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Performance Tip: Old Build/CPU with New GFX Card

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Let the card do all the work... I discovered this now obvious way to **smooth out FPS** and general rendering performance while playing with settings; my current PC build consists of (sadly) an ancient AM3 mainboard running an equally ancient **Phenom II X3 tri-core processor with 16Gb of ram** (which I love). A couple years ago I bought a **Geforce 1050 Ti with 4Gb of DDR5** onboard and have been **rolling along at a moderate pace** since. What to do.


**Solution:** I've set the **draw distance to Ultra** in my graphics settings. As far as I can tell, that's the key. My framerate is better and way more stable; I get that smooth feeling we all want but can't reasonably [have](https://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?CompareItemList=3742%7C83%2D102%2D475%5E83%2D102%2D475%2C83%2D230%2D360%5E83%2D230%2D360%2C83%2D102%2D505%5E83%2D102%2D505 "https://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?CompareItemList=3742%7C83%2D102%2D475%5E83%2D102%2D475%2C83%2D230%2D360%5E83%2D230%2D360%2C83%2D102%2D505%5E83%2D102%2D505"). I safely assume that the very high performance ram on my card is getting it's hands on everything it needs at once instead of waiting for the client to ask the processor to disseminate various objects and textures from main ram or the hard drive as I run around which sounds like a nightmare for everything involved and is. Capacity is probably important, with a **2 Gb card results may vary**.


Warning: Environments **will need time to load fully** with this setting at Ultra. I can't say how long exactly, but I've noticed small oddities if I dive into battle instantly upon region change, i.e. getting trapped in an Iron Marches seed cage effect a minute or so beyond my destruction of it while waiting for the client to get around to letting me out, ty btw. Other than that, I'm pretty excited. I'll post my full Graphics settings below **in case you happen to have a very similar build:**



* Resolution: Windowed Fullscreen

* Refresh Rate: Default

* Frame Limit: Unlimited


Advanced Settings

* Animation: Medium

* Antialiasing: None

* Environment: High (_If you have less memory on your card you might change this to medium or low_)

* LOD Distance: Ultra

* Reflections: Terrain & Sky

* Textures: High (_Ditto from the above, try that one first_)

* Render Sampling: Native

* Shadows: High

* Shaders: Medium

* Postprocessing: High

* Character Model Limit: Low (_These two control numbers of models and high quality models, not the quality itself_)

* Character Model Quality: Low

* Checked: Ambient Occlusion, Depth Blur, Effect LOD, Light Adaption

* (Un-checked: Best Texture Filtering, Hi Res Character Textures, Vertical Sync)

* Motion Blur Power: 8%


In addition, and **critically, my FOV (Field of View) in the General Settings tab is set at 65% where 100% is full right on the slider.** Play with this to your liking but be aware the FOV setting has a dramatic impact on work required to render the environment. Also this setting is an awkward but very viable telescope for the viewing of yonder things. _Trivia:_ This is exactly how the old telescope item in World of Warcraft circa 2004 used to work and also this is how many real world cameras work... and also telescopes I assume. Fascinating.


I hope this is more helpful than harmful in the majority of cases. Happy Trails!

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