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What is your Firebrand build?

Cave Rock.4869

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> @Alchimist.4738 said:

> [Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBWCBEEhlBCbfhGRvoYZgSQcyKAMtKAA-jxxGQBDZ/BCq8jeq/QunAoPIXnAAAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals")


> I’d take Radiance if I’m within a group dedicated to Condition Damage, otherwise either [Valor ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhFGC7qY1lCAYHgJwXaPf+PLoA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/hJqEEAHCg7BCAjIBYbbrabbbTkCwrVaA-e "Valor ")for more Aegis sharing and more self-healing, or [Virtue ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhlHCLr9MfyA7zz8ZAFLA0AySA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/BAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Virtue ")to have decreased cooldown on Tomes and more damage when you’ve Aegis, I think it’s more worth it to take Loremaster if you go Virtue.

> If you have enough Quickness you can take Renewed Focus to have an easier access to Tomes and 3sec. of invulnerability, or Signet of Courage for better healing, or Mantra of Liberation if you don’t have a Tempest with Gale Song.

> If you don’t go Radiance you can take Mantra of Potence instead of Signet of Wrath, and definitely get rid of Feel My Wrath, or you can take Wall of Reflection or Hallowed Ground if needed, eventually you can also take Mantra of Lore against heavy condition fights, or take the Pure of Voice trait. Merciful Intervention can be replaced by Bow of Truth, depending on your need for teleportation.


> This build will allow in Raids for one Chronomancer and one Druid to go for a more damage oriented build, or eventually, and that’s a big eventually, take a power Soulbeast with Frost Spirit + Spotter instead of the Druid, or more likely a cSoulbeast with Sun Spirit, but the Chronomancer can’t really be replaced, as Renegade doesn’t share enough Alacrity and Ventari will compete against the Firebrand for healing. Otherwise it might be a good substitute for Druid in Fractals, particularly in groups focused around Condition Damage.


> I honestly think this build would be more viable if Resolution and Courage had decreased cooldowns, respectively around 25sec. and 45sec., and if Azure Sun was a blast finisher for Resolution, but I’ll still try it within my guild.


Thanks for the insightful and well thought out ideas about the potential of now having or not having raid Firebrands. They may just work, but what is clear is further testing will be required amongst Guilds, raid groups or perhaps in pick up groups. But your right about the alacrity, Chronomancer they still are the best for that currently. Although think on this for awhile. Some professions have no skill cooldowns like Deadeye. Others have minimal like for Renegade because of energy costs. So a Firebrand may find their place boosting the damage output of dps classes or those with weapon skills that have small cooldowns, with quickness. But a Chronomancer will be best for professions with large weapon skill cooldowns.

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My WvW, and Fractal farming build:




Too lazy to fill in gear/runes. In a nutshell, my FB is full Minstrel, with Runes of Leadership and Sigil of Concentration and Renewal. I plan to swap around some traits depending on personal preference; I may take Writs of Persistance or even Superior Aria over Force of Will, for example. Even some utilities are still not totally set; as good as Renewed Focus is, I HATE being forced to use it.


Note: I already use a full minstrel + runes of leadership + sigil of concentration/renewal, Honor/Valor/Virtues guardian now to farm T4. Never had a complaint, never have problems wiping . So don't knock support guard unless you tried it. :P

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So this is the build I am thinking for Firebrand. Right now its just a general PVE build, but I think I can make some tweaks for it to be in WVW as well.




The goal is retaliation uptime for personal dps via the radiance line, while putting out a high uptime of stability and Ashes of the Just.



Hammer: I've always liked it and with the huge amount of quickness I have, plus hallowed ground, I can have pretty high uptime on group stability, protection, Ashes, quickness and retaliation. Anything stuck in my ring of warding is going to have a bad day. I can also self combo for aoe condi cleanse pretty regularly.


Sword/axe: I'm undecided here. I will probably go with sword if I keep the focus on power damage, but I could easily tweak the build to be a burning build as well.



Here is where I need help. This build could easily be either a condi/power/or hybrid build. Right now I want to go hybrid with low crit chance and high ferocity to take advantage of the Radiance buffs, but I'm not sure what my best bet is. Additionally, when I take this in WVW, I gotta give up some offense to frontline, so I will probably have to pick one or the other. Any advice on this is appreciated.



What, no scholar? No scholar. I'm not a fan, I'd rather have the constant 7% from flame legion or 4% from ogre, than a 10% that I know I will almost never have. In WVW I'll probably run durability, but I may try something else out.



Depends on if I go condi, power, or hybrid.


Any input is welcome.

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Holy F, i start just startet explaining the builds and post went a bit long :P


I am finally at point where i know what type gear i want and how the spec should look. For now i got 2 dps build, one for maps/solo pve and another with a few change to make it into a fractal dps build. They using same set for now, so only real change will be utility and traits.


**Map/solo AoE burn build** = http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7OnsADFBjNCDkCjF/BL7BVhyQWBgKQdafi2RHpA-jxhAQBA4JFIV9PmS9n1qEEG7PYWlfR7kKIIAFB-e

**Fractal quickness build** = http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7OnsADFBjVCBkCjl4BzaD8CeUVBgtU9a/lWT3pA-jxhAQBSV/DM2fYtKBNl6PR7kKAgnUgZV+JIAFB-e


**Runes:** Balt high burn duration, good 6set bonus, since it turns you mantra heal into a 6sec(with max duration) burn, almost out dps´ing flame mantra first 2 ammo uses!

**Sigil:** burn and condi duration so i can get to 100% with a food buff.

**Stats combo:** Grievers, it is simpel we already got max duration on burn, so vipers is out. and grievers looks to be better overall dps then something like sinister, since we already got high crit from traits, so getting some ferocity should help. Before you ask. the celestial is there beucase i got it and at times felt i needed a bit more survival stuff in general, so if you better then me, change it to grievers. remeber to add in 250 condi from our minor trait.

Also about stats, thanks to celestail and that minor trait, this build has 200vit, 450toughness and 450healing



**Main weapon set:** Axe and torch as main damage set, both take good advantage of burning and power, but also we in right trait line for both.

**Second Weapon set:** I prefer always having a ranged weapon, so scepter it is. I am not fan of focus and shield has some uses(aegis for triggering 2 traits) and bit ranged defensive + small heal.


**Heal **= mantra. I said before but thanks to ammo, this mantra is able to use balt runes 6 set bonus which is only on 10 sec cd. Same time it also gives aegis which will gives another burn from blocking and helps triggering stalwart speed. So a heal with build in damage!


**Utility maps/solo**:

Mantra of potence, for quickness to get more tome of justice passive procs which are AoE. And might is always good when running around place where it isn´t capped!

Mantra of Lore, i am using dragon hunters leap alot to clear annoying slow condis. This is more or less my replacement, and a bit regen on top never hurts

3rd slot undecided, i wanna take mantra of flame. But it feels so weak when my heal can out do it.


**Utility fractal**

Mantra of potence, same reason as before, but add in fact i wanna trigger quickfire trait.

Signet of wrath, Put some more condi damage into build.

3rd slot, is kinda open and most likely been changed around alot.


**Elite:** Mantra of liberation. Some stun break, a bit retalliation and stability, which is a AoE helping whole group, couple that with low cooldown on ammo. Low cd also helps with keeping stalwart speed used on cooldown, since that trait is only 5sec CD!


Now finally we at traits explained


**Radiance:** This only trait line both version agree on., 15% crit, reset of our dps tome, burn duration, improved torch, chance to proc extra use of torchs best damage skill, 10% more crit and then to round it out a straight up 15% burn damage increase and burn when block. I think all those things explain themself

**Virtues:** Simpel we taking this line for 1 single trait. permeating wrath. This is so strong rest trait don´t really matter, though lower tome CD, +1% damage per boon on us and better tome of resolve doesn´t hurt either. If we can keep aegis on for a bit that also a nice dps increase. Other then that it is kinda meh

**Firebrand:** Bleed on hit, but honestly other 2 option are just as fine overall. though extra pages seems useless, since you wanna be done with tome before last mob dies so it can reset instantly. Now we get a bit quickness on heal, nothing special for this build but usefull. 2nd major trait there is truly only 1 option, thats Legendary lore, since close to doubling burn output from tome is alot of burning. Last minor is actually pretty usefull, we getting quickness here and there, so free stats always welcomed.

Now the last trait loremaster, which one that actually makes everything play well together, since losing tome of jsutice passive would lower over damage output a good bit. This is MUST take for the build




**Radiance:** Same as before

**Zeal:** Zeal is overall alot bigger dps upgrade compared to virtues when looking at single target or small groups. Fiery wrath for straight up dps increase, though if some reason i change to loremaster(maybe power heavy group) or at range and can´t use tome. Then zealous scepter might be better. Next is some vul on symbol, if this is good or bad depends on your group, but since a minor you have no choice. Next major we are going for power to condi trait, since it is a straight up 200 condi buff. Next minor turns symbols into something taht takes advantage of condi and also increase damage on symbols. Now are finally at last trait, here i went with symbolic avenger, since it gives us 150 power(and 16condi) + 10% damage increase when standing in a symbol

**Firebrand:** For this build i highly focusing on quickness, which means not much to write here. I went straigh down middle for all quickness trait and then end up with quickfire being a way of putting out burn. Now i said this earlier if you in group with low condi damage, might be a good idea to change quickfire to loremaster, since for now it seems to based of other people condi, so in a power group this loses alot of it´s power. I am still praying for this to changed to work like venoms

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> @Faction.4013 said:

> Posting in this thread to bookmark it!


> Lot's of useful information in here.


Cheers Faction, bookmark it and keep an eye on the discussion and don't be afraid to join in with some ideas or conceptual thoughts if you come up with any.


Thanks for the support and we are all glad we can be helpful. From Cave Rock.4869 and Bluevoltron42

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> @Selendile.9106 said:

> My WvW, and Fractal farming build:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADNCjtCB2CBEEhlHCbveuPDoZvn5TGALA0AySA


> Too lazy to fill in gear/runes. In a nutshell, my FB is full Minstrel, with Runes of Leadership and Sigil of Concentration and Renewal. I plan to swap around some traits depending on personal preference; I may take Writs of Persistance or even Superior Aria over Force of Will, for example. Even some utilities are still not totally set; as good as Renewed Focus is, I HATE being forced to use it.


> Note: I already use a full minstrel + runes of leadership + sigil of concentration/renewal, Honor/Valor/Virtues guardian now to farm T4. Never had a complaint, never have problems wiping . So don't knock support guard unless you tried it. :P


Oh Sele, we do think a like. I have main a core support shout build Guardian for an exceptionally long time. Even through most of Heart of Thorns, I liked Dragon Hunter for a bit but it never clicked for me like it did with other Guardians.


So my last build went like this




Nowadays it doesn't have 100% boon duration unless I trait for the 200 concentration but I would loose aegis heals on a block.


Now because of that I speculate Firebrand will get Concentration on either a rune set or sigil. But note we already have the sigil of bountiful nature with 15% (from Draconis Mons) or sigil of concentration with 33% on weapon swap for 7 seconds. So they are really good options.


Sele, I like how your considering the quickness and ferocity elite to avoid having to trait Stalwart Speed.


Perhaps in conjunction we can come up with a particularly nasty support Firebrand build.


One to really think about is how we can manipulate the mantra heal in tandem with tge rune of bountiful nature. Which cleanses conditions on a heal skill which works with each mantra use.

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> @Garimeth.8725 said:

> So this is the build I am thinking for Firebrand. Right now its just a general PVE build, but I think I can make some tweaks for it to be in WVW as well.


> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR8dnkICFBjNCDmDB8DhlEC7aZFASAZ5n/TAa/fOQboA-jpxHAB9v/g/HBAAOIAKfBA++BAcdZAA


> The goal is retaliation uptime for personal dps via the radiance line, while putting out a high uptime of stability and Ashes of the Just.


> Weapons:

> Hammer: I've always liked it and with the huge amount of quickness I have, plus hallowed ground, I can have pretty high uptime on group stability, protection, Ashes, quickness and retaliation. Anything stuck in my ring of warding is going to have a bad day. I can also self combo for aoe condi cleanse pretty regularly.


> Sword/axe: I'm undecided here. I will probably go with sword if I keep the focus on power damage, but I could easily tweak the build to be a burning build as well.



> Here is where I need help. This build could easily be either a condi/power/or hybrid build. Right now I want to go hybrid with low crit chance and high ferocity to take advantage of the Radiance buffs, but I'm not sure what my best bet is. Additionally, when I take this in WVW, I gotta give up some offense to frontline, so I will probably have to pick one or the other. Any advice on this is appreciated.


> Runes:

> What, no scholar? No scholar. I'm not a fan, I'd rather have the constant 7% from flame legion or 4% from ogre, than a 10% that I know I will almost never have. In WVW I'll probably run durability, but I may try something else out.


> Sigils:

> Depends on if I go condi, power, or hybrid.


> Any input is welcome.


Garimeth, there is lots going on in the post that I really like for ideas especially considering hammer for PvE and raid content.


I will try and use some of your ideas to make a hammer burn build Firebrand. I hope to not veer too much from your initial concepts. Although hammer is mostly a power damage weapon but I am game to take on the challenge.> @Garimeth.8725 said:

> So this is the build I am thinking for Firebrand. Right now its just a general PVE build, but I think I can make some tweaks for it to be in WVW as well.


> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR8dnkICFBjNCDmDB8DhlEC7aZFASAZ5n/TAa/fOQboA-jpxHAB9v/g/HBAAOIAKfBA++BAcdZAA


> The goal is retaliation uptime for personal dps via the radiance line, while putting out a high uptime of stability and Ashes of the Just.


> Weapons:

> Hammer: I've always liked it and with the huge amount of quickness I have, plus hallowed ground, I can have pretty high uptime on group stability, protection, Ashes, quickness and retaliation. Anything stuck in my ring of warding is going to have a bad day. I can also self combo for aoe condi cleanse pretty regularly.


> Sword/axe: I'm undecided here. I will probably go with sword if I keep the focus on power damage, but I could easily tweak the build to be a burning build as well.



> Here is where I need help. This build could easily be either a condi/power/or hybrid build. Right now I want to go hybrid with low crit chance and high ferocity to take advantage of the Radiance buffs, but I'm not sure what my best bet is. Additionally, when I take this in WVW, I gotta give up some offense to frontline, so I will probably have to pick one or the other. Any advice on this is appreciated.


> Runes:

> What, no scholar? No scholar. I'm not a fan, I'd rather have the constant 7% from flame legion or 4% from ogre, than a 10% that I know I will almost never have. In WVW I'll probably run durability, but I may try something else out.


> Sigils:

> Depends on if I go condi, power, or hybrid.


> Any input is welcome.


> @nuaa.4962 said:

> Holy F, i start just startet explaining the builds and post went a bit long :P


> I am finally at point where i know what type gear i want and how the spec should look. For now i got 2 dps build, one for maps/solo pve and another with a few change to make it into a fractal dps build. They using same set for now, so only real change will be utility and traits.


> **Map/solo AoE burn build** = http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7OnsADFBjNCDkCjF/BL7BVhyQWBgKQdafi2RHpA-jxhAQBA4JFIV9PmS9n1qEEG7PYWlfR7kKIIAFB-e

> **Fractal quickness build** = http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7OnsADFBjVCBkCjl4BzaD8CeUVBgtU9a/lWT3pA-jxhAQBSV/DM2fYtKBNl6PR7kKAgnUgZV+JIAFB-e


> **Runes:** Balt high burn duration, good 6set bonus, since it turns you mantra heal into a 6sec(with max duration) burn, almost out dps´ing flame mantra first 2 ammo uses!

> **Sigil:** burn and condi duration so i can get to 100% with a food buff.

> **Stats combo:** Grievers, it is simpel we already got max duration on burn, so vipers is out. and grievers looks to be better overall dps then something like sinister, since we already got high crit from traits, so getting some ferocity should help. Before you ask. the celestial is there beucase i got it and at times felt i needed a bit more survival stuff in general, so if you better then me, change it to grievers. remeber to add in 250 condi from our minor trait.

> Also about stats, thanks to celestail and that minor trait, this build has 200vit, 450toughness and 450healing



> **Main weapon set:** Axe and torch as main damage set, both take good advantage of burning and power, but also we in right trait line for both.

> **Second Weapon set:** I prefer always having a ranged weapon, so scepter it is. I am not fan of focus and shield has some uses(aegis for triggering 2 traits) and bit ranged defensive + small heal.


> **Heal **= mantra. I said before but thanks to ammo, this mantra is able to use balt runes 6 set bonus which is only on 10 sec cd. Same time it also gives aegis which will gives another burn from blocking and helps triggering stalwart speed. So a heal with build in damage!


> **Utility maps/solo**:

> Mantra of potence, for quickness to get more tome of justice passive procs which are AoE. And might is always good when running around place where it isn´t capped!

> Mantra of Lore, i am using dragon hunters leap alot to clear annoying slow condis. This is more or less my replacement, and a bit regen on top never hurts

> 3rd slot undecided, i wanna take mantra of flame. But it feels so weak when my heal can out do it.


> **Utility fractal**

> Mantra of potence, same reason as before, but add in fact i wanna trigger quickfire trait.

> Signet of wrath, Put some more condi damage into build.

> 3rd slot, is kinda open and most likely been changed around alot.


> **Elite:** Mantra of liberation. Some stun break, a bit retalliation and stability, which is a AoE helping whole group, couple that with low cooldown on ammo. Low cd also helps with keeping stalwart speed used on cooldown, since that trait is only 5sec CD!


> Now finally we at traits explained

> **Maps/solo:**

> **Radiance:** This only trait line both version agree on., 15% crit, reset of our dps tome, burn duration, improved torch, chance to proc extra use of torchs best damage skill, 10% more crit and then to round it out a straight up 15% burn damage increase and burn when block. I think all those things explain themself

> **Virtues:** Simpel we taking this line for 1 single trait. permeating wrath. This is so strong rest trait don´t really matter, though lower tome CD, +1% damage per boon on us and better tome of resolve doesn´t hurt either. If we can keep aegis on for a bit that also a nice dps increase. Other then that it is kinda meh

> **Firebrand:** Bleed on hit, but honestly other 2 option are just as fine overall. though extra pages seems useless, since you wanna be done with tome before last mob dies so it can reset instantly. Now we get a bit quickness on heal, nothing special for this build but usefull. 2nd major trait there is truly only 1 option, thats Legendary lore, since close to doubling burn output from tome is alot of burning. Last minor is actually pretty usefull, we getting quickness here and there, so free stats always welcomed.

> Now the last trait loremaster, which one that actually makes everything play well together, since losing tome of jsutice passive would lower over damage output a good bit. This is MUST take for the build



> **Fractal:**

> **Radiance:** Same as before

> **Zeal:** Zeal is overall alot bigger dps upgrade compared to virtues when looking at single target or small groups. Fiery wrath for straight up dps increase, though if some reason i change to loremaster(maybe power heavy group) or at range and can´t use tome. Then zealous scepter might be better. Next is some vul on symbol, if this is good or bad depends on your group, but since a minor you have no choice. Next major we are going for power to condi trait, since it is a straight up 200 condi buff. Next minor turns symbols into something taht takes advantage of condi and also increase damage on symbols. Now are finally at last trait, here i went with symbolic avenger, since it gives us 150 power(and 16condi) + 10% damage increase when standing in a symbol

> **Firebrand:** For this build i highly focusing on quickness, which means not much to write here. I went straigh down middle for all quickness trait and then end up with quickfire being a way of putting out burn. Now i said this earlier if you in group with low condi damage, might be a good idea to change quickfire to loremaster, since for now it seems to based of other people condi, so in a power group this loses alot of it´s power. I am still praying for this to changed to work like venoms


You both could try something along these lines but add in some more defense or survival skills. As the burn ticks are absolutely insane condition damage bursts. With rapid hits with multiple forms of burn application therefore no real need for too much condition duration. 812.50 per burn tick! And even more with vulnerability on a target. Also you could swap great sword to hammer if you like.




Btw I like both your ideas but there is always more room to bump up and pump out the burn damage.

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> @Miyafuji.1340 said:

> I have these 4 builds prepared and will test them. Mind tho, I'm mostly WvW only player. None of them were built for PVE DPS. But I think the first one would do well anyway.


> Full burn:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRArd3ensADdBjNDBuCBkCjlBCL7AtgeQ7N0JaG1KAsAWTA-jViAQBkU5XHOIAJS/wpU/BaHBAaqEEAPAAYs/QCOBABAOAGv4Fv4BjP+4jP+4d94jP+4jP+4jP+4BA-w


> More supporty version with healing:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAreWnsADdBjNDBuCBkCjlKCDbAEAmAZjnzz6ZPd+OrnA-jViAQBQ7EAAgHAQCOEAwUJo/2f0DcINBd4IA4Q1fGpyvAAHAjX8u/egxHf8xHf8ue8xHf8xHf8xHf8A-w


> Celestial version:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAre5dnsADNDhFBDuCBkCjlHCbveuPDoZvn5z9BLA0A+AA-jVyCABQcEAqf/BB1P8lyPKOIAHqEEgTAwCPAgOV/JAwBw4Fv7dPY8xHf8xHvrHf8xHf8xHf8xHPA-w


> No condi power only max HP version:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR3ensADFBjdDBuCBkCjlHCL79MfqPYBgGQWaPeuPDoA-jFCBQBKT5HnU/ZDHEADpbIa7PwSlgA4JAwgLAw6gBg7yaBzMzMNyMzMzMTA-w


I am a fan of the first one. If we could meld some of our ideas between the burst burning damage of mine and the survival of yours we will have a great burn build.




Check the above link for my build. Definitely the first one imo as well Miyafuji. BTW thanks heaps for sharing your ponderings on several builds.


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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @fluffdragon.1523 said:

> > Nice to see that gwskills is on top of things!

> >

> > Anyway, here's me "I'm super lazy and just being trogdor again" PvE build of burning. Because it's called a firebrand for a reason, lol. But no, seriously, it's just fun.

> >

> > http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vVIQJAnfn0ABdBjVCBOCBkCjl4BzKE8CeUVBgtU9aPmeT3pA-jFSAABxs/gM6BC4EAAwDAgWlgQY+DKlfBp+DA-w


> I thought it would be a fluff build and not useful j/k. But you have my attention. I actually really liked it. The build works to all the strengths of the Firebrands weapons skills (burns/bleed) but yet also has some defense that doesn't require stats to make it effective like aegis.


> What second weapon would you use?


> The low toughness might be the only downside, because you might get burst down when someone does an unblockable attack like a Deadeye or Renegade with devastation traits. But otherwise I really like it.


I'd say your second weapon set can be purely situational, so you could freely swap out as needed. As for poor toughness, I'll admit that the build might not hold up at all in any kind of PvP or WvW due to being almost a single condition build — and my never really playing either mode (I'm bad at them. So very bad).

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @Miyafuji.1340 said:

> > I have these 4 builds prepared and will test them. Mind tho, I'm mostly WvW only player. None of them were built for PVE DPS. But I think the first one would do well anyway.

> >

> > Full burn:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRArd3ensADdBjNDBuCBkCjlBCL7AtgeQ7N0JaG1KAsAWTA-jViAQBkU5XHOIAJS/wpU/BaHBAaqEEAPAAYs/QCOBABAOAGv4Fv4BjP+4jP+4d94jP+4jP+4jP+4BA-w

> >

> > More supporty version with healing:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAreWnsADdBjNDBuCBkCjlKCDbAEAmAZjnzz6ZPd+OrnA-jViAQBQ7EAAgHAQCOEAwUJo/2f0DcINBd4IA4Q1fGpyvAAHAjX8u/egxHf8xHf8ue8xHf8xHf8xHf8A-w

> >

> > Celestial version:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAre5dnsADNDhFBDuCBkCjlHCbveuPDoZvn5z9BLA0A+AA-jVyCABQcEAqf/BB1P8lyPKOIAHqEEgTAwCPAgOV/JAwBw4Fv7dPY8xHf8xHvrHf8xHf8xHf8xHPA-w

> >

> > No condi power only max HP version:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR3ensADFBjdDBuCBkCjlHCL79MfqPYBgGQWaPeuPDoA-jFCBQBKT5HnU/ZDHEADpbIa7PwSlgA4JAwgLAw6gBg7yaBzMzMNyMzMzMTA-w


> I am a fan of the first one. If we could meld some of our ideas between the burst burning damage of mine and the survival of yours we will have a great burn build.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAnfRnsADVChdBDGCBkCjl4Bb/lWT3pVBgtU9yaD8CeUA-jFiAQBBc/BA8EAumyvopPomKBh2JAIBHCgqp+z6gDgv6Vv+KwXf91Xf9VD41Xf91Xf91Xf9VpAWUZF-w


> Check the above link for my build. Definitely the first one imo as well Miyafuji. BTW thanks heaps for sharing your ponderings on several builds.



Hmm, well my builds fallow the general WvW rule, aka have around 20K HP and 3K armor or you will insta die when you get sniffed at. So I cant use your build. However, I have 2 suggestions for you.


1. Watch for the axe. Its not that good. The issue is it mostly bleeds, and bleed unless you stack a ton (which guard does not do) is really weak. Most of your condi damage is done trough burn and in a fact scepter symbol has so many tiny attacks, that the passive F1 will trigger so often (especially if you hit more than 1 target, which is always the thing in my case, it triggers on every third hit) that in the end you will dish out more burn than with slow hitting close combat weapon. Im also not fan or torch especially since you can gain zealots flame passively from Radiance trait regardless if you have torch equipped or not, and it has 0 defense, but if you do not need defense I guess its ok.

2. Give rune of the flame legion a shot. It has +100 power +20% burning duration and + 7% damage against burning enemy (and they always burn) it may turn to be better DPS even than berserker for this build as you do way more burn dmg than physical anyway.

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[i made another Tank build for Firebrand](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAS5ensADFBjtCBGCB8DhlHCLr9MhqPYBghzHYfemP/nA-jBSBQBHU9H+t/wDuAAT8gAAgnAAJVCePdDXU5XAgDgzPPzbew5nf+5nfeN/8zP/8zP/8zPvUAetSD-e "I made another Tank build for Firebrand"), this time less oriented towards healing but more towards damage. It brings permanent protection, probably close to permanent quickness, and some might sharing, nevertheless even with Empowering Might + Mantra of Potence it’s far from being as effective as a Phalanx Strength, but with another person also bringing might, you may consider not taking Phalanx Strength.


I honestly don’t know where to play this build, eventually in fractals with a Ventari/Renegade support, the latter bringing a bit of alacrity, healing, enough might to complete the 25 stacks with Heroic Command, and bleed sharing + life steel, but the energy on that build must be a nightmare to manage, anyway wrong section to talk about that, and 3 condition builds. It’s probably not the best idea, but might be fun to play.

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http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjFBBeCBEEhl4BbPmWT7pVBgtU9CrHEF2CA-jRhXABmr8Dg9HOXJI5q/Iu+gAAHAe/93f/93jUABOzC-e axe can become anything if f1 turns out to be enough damage on its own (probably a hammer for cc) and the signet will probably be healing power or condi damage.

I think the signets will end up being firebrands for quickness uptime though

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> @GussJr.1643 said:

> Variation on a burn theme lol

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQNAnfRnsADlDhdBDODBkCjl4Bb/lWT3pWbgXwjqKAslqXA-j1hAQBQ7UAUTlgVT9HYs/w1U+BgnAQ00HsO4AYoCVohC81Xf91Xf1ACN0QDN0QDN0QDVKgHVWB-w


Hey GussJr, thanks for the update much appreciated. What we loose is some condition burst potential; while we gain more Fire fields and burn application. I actually thought of the same idea but left it with the max burn burst. Thanks for helping the build develope further into fruition.


My only concern is the low health pool, but that is always an issue with the Guardian in general. But don't get me wrong it is my favorite profession and the Firebrand is shaping up to have many options for viable builds that are fun to play.


Cheers GussJr for the helpful plus insightful additions to the build and supporting the Guardian/Firebrand community.


Btw will you and others be playing a Firebrand? If so come and vote on the poll just below the profession tab.

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> @Alchimist.4738 said:

> [Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBWCBEEhlBCbfhGRvoYZgSQcyKAMtKAA-jxxGQBDZ/BCq8jeq/QunAoPIXnAAAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals")


> I’d take Radiance if I’m within a group dedicated to Condition Damage, otherwise either [Valor ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhFGC7qY1lCAYHgJwXaPf+PLoA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/hJqEEAHCg7BCAjIBYbbrabbbTkCwrVaA-e "Valor ")for more Aegis sharing and more self-healing, or [Virtue ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhlHCLr9MfyA7zz8ZAFLA0AySA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/BAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Virtue ")to have decreased cooldown on Tomes and more damage when you’ve Aegis, I think it’s more worth it to take Loremaster if you go Virtue.

> If you have enough Quickness you can take Renewed Focus to have an easier access to Tomes and 3sec. of invulnerability, or Signet of Courage for better healing, or Mantra of Liberation if you don’t have a Tempest with Gale Song.

> If you don’t go Radiance you can take Mantra of Potence instead of Signet of Wrath, and definitely get rid of Feel My Wrath, or you can take Wall of Reflection or Hallowed Ground if needed, eventually you can also take Mantra of Lore against heavy condition fights, or take the Pure of Voice trait. Merciful Intervention can be replaced by Bow of Truth, depending on your need for teleportation.


> This build will allow in Raids for one Chronomancer and one Druid to go for a more damage oriented build, or eventually, and that’s a big eventually, take a power Soulbeast with Frost Spirit + Spotter instead of the Druid, or more likely a cSoulbeast with Sun Spirit, but the Chronomancer can’t really be replaced, as Renegade doesn’t share enough Alacrity and Ventari will compete against the Firebrand for healing. Otherwise it might be a good substitute for Druid in Fractals, particularly in groups focused around Condition Damage.


> I honestly think this build would be more viable if Resolution and Courage had decreased cooldowns, respectively around 25sec. and 45sec., and if Azure Sun was a blast finisher for Resolution, but I’ll still try it within my guild.


This sounds exciting, I've got Ascended Hammer, Mace, Axe, (Shield,Scepter,Shield Trahearne Weapon), Ascended Power Trinkets I'm sure I can make a tank out of this!


Guardian used to be my main before Reaper, will this build be Power I hope?

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> @Alchimist.4738 said:

> [i made another Tank build for Firebrand](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAS5ensADFBjtCBGCB8DhlHCLr9MhqPYBghzHYfemP/nA-jBSBQBHU9H+t/wDuAAT8gAAgnAAJVCePdDXU5XAgDgzPPzbew5nf+5nfeN/8zP/8zP/8zPvUAetSD-e "I made another Tank build for Firebrand"), this time less oriented towards healing but more towards damage. It brings permanent protection, probably close to permanent quickness, and some might sharing, nevertheless even with Empowering Might + Mantra of Potence it’s far from being as effective as a Phalanx Strength, but with another person also bringing might, you may consider not taking Phalanx Strength.


> I honestly don’t know where to play this build, eventually in fractals with a Ventari/Renegade support, the latter bringing a bit of alacrity, healing, enough might to complete the 25 stacks with Heroic Command, and bleed sharing + life steel, but the energy on that build must be a nightmare to manage, anyway wrong section to talk about that, and 3 condition builds. It’s probably not the best idea, but might be fun to play.


I see the potential of this in say like boss fights without controls or mechanics that keep you away from the action. A situation where you can just hit the boss permanently or another fight that like you suggested with great support and healing.


Plus don't worry about discussing Firebrands interaction with other professions, because that really interests me. As I foresee the Guardian and Firebrand in general will be a team player. So therefore profession interactions are pivotal to learning this profession or elite and eventually mastering it, which I know you will make a great Firebrand. Plus a very valuable team member in all parts of the game Alchimist.

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> @Gormullish.3517 said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjFBBeCBEEhl4BbPmWT7pVBgtU9CrHEF2CA-jRhXABmr8Dg9HOXJI5q/Iu+gAAHAe/93f/93jUABOzC-e axe can become anything if f1 turns out to be enough damage on its own (probably a hammer for cc) and the signet will probably be healing power or condi damage.

> I think the signets will end up being firebrands for quickness uptime though


Welcome to the Firebrand build discussion Gormullish and many thanks for your amazing build. I can see a lot of Firebrands using something similar, but perhaps with a few more tweaks and a bit more fleshed out build. It is almost there but just not quite yet. See if you or others can tinker with it just a little more and we will have a great PvE build that can support with healing and assist with condition damage.


But Gormullish, yeah I am certain this will find a game type to be played in on the release of Path of Fire.


Plus your also right that Firebrand weapons will become less important now with the tomes. They may be just for condition application, control, range, support etc it truly is amazing the options that we will have in the next few days. It might be like playing a piano but once we Guardians or Firebrands master it nothing will be able to stop us muhaha! My inner evil is coming outl lol I guess a cleric like good protector shouldn't think like this maybe now we get to play with fire I have gone to the evil side, hmm.

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> @Apskritimas.6859 said:

> So a tank build might be viable in the raids but how about the condition build?


I am sure if a person likes a build of a certain damage type they will find a way to make it work with the Firebrand. Especially now we have almost permanent quickness in most situations, power damage is definitely an option. But the burns just seem so strong it is hard to ignore them as a Firebrand. Plus the fact you can share burns to allies is just even more of a pull towards the condition damage. Plus you can back off and reset if necessary. Whereas with power damage you always need to be in range which can be problematic, for melee or close range fighters because you can put yourself in a predicament.


Apskritimas, thanks heaps for your question I hope I provided an answer that is satisfactory to help you out. Any other people agree?

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @Alchimist.4738 said:

> > [Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBWCBEEhlBCbfhGRvoYZgSQcyKAMtKAA-jxxGQBDZ/BCq8jeq/QunAoPIXnAAAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Tank/Support for Raids/Fractals")

> >

> > I’d take Radiance if I’m within a group dedicated to Condition Damage, otherwise either [Valor ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhFGC7qY1lCAYHgJwXaPf+PLoA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/hJqEEAHCg7BCAjIBYbbrabbbTkCwrVaA-e "Valor ")for more Aegis sharing and more self-healing, or [Virtue ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWnsADtDhtCBGBD8DhlHCLr9MfyA7zz8ZAFLA0AySA-jxxGQBEU5XuOBAk7JA6Don6PDZ/BAcIAmoSwAAHAv39u/eg7v/+7v/+a/93f/93f/9v/epA8alG-e "Virtue ")to have decreased cooldown on Tomes and more damage when you’ve Aegis, I think it’s more worth it to take Loremaster if you go Virtue.

> > If you have enough Quickness you can take Renewed Focus to have an easier access to Tomes and 3sec. of invulnerability, or Signet of Courage for better healing, or Mantra of Liberation if you don’t have a Tempest with Gale Song.

> > If you don’t go Radiance you can take Mantra of Potence instead of Signet of Wrath, and definitely get rid of Feel My Wrath, or you can take Wall of Reflection or Hallowed Ground if needed, eventually you can also take Mantra of Lore against heavy condition fights, or take the Pure of Voice trait. Merciful Intervention can be replaced by Bow of Truth, depending on your need for teleportation.

> >

> > This build will allow in Raids for one Chronomancer and one Druid to go for a more damage oriented build, or eventually, and that’s a big eventually, take a power Soulbeast with Frost Spirit + Spotter instead of the Druid, or more likely a cSoulbeast with Sun Spirit, but the Chronomancer can’t really be replaced, as Renegade doesn’t share enough Alacrity and Ventari will compete against the Firebrand for healing. Otherwise it might be a good substitute for Druid in Fractals, particularly in groups focused around Condition Damage.

> >

> > I honestly think this build would be more viable if Resolution and Courage had decreased cooldowns, respectively around 25sec. and 45sec., and if Azure Sun was a blast finisher for Resolution, but I’ll still try it within my guild.


> This sounds exciting, I've got Ascended Hammer, Mace, Axe, (Shield,Scepter,Shield Trahearne Weapon), Ascended Power Trinkets I'm sure I can make a tank out of this!


> Guardian used to be my main before Reaper, will this build be Power I hope?


It looks to be minimal power damage but draw agro and support the melee fighters. So it really only does minimal dps to make it clear. But roles like this can be important in a PvE situation.

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> @Brate.8406 said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAneRnsADtChFBDWCBEEhlACb/hWR3oWBgHwbKbB9gmQA-jhiAQBU4IAAQNBr8EAAE1fAwjAAkKrgx+DCVpiM0DMUlgAA-e


> I don't know, it may work for me in general PVE. 100% burn duration and enough concentration (after stacks) to stretch some boons out a little longer (specifically furry from inner fire).


Sup Brate, many of the armor pieces were in the exotic format so i put them to ascended if that is okay. Also i liked how well rounded the build is but it may also be its weakness in the end. Because sometimes if you try and do too many things you kinda loose focus on what your true intentions of a build really are. For example where does it true strength lie is it the power damage or condition damage. Hybrid is good because you could kill any body with it if your lucky. But does it have the burst for everyone? That is the true question. But don't get me wrong i do like that you tried to cover all your bases and would have a chance killing almost anyone.


Cheers thanks for the first hybrid well rounded build that i have actually seen. Plus i give you props for considering a mix of stats and ideas.



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