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Comprehensive List of Merged Soulbeast Skills That Need to Be Updated


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Hello all. This is a list that I have made with consideration from both PvP and PvE. I would really like for more than a select few pets to be viable while playing as a Soulbeast. Of course, changing solely the skills gained from merging with pets is not enough to truly make lower-tier pets worth using over the most valuable pets, but it can help to alleviate the issue nonetheless.




* Harmonic Cry - Increase the base healing from 1780 to 3000 and the radius from 240 to 360. As it stands, the skill is rather weak and the radius makes it difficult to heal allies with. Additionally, Moas are one of the few pets that actually have a healing skill for the soulbeast to use. I think it would be logical if the White Moa pet had its pet archetype changed from Deadly to Supportive, that way Harmonic cry can be further enhanced by the +25% healing modifier granted by the Supportive archetype.


* Frenzied Attack - Increase the range to 180.




* Bite - Either increase the damage so it's worth using over an autoattack or increase the healing gained from the skill.




* Bite - This skill could use with a large damage increase. After all, feline pets are supposed to be DPS creatures, and neither of their merged skills do particularly impressive damage. Maul, however, is quite good for condi builds.




* Devourer Retreat - Increase the tunneling distance from 300 to 600. Might actually see some use by Longbow rangers to gain distance between them and their foes that way.




* Tail Swipe - When used by the pet, this skill is a high damage, 280 radius sweeping attack. When used by the ranger, it has its' damage cut by about half and its' radius reduced to 225. Double the base damage so it is on par with that of the pet, and increase its' radius back to 280.




* Poison Gas - Increase base poison duration to 5 per tick, and increase the stacks of poison granted per tick to 2 stacks.


* Immobilizing Web - Increase the projectile speed by 20%.




* Tail Lash - Increase the radius of the attack to 200 and double the base damage.




* Call Lightning - To explain, this skill, when used by the pet, does very high damage, but as a compromise, has a small radius of 180. When used by the player, the base damage is reduced by a little over half, but the radius is left pitfully small. Increase the radius of the player version to 240 to improve its effectiveness, but leave the damage as is.


* Photosynthesize - Reduce casting time to 1/2 second.


F3 Beast skills.


* Spiritual Reprieve - Reduce the casting time to 1 second and the cooldown to 30 seconds. Skills that are meant to counter conditions really need to be fast and responsive considering the nature of condition damage.


* Primal Cry - Reduce the cast time of the underwater variant of this skill to 1 and 1/4 seconds to match that of the land version.



Those are all the suggestions I have. Thank you for reading.





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One small change on your suggestion: Make white Moa stout and blue moa supportive. That synergyzes better with their F2 abbility out of beastmode.

Another suggestion for spiders would be to make the poisonfields the active skill of the spiders and the venom the soulbeast skill.

The venom could be taken from the forrestspider and the poisonfield could pulse poison plus a stack of the condition every spider would else apply via their venom.

So forrest spider would apply 2 stacks of poison with their field, jungle spider Immob, cave spider weakness every pulse and passively they would use deadly venom to apply poison on their target and so could you as soulbeast.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said

> Another suggestion for spiders would be to make the poisonfields the active skill of the spiders and the venom the soulbeast skill.

> The venom could be taken from the forrestspider and the poisonfield could pulse poison plus a stack of the condition every spider would else apply via their venom.

> So forrest spider would apply 2 stacks of poison with their field, jungle spider Immob, cave spider weakness every pulse and passively they would use deadly venom to apply poison on their target and so could you as soulbeast.


That is an excellent idea and should be implemented.

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MOST of merge skill is Meh not movement or support combo or varity range use.

They make for close range with a blunt move.


And I think...


Feline they are cat.

We should fast and movement like a cat.

1 Dash in and slash add some codition like bleed or Valu or crip.

2 Cat rollback and drag1victim forward your position.


Moa this pet look like cheerleader.

1Moa song Gain Healing and regen.

2Moa dance Gain swiffness and protection.


Devourer this look like sneaky shooting backbite.

1Agree retreat 600range and can add direction with "AWSD" if no direction click it alway fall backward.

2Add poison atk for next ???-attack.


Drake they are lizard looking tough.

1Tail swip change to block and couter.


It will be helpful.

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