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Pug raid complain

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Just 1 quick complain,

I am glad that some of you have voice title and part of speed clear guild and so on.

And, I will admit, I am just casual raider who likes to clear casually.

But, Please do not try to run my raid when I am commanding. My group, my rules, my expectation.

If you don't like it, you may whisper me or leave my group. You can call me noob or whatever. I really don't care. But nothing gets on my nerve more than when you start point finger at my group member.

Thank you.


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I agree. I also applaud you for making your own casual-style groups if that's how you enjoy to play.


If both groups (that like different styles of play) can just respect we play the game differently and either play as expected or LEAVE rather than demanding the game is played as you wish, we'd have much less toxicity. The moment a commander tells me we're taking updrafts on gorseval or wall strat on sloth, I just alt F4. Saves everyone a lot of frustrations.


That said if people call out what mistakes were made, sometimes it isn't bad to just listen and accept the critique. They might be right. Just something to consider.



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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Just 1 quick complain,

> I am glad that some of you have voice title and part of speed clear guild and so on.

> And, I will admit, I am just casual raider who likes to clear casually.

> But, Please do not try to run my raid when I am commanding. My group, my rules, my expectation.

> If you don't like it, you may whisper me or leave my group. You can call me noob or whatever. I really don't care. But nothing gets on my nerve more than when you start point finger at my group member.

> Thank you.



Thumps up.


Sorry to hear you ran into that issue. Yes, the rule "make your own raid if you want to manage it" applies to everyone.


Nothing like having 8 backseat drivers all telling the commander what to do, especially when something goes wrong.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> I agree. I also applaud you for making your own casual-style groups if that's how you enjoy to play.


> If both groups (that like different styles of play) can just respect we play the game differently and either play as expected or LEAVE rather than demanding the game is played as you wish, we'd have much less toxicity. The moment a commander tells me we're taking updrafts on gorseval or wall strat on sloth, I just alt F4. Saves everyone a lot of frustrations.


> That said if people call out what mistakes were made, sometimes it isn't bad to just listen and accept the critique. They might be right. Just something to consider.




Absolutely agree with what you said. I am always willing to listen constructive feedback as long as it doesn't come with hostile words.

My bottom line is, I play game for fun and release stress from work and stuff.

Wiping here and there, I find it fun.

Same as some others find fun speed clearing, low manning, ele tanking and stuff.

And, when I join other people, I try my best to play their way. If I don't like it or I can't do what is expected, I simply thank them and leave.


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This kinda strikes right at the heart of one of the prevalent arguments raiders give for why nothing should be changed. "Well, if you don't like it, make your own group", which is repeated ad nauseam as the solution to everything.


Then nobody talks about what happens AFTER that. How when people do this they are treated poorly, as people try to walk over them for trying something different, or even trying to start a raid group at all. Then the established raiders wonder why people find it hard to even get started. This right here is why.


Thanks for speaking up about that, it really is needed. However, I doubt the large group of players with the mentality you are taking about are going to get the memo.


I do know I'll tell people to kick rocks if they try that in a group I'm in however. Followed by everyone's favorite line, "then go make your own group."

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> @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> This kinda strikes right at the heart of one of the prevalent arguments raiders give for why nothing should be changed. "Well, if you don't like it, make your own group", which is repeated ad nauseam as the solution to everything.


> Then nobody talks about what happens AFTER that. How when people do this they are treated poorly, as people try to walk over them for trying something different, or even trying to start a raid group at all. Then the established raiders wonder why people find it hard to even get started. This right here is why.


> Thanks for speaking up about that, it really is needed. However, I doubt the large group of players with the mentality you are taking about are going to get the memo.


> I do know I'll tell people to kick rocks if they try that in a group I'm in however. Followed by everyone's favorite line, "then go make your own group."


You make it sound as though every casual raid group gets infiltrated by unpleasant experienced players and then they turn toxic.


Yes it happens, just like how inexperienced players join groups way above their experience level. How people deal with this in both situations is up to the individual.


In general, when you make your own group, you will be in control and my personal experience has been that if you as lead aren't toxic, the group will have fun. Worst case you might have to shuffle 1-2 people.

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> @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> This kinda strikes right at the heart of one of the prevalent arguments raiders give for why nothing should be changed. "Well, if you don't like it, make your own group", which is repeated ad nauseam as the solution to everything.


> Then nobody talks about what happens AFTER that. How when people do this they are treated poorly, as people try to walk over them for trying something different, or even trying to start a raid group at all. Then the established raiders wonder why people find it hard to even get started. This right here is why.


> Thanks for speaking up about that, it really is needed. However, I doubt the large group of players with the mentality you are taking about are going to get the memo.


> I do know I'll tell people to kick rocks if they try that in a group I'm in however. Followed by everyone's favorite line, "then go make your own group."


Get off your high horse. I've done a fair amount of "late night meme raids" and if you inform players you're not going to care about the meta and just do you; they won't whine about it either. If they do, kick them.


It's not hard to get started if you're willing to put in the effort. The reason it's hard to get started is unrealistic expectations, not willing to put in any effort or being upset as soon as someone tells you to do something differently.


If elitists are being "too elitist" for your liking in YOUR groups, kick them.

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Just 1 quick complain,

> I am glad that some of you have voice title and part of speed clear guild and so on.

> And, I will admit, I am just casual raider who likes to clear casually.

> But, Please do not try to run my raid when I am commanding. My group, my rules, my expectation.

> If you don't like it, you may whisper me or leave my group. You can call me noob or whatever. I really don't care. But nothing gets on my nerve more than when you start point finger at my group member.

> Thank you.



Just a reminder that as a commander you have a hefty "Kick" option at your disposal. ;)

Honestly, I think it would be much more effective at actually changing someone's behavior than a complaint thread on the forums.

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> @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> This kinda strikes right at the heart of one of the prevalent arguments raiders give for why nothing should be changed. "Well, if you don't like it, make your own group", which is repeated ad nauseam as the solution to everything.


> Then nobody talks about what happens AFTER that.


I'll tell you what happens. I joined what I can only assume was a friendly W4 squad last night. All the time we had one dps deal significantly less damage than the others. So... nobody said a word, we just killed the bosses. That's what happens.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> > This kinda strikes right at the heart of one of the prevalent arguments raiders give for why nothing should be changed. "Well, if you don't like it, make your own group", which is repeated ad nauseam as the solution to everything.

> >

> > Then nobody talks about what happens AFTER that.


> I'll tell you what happens. I joined what I can only assume was a friendly W4 squad last night. All the time we had one dps deal significantly less damage than the others. So... nobody said a word, we just killed the bosses. That's what happens.


Sometime, I just whisper the player nice way.

Like, hey, I am not sure if you are new or testing new build, but your dps/performance is on low side. Just thought, you wanted to know.


It comes back to me usually asking for help and sometime snappy way. Then I just apologize and keep moving.


But, we can all do better and approach it nice way first.

But, the scenario I am talking about are very different. They just attack you and constant verbal abuse.

They even come in pack just to do this? Sometime I wonder.

And, I do kick them sometime. Most of the time, I just say that we are not all same lvl of experience. I expect this as pug run so please be nice to other.

Then I get attacked. Like, one guy said that I should not have tag coz I don't run raid the way it supposed to. And there are few other incidents.


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Heyo,I can see this struggle,and I can see this pain as well

I am the type of player who would like to try and play different builds that I wanna create,and just enjoy it,and I hate that the meta stuff are what makes you get accepted as a player,if there is a raid group/guild or whatever that doesn't care about which build a person is using,I would like to be a part of that ^^

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> @"MightyOne.1742" said:

> Heyo,I can see this struggle,and I can see this pain as well

> I am the type of player who would like to try and play different builds that I wanna create,and just enjoy it,and I hate that the meta stuff are what makes you get accepted as a player,if there is a raid group/guild or whatever that doesn't care about which build a person is using,I would like to be a part of that ^^


Just to clarify:

No matter if you play a meta build or not, just about any raid will require you to some what pull your own weight. If you can do so on a non-meta build (and that's quite easy to do) then most raid commanders will not have any issue with you playing what you want.


If you hope to join a raid group with your untested, unpracticed, open world build, expect to be kicked and replaced very very fast no matter how tolerant the group.


Your best bet to see if you can provide the required performance, take your off meta build (or meta build) to the training golem and see how you perform.

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Just 1 quick complain,

> I am glad that some of you have voice title and part of speed clear guild and so on.

> And, I will admit, I am just casual raider who likes to clear casually.

> But, Please do not try to run my raid when I am commanding. My group, my rules, my expectation.

> If you don't like it, you may whisper me or leave my group. You can call me noob or whatever. I really don't care. But nothing gets on my nerve more than when you start point finger at my group member.

> Thank you.



1. Voice title was bugged by 5% of the people was it? During the deadeye bug. It has no value as anet wont do anything about it.

2. I dont think you will find many high li people care what you do. Only those 100-250 who think they are above all others because they read SC guides.


If you are a good commander you will give them a warning and then kick, easy.

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