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Most popular PVE classes/elite specs?

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Curious what everyone thinks the top 5 most popular classes in PVE? Not talking about whats the top meta classes, whats best for fractals or AOE grinding in events. What elite specs do you see running around the most in open world PVE and in dungeons/fractals?


And while we are at it, what are the top 3 least played/least popular PVE classes?



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Not sure about instanced content but I'd say most popular in the open world is Reaper and Dragonhunter simply because they are easy to play. Least popular might be Deadeye because of the Kneel mechanic (not moving in PvE = suicide) but there might be other Deadeye builds I'm not familiar with. And I guess support roles (Druid, Chrono) are also 'meh' in the open world where damage matters more to tag mobs in events and stuff...

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