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No room for Spectral Walk (PvE)?


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Very new to Necro, and just unlocked Reaper elite last night, and I can't find room on my bar for this skill.

All my other LV 80 professions have some form of sprint (often combined with stunbreak) which I use a lot during combat in PvE, or just to move faster in Fractals and Dungeons.


But my current Power Reaper GS build is looking to run Suffer / Well of Suffering / You are Weaklings.


Well of Suffering seems t0o good a DPS ability to lose.

You are Weaklings is Might generation on demand

Suffer is what I intend to use for Condition Removal, as I'm running Your Soul is Mine as healing skill (I find the cast time on Consume Conditions too long), as well as extra Chill and Vul stacking.


So that's it? Am I just supposed to not have a sprint? None of the builds I've read on Metabattle or Wiki run this utility, so there must be reasons.


Please reassure a newbie Necro :(

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Necro has low mobility, and is excepted to dedicate a skill to it for selfish needs, or gained through group comp. This is really nothing new to builds that focus more damage then self sustain or support. For my Reaper I just run this for open world...... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Speed

The swiftness it gives can stack up to 1:20, and easily re-up it by stopping for 5 seconds to burst down a group of trash mobs every now and then. Its practically perma swiftness, and the sigil itself is cheap. For everything else theres Mounts.


Just drop sigil of air, or use an Exotic GS for open world with Sigil of Speed if you make a big deal out of optimal damage for Fractals. Honestly the damage loss isn't that big of a deal, and this offers you 100% swiftness uptime, which none of your skills or traits can accomplish. Swiftness food is too expensive to really be worth upkeeping, and your only other alternative is Traited Daggers (Quickening Thirst).

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Necro has low mobility, and is excepted to dedicate a skill to it for selfish needs, or gained through group comp. This is really nothing new to builds that focus more damage then self sustain or support. For my Reaper I just run this for open world...... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Speed

> The swiftness it gives can stack up to 1:20, and easily re-up it by stopping for 5 seconds to burst down a group of trash mobs every now and then. Its practically perma swiftness, and the sigil itself is cheap. For everything else theres Mounts.


> Just drop sigil of air, or use an Exotic GS for open world with Sigil of Speed if you make a big deal out of optimal damage for Fractals. Honestly the damage loss isn't that big of a deal, and this offers you 100% swiftness uptime, which none of your skills or traits can accomplish. Swiftness food is too expensive to really be worth upkeeping, and your only other alternative is Traited Daggers (Quickening Thirst).


You could always slot [signet of the Locust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_the_Locust "Signet of the Locust") to get from point a to b. Then remember to switch it out before combat. I hate how slow necros are as well, and that's what I main. The other alternative is to slot [superior Rune of the Traveler](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Traveler) or [superior Rune of Speed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Speed)

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Spectral skills are particularly useful in generating life force. If you really want to use them trait spectral skill cool down reduction in Soul Reaping instead of Vital Persistence.


If you want to use wells as a Reaper, consider traiting their cool down reduction in Blood Magic and also taking the dagger CD reduction and movement speed increase as well. Use axe/dagger as your ranged weapon set instead of staff. Swap to axe/dagger when you need to move. If you are playing condi-Reaper with Deathly Chill, use scepter/dagger.


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Hmm, thank you all for the replies, but those really aren't solutions for what I'm looking for, which is an on demand sprint.



My Daredevil runs Haste

My Guardian runs Retreat

My Ranger has Moa Stance and also can merge with Eagle for swiftness + swoop


All of which can be used to get into combat, run away from combat, or to tackle things like jumping puzzles, or fractal elements (think Indiana Jones boulder running in Volcanic for example). I wouldn't be so bothered if it weren't for the fact that Reaper is essentially a melee spec without a leap/charge to get into combat.


Scourge seems to have this covered with Trail of Anguish (though I don't know if people run it), and with a better cooldown. Feelsbad.


Oh well, I'll try running with it and see what happens.

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Death Shroud's Dark Path

Reaper Shroud's Death's Charge

Scourge's Sand Swell

Flesh Wurm (summon and destroy)


War Horn's Locust Swarm

Spectral Walk

Signet of the Locust

Speed of Shadows (SR)

Quickening Thirst (BM)



Spectral Grasp


Runes and sigils



Aquatic Foul Current

Aquatic Dark Spear

Aquatic Deadly Catch

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Low mobility is part of Necro. In theory it's offset by greater defense (Shroud) but in reality... well, there's a reason so many people think Necro needs an overhaul. A Spectral Core Power build (Grasp/Walk/Armor, Soul Reaping + Spite) can be effective at PVE if you don't have access to elite specs yet, but otherwise Core is weak and all the Spectrals are outclassed by other skills in espec builds.


In the meantime, look at Rune Of The Traveler for your armor to offset the low mobility of the class.

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So much fuss over nothing.


Go soul reaping, trait Speed of Shadows and then just flash shroud for free 10s swiftness.

You can also equip warhorn and trait banshee's veil on blood magic for huge swiftness uptime. Though you gotta be careful no to initiate combat by hitting mobs with locust swarm ticks as you drive by.

Mounts. Obviously.

Rune of the centaur is another option (great vs getting crippled too).


Also there are two 25% movement speed no swiftness boosts for necro - signet of locust passive and quickening thirst trait if you're holding a dagger, no matter in which hand.


Specral walk can work too, though tbh it has a different PvE use - for jumping puzzles. It'll bring you back to start no matter the pathing, more then can be said for flesh wurm.



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> So much fuss over nothing.


> Go soul reaping, trait Speed of Shadows and then just flash shroud for free 10s swiftness.

> You can also equip warhorn and trait banshee's veil on blood magic for huge swiftness uptime. Though you gotta be careful no to initiate combat by hitting mobs with locust swarm ticks as you drive by.

> Mounts. Obviously.

> Rune of the centaur is another option (great vs getting crippled too).


> Also there are two 25% movement speed no swiftness boosts for necro - signet of locust passive and quickening thirst trait if you're holding a dagger, no matter in which hand.


> Specral walk can work too, though tbh it has a different PvE use - for jumping puzzles. It'll bring you back to start no matter the pathing, more then can be said for flesh wurm.




I'm looking at Speed of Shadows which looks viable, thing is though, I wanted to run Blood Magic instead.

If I'm running Blood Magic, taking Banshee over Vampiric Presence makes little sense, since Vampiric is one the major reasons I wanted to run Blood in the first place.

I'm also going to try out warhorn, even though Focus is better DPS for a build focusing on chill, I don't swap to Axe/x very often unless I need to stay at range, otherwise I'm just going from GS to Shroud. I am worried about aggroing mobs while running past them though. Will test.


All your answers are all in-game solutions, but none of them makes any sense to use in an every day build. Centaur Runes over Scholar? Sure that works, but that's a bit of a damage loss....


So the 'fuss' as you put it, is that I don't have these issues on my Guardian, Thief, Ranger, or the Revenant I'm leveling - all have access to swiftness on demand as part of their standard build, and in fact, that swiftness is baked into an ability that gives other defensive / offensive options, like Fury or Quickness, and all with much lower cooldowns. Necromancer so far is the only prof where I'm struggling to fit this boon in. I'm too new at the prof to be salty about this, but I call it like I see it.

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If you're worried about DPS loss from dropping Scholar runes, you're running the wrong class. You'd be far better off looking at another class for raid-type DPS roles. I wish it wasn't so, but the things Necro is good at are not the things that raid groups have need for. The class strength is small groups or zergs where it's ability to res others/be the last one fighting allow us to turn an encounter by keeping the team up. In meta raid groups that function isn't needed, because going down at all is considered a failure in the first place. There's a reason all necros are salty.


If you're not raiding, then the Scholar bonus is irrelevant because PVE is easy. May as well make life easier on yourself and get a speed set.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I'm looking at Speed of Shadows which looks viable, thing is though, I wanted to run Blood Magic instead.

> If I'm running Blood Magic, taking Banshee over Vampiric Presence makes little sense, since Vampiric is one the major reasons I wanted to run Blood in the first place.

> I'm also going to try out warhorn, even though Focus is better DPS for a build focusing on chill, I don't swap to Axe/x very often unless I need to stay at range, otherwise I'm just going from GS to Shroud. I am worried about aggroing mobs while running past them though. Will test.


> All your answers are all in-game solutions, but none of them makes any sense to use in an every day build. Centaur Runes over Scholar? Sure that works, but that's a bit of a damage loss....


> So the 'fuss' as you put it, is that I don't have these issues on my Guardian, Thief, Ranger, or the Revenant I'm leveling - all have access to swiftness on demand as part of their standard build, and in fact, that swiftness is baked into an ability that gives other defensive / offensive options, like Fury or Quickness, and all with much lower cooldowns. Necromancer so far is the only prof where I'm struggling to fit this boon in. I'm too new at the prof to be salty about this, but I call it like I see it.

Focus does not increase your DPS in PvE. 90% of your time in PvE you stay on Greatsword as this and Shroud are your DPS tools. Only if you run out of defenses you switch to Axe/X and kite.


If you run Blood Magic:

Run the Dagger +25% movement speed trait and run Axe/Dager+GS, if you don't want to change you utilities. But in Blood Magic it would make much more sense to run the movement trait and traited Well of Blood, Well of Suffering, Well of Corruption and Well of Power. A wells Reaper is super effective in Open World content and not as boring and passive as a minon build.


If you run Soul Reaping:

Speed of Shadows and Warhorn for perma swiftness.


You are all Weaklings is pretty useless (redundant) in PvE. I don't know why you like this skill so much. Might generation is not a problem at all on Reaper. 5 seconds into combat and you have your 25 might stack even without "YAAW!".


The damage part of "Suffer!" can be replaced by Sigil of Hydromancy.


Please keep Scholar Rune. It's your best pick for PvE power builds.

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Regardless of what you do, you should drop YAAW. Most groups will have group-wide might generation as it is, and reaper in general can stack a lot of might very quickly or it simply will get more damage by utilizing the life force gains on various spectral skills.


If you want to run BM, either take Spite for the might gain and slot SWalk or Signet of the Locust, or go Soul Reaping and opt for Speed of Shadows and rotate shroud. Though personally, I'd opt for both SR and Spite using SotL and Signets of Suffering traited for anything except raid content where people get really uppity about DPS; the gains on Scholar runes will outweigh the losses incurred from Close to Death, and SotL is a nice emergency heal when fighting multiple enemies in solo content or to maintain the Scholar Rune bonus, allowing more liberal use of Suffer for life force and to keep your HP high. Swiftness will generally be provided by your group in most cases, and you can flicker Death's Charge for small bumps in movement if people start running ahead. Their loss for starting without you, otherwise.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> So the 'fuss' as you put it, is that I don't have these issues on my Guardian, Thief, Ranger, or the Revenant I'm leveling - all have access to swiftness on demand as part of their standard build, and in fact, that swiftness is baked into an ability that gives other defensive / offensive options, like Fury or Quickness, and all with much lower cooldowns. Necromancer so far is the only prof where I'm struggling to fit this boon in. I'm too new at the prof to be salty about this, but I call it like I see it.


Not sure I understand something. All of these classes have "...swiftness on demand as part of their standard build"...like Warhorn 5, Speed of Shadows, Scourge's Sand Swell, traiting for having a dagger, etc. etc.? Those are all part of the standard builds for Necros. Are you talking about Skills or Traits or both? Give me an example of something a Guardian has, speed-wise, that a Necro doesn't. Really curious.


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They should just make this skill a teleport already. The flipover shhould be a second teleport to your previous target location.

So you aim, you teleport, you gain swiftness and break stun. Second activation teleports you to the same location instantaniously. More useful for combat engage and for confusing mobs/players. Give necros mobility already, its the only thibg that holds me back on this profession.

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