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[Suggestion] A minor visual tweak


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So I picked up necromancer to see how it compared to my mesmer and it might be my second favorite class next to mesmer. I love the tankiness and how easily it can get into the fray despite being a 'caster' type archetype. While I am sure there will be drawbacks as I move up in level, the one thing that stands out to me is that death shroud....looks extraordinarily boring. I don't know how much it has been brought up, or how much people care, but I personally feel that simply adding glowing green eyes with the way death shroud looks now would make it much more visually interesting.


I know being 'flashy' is more of the mesmer's thing, but if am going to be "death personified" I want to look cool doing it. Death shroud is a cool mechanic, but visually it looks very bland.

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I'd say that the issue is that it wouldn't be strong enough visually so that other player could see that you are in death shroud. Look, anet was even forced to add some visual effect to scourge, I can't imagine how terrible it would be if a shroud wasn't visually shocking.

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Let me put it this way - If someone told me the necro dev had a house break in during night, only to discover nothing was destroyed nor stolen, but he woke up with bigass tattoo on his chest saying "Fix the gooddamn Death Shroud!" i wouldn't be surprised.


As for eyes....who knows...we have a bit of green flame to our dhuumfire, though i prefer it would carry over to burning effect on enemy not just the application visual. And that asides Death Shroud is extremely boring playwise, visuals aren't half the problem if you ask me.

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I remember when Death Shroud felt more like a punishment for having a second health bar sticking Necro with 4 bad skills that hurt dps on a profession with awful dps to begin with. I used to think of it as a self-inflicted Moa. So, yeah, next time you play an activity like Crab Toss or Keg Brawl think of Death Shroud.

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