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Like the last few months chages to rev yet there is always one thing


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Rev/Thief are counters of each other so i was told... One point here is the reveal skill...... Thiefs can invis so much... Revs cant reveal but maybe once in pvp before the fight is over...


This is a bit unbalanced if you ask me when a thief can come in, stab, invis, jump out, repeat and repeat and even more repeat... Revs reveal skill takes way to long to recharge and offer any real counter to this over used attack style. Thanks for listening. =)


Posted for the Devs.... if you are a blogger, i probably wont return for discussions.

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Ignoring the thread won't save you from my response!


> @"RobMonty.3719" said:



(triggers threadbane tether)


Rev and Thief are NOT in competition with each other... who ever told you that isn't making sense. The Imbalance is with Stealth itself, and its not a unique trait of Thief..... Mesmer has comparable Stealth PLUS sustained attacks through it, but can the argument be raised that Revs are counter of Mesmer? And even if we ignore stealth, both Mes and Thief are burst oriented classes, and can setup and chain damage spikes with high reliability; to which Rev has very limited capacity to deal with, and must dedicate build elements specifically toward it.


The one possible argument that could be made is that Thief and Mes are highly vulnerable to hard shut downs, and Rev having a few strong, indiscriminate Stuns can capitalize on that. But that argument is weak, because its not denying their opponent's strength- the ability to control an engagement. Nothing in the game can really counter that.... but you could make the argument that a soft immunity, via high self sustain, can stymie it. Which is what the Warrior has, plus has access to hard shut downs and spike damage, which Mes and Thief are vulnerable to. But even having 2 fairly solid reveal skills ("On my mark"/Sight Beyond Sight), Warrior has problems if the target decides to disengage. Spell Breaker addresses some of these issues, making it one of 2 built-for anti-stealth; the other being Scrapper.








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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:

> Rev/Thief are counters of each other so i was told... One point here is the reveal skill...... Thiefs can invis so much... Revs cant reveal but maybe once in pvp before the fight is over...


> This is a bit unbalanced if you ask me when a thief can come in, stab, invis, jump out, repeat and repeat and even more repeat... Revs reveal skill takes way to long to recharge and offer any real counter to this over used attack style. Thanks for listening. =)


> Posted for the Devs.... if you are a blogger, i probably wont return for discussions.


It's not that bad unless you're facing a Deadeye, who's elite skill is completely ridiculous--removing revealed (the counter to stealth) and simultaneously stealthing (with 2 charges) is obviously a pretty broken mechanic.


The thing is tho, if you didn't kill a thief/daredevil in the spam of your one reveal, it doesn't really matter if he had a second stealth since you blew all your energy on the kill attempt and won't likely have enough to chase him down anyways. Which yes means then you are susceptible to hit and run thief shenanigans... But that's the price to pay for failing your murder attempt.


PS: the dev's and balance team clearly don't read the forums... And if they do, they certainly don't reply to threads like this. :bleep_bloop:

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Stealth is the strongest skill in the game, and as happens whith other games which implements invisibility mechanics, utterly breaks the game:


* Is the strongest damage denier in the game: instantly makes any skill which requires target to become temporaly useless.

* Is the best opening skill for any high damage or heavy cc combo: in a game in which animatios are the main tellers of enemy actions it covers the placement and activity of the hidden enemy and lets him to ignore the handicaps of the casting times.

* Is the ultimate tool to restart matches: even if the player makes mistakes a well placed stealth can get the player outside the pressure and lead to a total recovery, specially because most of the classes with access to stealth already had better mobility than most of the classes without.

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