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What gear to go after now?


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I recently used an 80-boost to get my ranger up from 74 to 80, and I got the gear that you get when I used it. I have played around with it in PvE only and I have been wondering where to go now to get better gear.

Can anyone help me with where to go?

And since I dont really have a lot of time on my hands, I dont really do dungeons or that sort of thing. I would rather craft things.


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First, your looking to get into all exotic gear and at some point might want to consider working for your ascended.


I'm not in to PvP or WvW so for me I can only speak from PvE experience. That said, it really depends on what build you are going for. For me, I love the heavy hitting Greatsword and Longbow and am just discovering the love of Sword/Axe. I've also gotten pretty comfortable dodging and moving, thank you Heart of Thorns, so I've gone full glass Bezerker gear for a power build.


If your more in to a condition build, which most are these days, using Shortbow and Axe/Torch or Dagger/Torch then Rabid works until you can get your hands on Sinister or, even better, Viper gear. You can only get the last 2 through crafting your own gear though but the recipes can be bought on the trading post.


If your running Druid, I have nothing for you since I've only run it once. Great healing but just wasn't my bag.

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The only options moving forward are going to cost you either time or gold... and gold is also going to cost you time, unless you get insanely lucky with drops you can sell on the TP.


For both exotics and ascended, the most straight forward option is crafting. But Med armor is expensive due to the overall cost of leather, and you'll have to level Leather working, making it even more expensive then the other professions. You can buy Exotic armor off the TP, depending on the stat you need for your build, for about 45-60g on average. If you're buying Berserkers, this is slightly cheaper then buying individual parts. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Satchel_of_Berserker%27s_Emblazoned_Armor


For ascended, you're only practical options are crafting and Raids. Arguably you could get them via fractals, but they require having leveled crafting to make Marks, and a lot of tokens unique to the mode..... effectively a minor gold discount in exchange for tokens (which cost you time). There are also drops....... but we don't talk about drops like they matter. You could try collections, but those are usually more expensive then the items they give as rewards.


So given what you've outlined...... farm gold? Maybe level crafting? Beyond Exotic, everything is a compulsory time and/or gold sink.

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