback everyone, much appreciated!



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> @"Solidaris.5423" said:

> A suggestion if the team queue separated from solo would come back:


> If you are in a ranked solo queue and your team is doing well you could choose at the end of the match to team up with them if all 5 of you want to (as shown in unranked) the team will receive a small reward (more PvP exp / faster reward track / maybe +1 pip more?) which would increase for every won match by the team until a number of matches would be won.


> This would encourage people to find new friends and play together with them instead of creating a lot of small teams which would exclude everyone not member of their team.


that's basically what i recommended earlier....RA from gw1 (you could even do its own leaderboard for longest streak or something be pretty easy to add a new game mode without wasting all the dev time in conquest/maps and yet feel fresh from the typical solo exp.) all they need to do is add some reward for win streak that gets progressively better then maxes out at a certain number i believe for gw1 it was 10 games...

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Amazing suggestions. 100% agree with every one.


> These would draw a massive amount of players in AND BACK in to the game.


> GW2 needs more hype. PvP should be fun and exciting with official (not player-run) tournaments to compete in. Actual promoted tournaments that can be streamed on twitch.


I really agree. In fact, Gw2 is not only not hyped, but it also gets bad names from its own players, even those who on a bottom line likes the game.


I genuinely think official tournaments are the way out of this one, because the feeling I get as to why people are actively dissing a game they like is that when there is no esports, there is almost no audience.

When there is no audience, there is no recognition for the skill of a competitive player. New people coming into this game can go a long time not knowing the name of almost any or all good pvpers.


From personal friends of mine a lack of esports in itself is enough to turn them down from giving a 2nd thought about the game i’m talking to them to as anything skillful or with competitive potential, regardless of anything else I say.


Oh and spectating friends, would be incredible feature that is well worth its investment.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > You know what I find hilarious? I am getting notifications about this thread as if I created it...LOL.

> >


> You bookmarked the thread. Go to the OP, on the right side of the bar where the OP's name is displayed, uncheck the bookmark icon.


Hahaha my dang potato fingers got me again. Case closed. Thanks

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> > @"Namless.4028" said:

> > spectating friend could create too much of an advantage for that friend. Id prefer just watch a random match


> see this is the kinda decision making in the name of "competitiveness" that trumps "fun" i think this detrimental to the game.... my .02 if someone has a friend who will literally sit and spectate to call out things to give a player a "slight" advantage im ok with it personally!



> maybe limit spectate to just the perspective of the friend they are watching??? happy medium


Just put spectator mode with 15 seconds delay, so advices are too late to be useful

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> @"Mirage.4536" said:


> 2. - Let us spectate friends playing PvP. Not only is it fun if you're friend is a good player, they can teach you how to play (since there are no good tutorials in-game), but it can also help with finding cheaters and reporting them. And maybe your friend has no means of streaming, but you would love to chill out and see them play. If the servers cant handle X players spectating, just make a cap and a queue system or something. "


I want to add, that the spectating shouldn't have a free camera mode, it should only follow your friend so that the player don't get an advantage of the spectator telling you what everyone else is doing. And ofc. maybe a 5 sec delay. More than that isn't good if you want to teach the spectator and explain things.




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> @"Mirage.4536" said:

> > @"Mirage.4536" said:


> > 2. - Let us spectate friends playing PvP. Not only is it fun if you're friend is a good player, they can teach you how to play (since there are no good tutorials in-game), but it can also help with finding cheaters and reporting them. And maybe your friend has no means of streaming, but you would love to chill out and see them play. If the servers cant handle X players spectating, just make a cap and a queue system or something. "


> I want to add, that the spectating shouldn't have a free camera mode, it should only follow your friend so that the player don't get an advantage of the spectator telling you what everyone else is doing. And ofc. maybe a 5 sec delay. More than that isn't good if you want to teach the spectator and explain things.





I think such a feature should be used more as a tool to watch better players and learn from them that way.


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