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Orders from Above and Heroic Command Problem


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I tested Orders from Above relatively extensively at the bank in LA on randos and I couldn't replicate what you were talking about. The only time alacrity was given to a pet was if the ranger had Fortifying Bond active as a trait, and even then it was only replicated onto the pet and did not count as one of the 4 player applications. However, I haven't tried in a party yet; will do that when friends get on later.

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> @"castillle.5248" said:

> I tested orders again in a new group and it seems to be working ok but it was only 1 ranger that was there x.x When I tested it the first time had 2 rangers, a warrior, and a guardian near AC p1 boss. Maybe there was something messing up the targetting on sloped grounds? :O


Slopes can definitely make things wonky sometimes. Did you check to see if the buff was actually on your allies or not? Or was it just missing the visual effect? Sometimes the visual effect bugs out (or maybe gets culled by effect LOD) and doesn't show up even though the person has alacrity.

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