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Confusion should function similar to retaliation

Hot Boy.7138

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The opposition here will say , "you died cause you spammed your skills." Which is actually quite wrong. You are taking massive damage from confusion even if you use two skill casts. Let's say confusion hits you just as you pressed used any skill, could be auto attack or anything. So then you get hit once right away with a massive condi tick. then you try to get for a cleanse, it fails, you get hit again for a second condi tick. Now's lets say you're fighting a mirage, the clones are battering away more conditions on you and if you try to aoe or cleave them down, you die. Don't, you die. Need to run, well you have a ton of torment stacks on you also, move you die lol. Casting 1 skill, or even 2 is not "spamming" skills. My definition of spamming skills is mindlessly pressing as many buttons as you can. You cannot even spam skills if you wanted to cause after a couple button presses you are dead anyway. Confusion is far too punishing as it is. It should not be stacking in intensity.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> The opposition here will say , "you died cause you spammed your skills." Which is actually quite wrong. You are taking massive damage from confusion even if you use two skill casts.

And whose fault is that? The best condition mirage build in the game will have 4 seconds as the max duration of confusion and other stacks through Ineptitude last even less than that. If you can't slow down and stop using skills for 4 seconds, that's your fault.


> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> Let's say confusion hits you just as you pressed used any skill, could be auto attack or anything. So then you get hit once right away with a massive condi tick. then you try to get for a cleanse, it fails, you get hit again for a second condi tick.


Here's the thing. You don't need to cleanse the confusion. 30 stacks, which requires you eating literally everything they can hit you at once and not bothering to avoid any of it will do 3,000 damage. Just 3,000. For literally their entire arsenal of confusion damage. Cleansing the confusion is absolutely a mistake because it's unnecessary unless you were already on the edge of death anyway. This isn't like prenerf mesmer torch where if you got tagged you'd literally take 16,000 burning damage over four seconds.


> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

>Now's lets say you're fighting a mirage, the clones are battering away more conditions on you and if you try to aoe or cleave them down, you die. Don't, you die. Need to run, well you have a ton of torment stacks on you also, move you die lol. Casting 1 skill, or even 2 is not "spamming" skills. My definition of spamming skills is mindlessly pressing as many buttons as you can. You cannot even spam skills if you wanted to cause after a couple button presses you are dead anyway. Confusion is far too punishing as it is. It should not be stacking in intensity.


You really sound like you have no understanding of how condition mesmers are applying their damage to you in the first place and as a result end up eating everything.



This video will provide a lot of helpful information and is mostly still relevant except mesmers are running axe+torch / sword+pistol and Arcane Thievery instead of Signet of Midnight now a days. The primary fundamentals of the build are still mostly the same. And even if you don't run thief this video breaks down exactly what to animations to avoid when fighting condition mirages.


> @"santenal.1054" said:

> How many times per second can you proc confusion? 5 times? 10 times? Anyway, I think the potential damage is too high compared to the other damage dealing conditions that only can do a certain max amount of damage per second. Also, high APM builds get punished way harder than low APM builds.


Builds interact differently to other builds as a universal rule. I don't see why it's necessarily bad in this particular case.

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