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Beat the game now what?


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First I want to thank anet for making quite possibly the best mmo expansion of all time... Definitely the best STORY I've seen in years. It was so much fun!


Question is now what? I haven't had time to check but are their any new dungeons or raids? Any endgame content?


I suppose I could always go back to pvp or wvw but would rather enjoy any new content I might not be aware of. Any super cool weapons or armor worth farming?


If nothing else there's more map completion i suppose. Not really sure what purpose that serves until they make round 3 of legendary weapons, which i'm guessing is very very far off.

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They said that they intend to release Living World content more frequently once PoF was released, so it is safe to assume that the story will continue not too far in the future (which also explains the somewhat open ending of PoF).


P.S. You might want to rephrase the thread's title, as it is a huge spoiler, and not everyone has played through the entire storyline yet.

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> have you got all the mounts yet leveled up and got all the mastery points ???? also too have you got all the 32 slot count bags ???? have you gotten the flying griffon for 250 gold yet ???


working on the mastery still. Thanks for the tip about the 32 slot bag that's the type of answers i wanted to hear! :D Any cool endgame armor or weapons? I can get the griffon whenever but am saving for another legendary first.


"They said that they intend to release Living World content more frequently once PoF was released, so it is safe to assume that the story will continue not too far in the future (which also explains the somewhat open ending of PoF).


P.S. You might want to rephrase the thread's title, as it is a huge spoiler, and not everyone has played through the entire storyline yet"


Thanks, I changed it to beat the game, which i was hesitant to do b/c then people will say did u really beat the game, did u do everything? lol. But yes don't want to spoil the story.


That's awesome. While the story was fantastic the ending felt a little hollow knowing u know who was still out there. Can't wait for the new ling world to take it down too. ;)

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You can always work on all the achievements for the different maps, max out masteries if you haven't, fully complete any e-specs that you haven't finished. Also, Anet has stated they are going to be releasing the LW faster than the previous one so in about 2-3 months from now we will have another LW story to play and I'm sure a new map to go with it if they continue the trend they were doing during LW3.

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> have you got all the mounts yet leveled up and got all the mastery points ???? also too have you got all the 32 slot count bags ???? have you gotten the flying griffon for 250 gold yet ???


Collecting 32 slot bags is content now is it? The truth is, after you have done the story , POF is threadbare content wise.

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> @Chrono.6928 said:

> First I want to thank anet for making quite possibly the best mmo expansion of all time... Definitely the best STORY I've seen in years. It was so much fun!


> Question is now what? I haven't had time to check but are their any new dungeons or raids? Any endgame content?


> I suppose I could always go back to pvp or wvw but would rather enjoy any new content I might not be aware of. Any super cool weapons or armor worth farming?


> If nothing else there's more map completion i suppose. Not really sure what purpose that serves until they make round 3 of legendary weapons, which i'm guessing is very very far off.


What story did you play? The map content in PoF and associated achievements are great, but the story is a huge step backward in terms of narrative from HoT. The entire "story" consists of nothing but combat encounters broken up by your character standing there and getting exposition thrown at him by various throwaway characters that leave the story as forgettably as they arrive (Vlast, Kormir, Glint, Rytlock). The foes you face are, with the exception of several extremely repetitive boss fights with Balthazar, completely forgettable, and every interesting character (Zalambur, Mordant Crescent, Joko, Literally any sunspear, The Zaishen, The ROder of Shadows, Amnoon's Cavaliers, The High Society of Joko-Controlled Vabbi) is criminally underused.


The entire expansion feels like an excuse to close plot threads that Arenanet doesn't want to deal with any more (The human gods, Rytlock's time in the mists) while not adressing at all several plot threads introduced in the season that was supposed to lead in to this expansion (Braham and Jormag, Marjory's new outlook on life) and adressing the elephant in the room (How to balance dragon energies) by basically handing you the solution, making all of the work Dragon's Watch put in to it effectively pointless. It saddles you with a bunch of milktoast me-too sidekicks with nothing interesting to say or do aside from being stand in for "I need class ability Y for plot reasons" and deliver the occasional one liner. Not a single character in this entire plotline grows, changes, or meaningfully develops in any way. Not one. Go ahead and name someone who has character development. I'll wait. You can't, can you? Oh wait, Rytlock gets a cute nickname, and Kasmeer AMAZINGLY doesn't break up with Marjory (like that was a serious question)


Top it all off with a massively unsatisfying "cliffhanger" ending that doesn't even pretend to be a satisfactory resolution to a story as much as it is an advertisement for content that isn't in the game yet, and that in a year's time players will be expected to buy separately.


Also, the final boss fight was extremely weak after blowing up the giant scorpion thing, the "death sequence" was straight up pointless filler, the origin of the forged and Balthazar's master plan to... build a dragon powered death robot... just felt extremely forced, the existing mythos with the exception of (again) Dragon stuff was just thrown out like so much garbage.


This expansion is act 1 of a story with at least 2 if not 3 acts regarding kralk and his offspring, padded with nonsense in order to artifically extend a narrative that has long needed to pass through a skilled editor to remove the extraneous bits already.


Arenanet's Narrative team is quite skilled at writing an outline, but seems to be having real trouble as of this expansion and the LS leading up to it with effectively pacing stories and telling them with impactful focus.


For all its problems, one thing HoT did extremely well was its story. It had character development, clear motivation all the way through, and really only had a few hiccups that were forgivable because they existed to begin or end decently written character arcs.


Path of Fire literally has no character arcs, its just the tale of the Commander and his/her least interesting friends following around a war god for a week and getting told the master plan to save the universe in the process, then failing to save the universe anyway. It's like ArenaNet forgot what made Nightfall or release GW2 enjoyable in the first place from a narrative perspective. The entire concept of Adventurers as people with lives and motivations and how those encourage them to fight the bad guys. This cast? Rytlock has kind of a motivation (which is a result of an EXTREMELY out of character mistake for him) while everyone else is just kind of going through the motions. In the end, does Rytlock grow, change, or learn anything? Experience any kind of personal moment of truth? become a better, or at least a DIFFERENT person as a result of these experiences? Nope. He just says "Hey, uh, sorry about unleashing a mad god and almost dooming the multiverse' to another god and then PAWNS OFF HIS MAGIC SWORD ON THE PLAYER to absolve himself of the responsibility for redemption he's supposed to be motivated by.

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> @Mitch.4781 said:

> Collecting 32 slot bags is content now is it?


Not in my book, and not for any role-player who prefers adventuring to grinding useless items like a 32-slot bag. ;)


> @Mitch.4781 said:

> The truth is, after you have done the story , POF is threadbare content wise.


I disagree. The atmosphere of the regions alone makes me come back daily for events and such.

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If you enjoy the map, stick around.


Personally, I find it incredibly dull... Aside from the mounts, It's basically the core tyria content, recycled and masked with heavy make-up. We're back to grinding hearts, for fucks sake. I am so sick and tired of collecting carrots or pouring buckets of water onto things only to watch a yellow meter gain 0.5% completion, my gag-reflex is going haywire.


PoF's maps may well be beautifully crafted, but aside from going on a completionist grindfest for menial QoL rewards, there's nothing exciting in it, unless you fancy yourself a screenshot junkie.


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> @TwiceDead.1963 said:

> If you enjoy the map, stick around.


> Personally, I find it incredibly dull... Aside from the mounts, It's basically the core tyria content, recycled and masked with heavy make-up. We're back to grinding hearts, for kitten sake. I am so sick and tired of collecting carrots or pouring buckets of water onto things only to watch a yellow meter gain 0.5% completion, my gag-reflex is going haywire.


> PoF's maps may well be beautifully crafted, but aside from going on a completionist grindfest for menial QoL rewards, there's nothing exciting in it, unless you fancy yourself a screenshot junkie.



To be fair, this can be said of literally every MMO. MMO's are completionist grindfests, and were completionist grindfests before they started tacking single player RPG on ot the sides of them. Despite its original intention of a dynamic and living world where the things you do matter, Anet has shown repeatedly that it does not have the will to stand by radical changes to make that paradigm a reality because its audience has been very vocal in that they would rather grind and have instant gratification than "miss" content or have to "choose" between reward tracks. They put all their cards on the table with HoT, and almost universally people hated the ideas that were new and literally asked for more of the same.


As completionist grindfests go, PoF is a pretty good one. It is, however, still a second expansion of a five year old game. GW2 isn't exactly going to reinvent the wheel at this point. If the LS maps weren't an indication of that already IDK what to tell you.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

> > If you enjoy the map, stick around.

> >

> > Personally, I find it incredibly dull... Aside from the mounts, It's basically the core tyria content, recycled and masked with heavy make-up. We're back to grinding hearts, for kitten sake. I am so sick and tired of collecting carrots or pouring buckets of water onto things only to watch a yellow meter gain 0.5% completion, my gag-reflex is going haywire.

> >

> > PoF's maps may well be beautifully crafted, but aside from going on a completionist grindfest for menial QoL rewards, there's nothing exciting in it, unless you fancy yourself a screenshot junkie.

> >


> To be fair, this can be said of literally every MMO. MMO's are completionist grindfests, and were completionist grindfests before they started tacking single player RPG on ot the sides of them. Despite its original intention of a dynamic and living world where the things you do matter, Anet has shown repeatedly that it does not have the will to stand by radical changes to make that paradigm a reality because its audience has been very vocal in that they would rather grind and have instant gratification than "miss" content or have to "choose" between reward tracks. They put all their cards on the table with HoT, and almost universally people hated the ideas that were new and literally asked for more of the same.


> As completionist grindfests go, PoF is a pretty good one. It is, however, still a second expansion of a five year old game. GW2 isn't exactly going to reinvent the wheel at this point. If the LS maps weren't an indication of that already IDK what to tell you.


GW2 isn't supposed to be like other MMO's though. GW2's entire shtick is that it isn't a gear grind-fest, you can play it, leave it and not be obsolete when you come back, and instead go do the new exciting things in the world... It's mechanics also support a more reactionary gameplay style, gear is not going to carry you. Apparently people take the first phrase and read it as "Nothing is ever going to challenge you", and the more I look at Arenanet's update history the more I am starting to believe that's what they're going for. GW2 has something going for it other than the constant achievement grind, or hunt for the latest fashion, it has engaging gameplay, but very few instances does the game actually push you with it.... But HoT was different.


I think a problem with PoF is what they introduced that's supposed to be exciting, is the Bounty system. It's a novelty for sure, fun the few first times, but the shine wears off quick. The living-story maps have had better events and more exciting boss-fights than what the bounties offer.


And the whole claim about HoT being _"Universally Hated"_ is simply untrue. Nobody would be playing HoT content if that was the case, it's quite the opposite, actually... People go out of their way to play with eachother by actively using the LFG system. Long before PoF I kept seeing new players in the HoT zones as well. While playing HoT I never felt like I HAD to resort to achievement grindfests to have a good time, quite on the contrary I despise that shit and only put up with it when there's ascended stuff or a particular skin I want on the line. Most of the time I was just running around HoT trying new builds and killing shit until the big bad reveals themselves, and thanks to the way those events were structured I always knew where to go to get to the action and where players would be gathering. PoF feels barren by comparison, appropriately enough, like a desert I guess.


I don't expect them to re-invent the wheel, I am expecting them to learn from their past developments and incorporate SOME of what they learned when expanding their content.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Mitch.4781 said:

> > Collecting 32 slot bags is content now is it?


> Not in my book, and not for any role-player who prefers adventuring to grinding useless items like a 32-slot bag. ;)


> > @Mitch.4781 said:

> > The truth is, after you have done the story , POF is threadbare content wise.


> I disagree. The atmosphere of the regions alone makes me come back daily for events and such.


You really like grinding hearts and stomping beehives...like what we did 5 years ago in Queensdale?

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There's soooooo many things to do in this game u can not be done. New or not new to the game. Map completion. For all tyria. Maguuma, and the desert. All mysteries... crafting all to 500 and the others 400. Map meta events. Dungeons, fractals, raids. Finishing all jumping puzzles. Guild missions. Legendary armor or ascended armor and weapons. Pvp. Wvw. Complete story in different classes. All these will give achievements. There's more just forget or don't know about the others. But trust me beating story is just the beginning.

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> @Mitch.4781 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > have you got all the mounts yet leveled up and got all the mastery points ???? also too have you got all the 32 slot count bags ???? have you gotten the flying griffon for 250 gold yet ???


> Collecting 32 slot bags is content now is it? The truth is, after you have done the story , POF is threadbare content wise.


Considering all the clutter the struggle is real.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> There's soooooo many things to do in this game u can not be done. New or not new to the game. Map completion. For all tyria. Maguuma, and the desert. All mysteries... crafting all to 500 and the others 400. Map meta events. Dungeons, fractals, raids. Finishing all jumping puzzles. Guild missions. Legendary armor or ascended armor and weapons. Pvp. Wvw. Complete story in different classes. All these will give achievements. There's more just forget or don't know about the others. But trust me beating story is just the beginning.


No i meant new stuff to do in pof... if one already has done 100% maps of both core and hot maps several times, unlocked all specs, elite specs etc, jumping puzzles etc. Those of us who have been playing from launch already did all of that. I was asking what was the new end game content or cool new stuff to farm.


I'm not trolling here. I've seen a couple of new skins that looked sweet, wiki isn't updated yet.

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You can do:


* get the harder collections and achievements

* find the hidden stuff.

* embrace the lore

* get the new armor and weapons (there are some unlocked by some really nice _ quests_ )

* get all masteries


Not a big list on first glance, but there is actually some very interesting things to find there.

However it might vary for everyone.


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> @TwiceDead.1963 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

> > > If you enjoy the map, stick around.

> > >

> > > Personally, I find it incredibly dull... Aside from the mounts, It's basically the core tyria content, recycled and masked with heavy make-up. We're back to grinding hearts, for kitten sake. I am so sick and tired of collecting carrots or pouring buckets of water onto things only to watch a yellow meter gain 0.5% completion, my gag-reflex is going haywire.

> > >

> > > PoF's maps may well be beautifully crafted, but aside from going on a completionist grindfest for menial QoL rewards, there's nothing exciting in it, unless you fancy yourself a screenshot junkie.

> > >

> >

> > To be fair, this can be said of literally every MMO. MMO's are completionist grindfests, and were completionist grindfests before they started tacking single player RPG on ot the sides of them. Despite its original intention of a dynamic and living world where the things you do matter, Anet has shown repeatedly that it does not have the will to stand by radical changes to make that paradigm a reality because its audience has been very vocal in that they would rather grind and have instant gratification than "miss" content or have to "choose" between reward tracks. They put all their cards on the table with HoT, and almost universally people hated the ideas that were new and literally asked for more of the same.

> >

> > As completionist grindfests go, PoF is a pretty good one. It is, however, still a second expansion of a five year old game. GW2 isn't exactly going to reinvent the wheel at this point. If the LS maps weren't an indication of that already IDK what to tell you.


> GW2 isn't supposed to be like other MMO's though. GW2's entire shtick is that it isn't a gear grind-fest, you can play it, leave it and not be obsolete when you come back, and instead go do the new exciting things in the world... It's mechanics also support a more reactionary gameplay style, gear is not going to carry you. Apparently people take the first phrase and read it as "Nothing is ever going to challenge you", and the more I look at Arenanet's update history the more I am starting to believe that's what they're going for. GW2 has something going for it other than the constant achievement grind, or hunt for the latest fashion, it has engaging gameplay, but very few instances does the game actually push you with it.... But HoT was different.


> I think a problem with PoF is what they introduced that's supposed to be exciting, is the Bounty system. It's a novelty for sure, fun the few first times, but the shine wears off quick. The living-story maps have had better events and more exciting boss-fights than what the bounties offer.


> And the whole claim about HoT being _"Universally Hated"_ is simply untrue. Nobody would be playing HoT content if that was the case, it's quite the opposite, actually... People go out of their way to play with eachother by actively using the LFG system. Long before PoF I kept seeing new players in the HoT zones as well. While playing HoT I never felt like I HAD to resort to achievement grindfests to have a good time, quite on the contrary I despise that kitten and only put up with it when there's ascended stuff or a particular skin I want on the line. Most of the time I was just running around HoT trying new builds and killing kitten until the big bad reveals themselves, and thanks to the way those events were structured I always knew where to go to get to the action and where players would be gathering. PoF feels barren by comparison, appropriately enough, like a desert I guess.


> I don't expect them to re-invent the wheel, I am expecting them to learn from their past developments and incorporate SOME of what they learned when expanding their content.


I didn't say HoT was universally hated. I said the genuinely new ideas added in HoT were the things people hated most.


Narrative arcs as event chains? People hated it. Complained they "shouldn't have the be on a schedule" or "shouldn't be able to miss the beginning"


Adventures? Hated it. People didn't want to play ranked minigames.


Maps revolving around meta chains, creating conisistant "win" and "loss" conditions? Hated. People complained there was "too much stuff to do" but they "couldn't do stuff when they wanted"


Overall difficulty increase? Hated.


Vertical maps which required learning the environment? Hated.


I Adored what HoT did for the design space of the game, but much of its new ideas were extremely unpopular. People ASKED for hearts to come back you know. Anet removed hearts in high level zones on release any people COMPLAINED.


It don't have to be a gear treadmill to be a grind, and it is at its core a grind.


The problem is that unlike its predecessor, Guild Wars, it isn't a grind that rewards in sufficient amounts. GW1 rewarded consistantly in a massive number of build options, often more than any individual character would acquire. It rewarded in highly diverse armor and weapons, the VAST majority of which was earned by playing the game. It rewarded in unique named weapons and uniquely designed armor for tackling unique and challenging content. It also had zero gear treadmill.


And this wasn't a side feature. This wasn't "raids" or "dungeons" This was the whole game. The whole game was "challenging group content" of various degrees of challenge that required specialized builds for specialized areas of the game world, and encouraged tweaking individual character compositions to synergise with group members in ways no other game has done since.


The problem with GW2 is that everything is a grind. Everything is a seventeen step process. But the end of that process is fundamentally less rewarding than pulling out a credit card. The game is build around a cosmetic endgame, just like the original, but unlike the original, GW2 doesn't actually award the vast majority of those cosmetics for accomplishing things ingame. It just sells them for gems, or worse, for "tickets" that give a CHANCE of obtaining a FRACTION of a reward, that in themselves cost gems.


That's why you're bored. it isn't because the content is bad. Its because the content doesn't pay out. All those cool bounties? Were they a GW1 system, each would have one or more unique weapons only obtainable by killing them, a unique skill to learn by killing them, and at least three armor sets avaliable for collecting proof of their deaths.


In GW2? One set of armor spread across the ENTIRE expansion's bounty board, "rare" weapon sets that just drop anywhere, and a weapon skin sold in the shop the week after release that you can't actually get without having someone in the supply chain reaching for a wallet rather than a sword.


Set of armor in GW1? Go to a place and pay a guy. Also he sells three different sets. Also the expansion has like 12 sets.


Set of armor in GW2? First taste is free. To get EVERY other set (and there are only four other sets) be prepared to trek seventeen different places, do fourteen thousand fetch quests, hope to get a group big enough to kill some legendary thing with an inconsistant spawn timer, and a bunch of other busywork that is in no way challenging, and is simply time consuming. Oh, and also if you want it to be useful, don't forget to grind a crafting profession to 400 or 500, throwing away months worth of ingame rewards in the process. And this is not for legendary armor or elite anything. This is just for literally any of the armor the game doesn't straight up give you. Oh and if you want the stats you ACTUALLY want, be prepared to either wait out months of logins or... you guessed it... fork over those gems again for some transmute charges! To get those cosmetics set up the way you like! In our game that is about acquiring cosmetics!


That's why you're bored. Not because the content isn't good. The content is fine. It just has the same problem GW2 has had with everything it has done since the beginning of the living world experiment. It requires the players to put in a massive amount of time and very little effort or show of skill, for an extremely anemic selection of rewards.


If you were getting something interesting every day or two, you wouldn't be bored. The problem is, everything you probably want is going to run you several hundred gold and six thousand fetch quest "collection" tasks and the effort just doesn't seem worth the reward.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > @Chrono.6928 said:

> > First I want to thank anet for making quite possibly the best mmo expansion of all time... Definitely the best STORY I've seen in years. It was so much fun!

> >

> > Question is now what? I haven't had time to check but are their any new dungeons or raids? Any endgame content?

> >

> > I suppose I could always go back to pvp or wvw but would rather enjoy any new content I might not be aware of. Any super cool weapons or armor worth farming?

> >

> > If nothing else there's more map completion i suppose. Not really sure what purpose that serves until they make round 3 of legendary weapons, which i'm guessing is very very far off.


> What story did you play? The map content in PoF and associated achievements are great, but the story is a huge step backward in terms of narrative from HoT. The entire "story" consists of nothing but combat encounters broken up by your character standing there and getting exposition thrown at him by various throwaway characters that leave the story as forgettably as they arrive (Vlast, Kormir, Glint, Rytlock). The foes you face are, with the exception of several extremely repetitive boss fights with Balthazar, completely forgettable, and every interesting character (Zalambur, Mordant Crescent, Joko, Literally any sunspear, The Zaishen, The ROder of Shadows, Amnoon's Cavaliers, The High Society of Joko-Controlled Vabbi) is criminally underused.


> The entire expansion feels like an excuse to close plot threads that Arenanet doesn't want to deal with any more (The human gods, Rytlock's time in the mists) while not adressing at all several plot threads introduced in the season that was supposed to lead in to this expansion (Braham and Jormag, Marjory's new outlook on life) and adressing the elephant in the room (How to balance dragon energies) by basically handing you the solution, making all of the work Dragon's Watch put in to it effectively pointless. It saddles you with a bunch of milktoast me-too sidekicks with nothing interesting to say or do aside from being stand in for "I need class ability Y for plot reasons" and deliver the occasional one liner. Not a single character in this entire plotline grows, changes, or meaningfully develops in any way. Not one. Go ahead and name someone who has character development. I'll wait. You can't, can you? Oh wait, Rytlock gets a cute nickname, and Kasmeer AMAZINGLY doesn't break up with Marjory (like that was a serious question)


> Top it all off with a massively unsatisfying "cliffhanger" ending that doesn't even pretend to be a satisfactory resolution to a story as much as it is an advertisement for content that isn't in the game yet, and that in a year's time players will be expected to buy separately.


> Also, the final boss fight was extremely weak after blowing up the giant scorpion thing, the "death sequence" was straight up pointless filler, the origin of the forged and Balthazar's master plan to... build a dragon powered death robot... just felt extremely forced, the existing mythos with the exception of (again) Dragon stuff was just thrown out like so much garbage.


> This expansion is act 1 of a story with at least 2 if not 3 acts regarding kralk and his offspring, padded with nonsense in order to artifically extend a narrative that has long needed to pass through a skilled editor to remove the extraneous bits already.


> Arenanet's Narrative team is quite skilled at writing an outline, but seems to be having real trouble as of this expansion and the LS leading up to it with effectively pacing stories and telling them with impactful focus.


> For all its problems, one thing HoT did extremely well was its story. It had character development, clear motivation all the way through, and really only had a few hiccups that were forgivable because they existed to begin or end decently written character arcs.


> Path of Fire literally has no character arcs, its just the tale of the Commander and his/her least interesting friends following around a war god for a week and getting told the master plan to save the universe in the process, then failing to save the universe anyway. It's like ArenaNet forgot what made Nightfall or release GW2 enjoyable in the first place from a narrative perspective. The entire concept of Adventurers as people with lives and motivations and how those encourage them to fight the bad guys. This cast? Rytlock has kind of a motivation (which is a result of an EXTREMELY out of character mistake for him) while everyone else is just kind of going through the motions. In the end, does Rytlock grow, change, or learn anything? Experience any kind of personal moment of truth? become a better, or at least a DIFFERENT person as a result of these experiences? Nope. He just says "Hey, uh, sorry about unleashing a mad god and almost dooming the multiverse' to another god and then PAWNS OFF HIS MAGIC SWORD ON THE PLAYER to absolve himself of the responsibility for redemption he's supposed to be motivated by.


Man sorry you feel that way. I loved it lol. First I loved the playful banter between rytlock and canach, it was very amusing. It was interesting to see kas (and by extenion yourself) and all of elonia question their faith. We actually got answers for once... like where the gods have been all of this time. I'm still not exactly sold on the making balthazar a bad guy but its their game they can do what they want with it, and he has a lot more personality than abaddon did that's for sure. For us long time gw2 and gw1 players its also a pretty deep betrayal. That he simply doesn't care if tyria perishes. I had no emotional connection to abaddon other than he was bad but balthazar and i have history. It was great seeing kormir again even if briefly, but as the god of secrets it was very fitting to finally get answers they've been teasing at since gw2 launched.


Every chapter felt epic. Every time i turned the corner i was running into the herald or balthazar, i honestly wasn't expecting it and it kept me on my feet. A lot of the cool story is either hidden or tucked away, like the vlast crystals. Random npc's that serve no purpose but say something interesting.


Sure would I have liked a few things different. Would have been cool to see grenth. or the others. Would have been interesting if the herald was someone we knew previously. I would have liked to fight joko and kralkatorrik (assuming at least one or possibly both eventually in living world though)


But *warning spoiler alert*, the whole dying thing and going to the underworld was super interesting, and way better than when wow did it recently with legion's helheim. Coming back to life and canach betting on u was hilarious.


Rytlock has grown a lot, the fact that he even cares to make things right says a lot.


Some stuff could have been fleshed out more yes. Like near the end with the generals of jokos army. However I had so much fun playing it i didn't care. I mean we got to have a zombie apocolypse misison for crying out loud. Would i have liked to ride a wurm ofc but ive also already done that so i can see why they chose to not be repetitive there.


and honestly i kind of liked a lot of the straightforward simplicity to it. Me and balthazar 1v1. Duking it out. No giant armies (pact) except the cool undead one at the end that we borrow.


The end with balthazzar on one end and kralk flying around watching hurling stuff at both of us, was just awesome. The last fight even more so. Actually had a bonding moment with aurene who until now was nothing more than a living plush doll to me. an overgrown minipet that i babysit. Actually like her now. lol.

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Dang lol then I would do map completion. I would also do the bounties if you haven't. And then I would finish all masteries for all mounts if you haven't. I'm not really sure that much but they said something about new weapons and armor skins? So I would find a collection of that. I think, not positive with it. But there is a new legendary weapon and armor for POF no? I would try that.

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You "beat the game"?


I don't think that's possible, and previous posters more-or-less confirm that. What you've done is complete a storyline. That's only a small portion of the game.


I'll use martial arts as an illustration. A "black belt" is thought by outsiders to mean you've reached the top. But, in reality, a black belt merely means you've learned how to learn and study the martial art(s) you are proficient in. It's a test of basic qualifications, not (usually) a status symbol.


Completing the story is likewise. See the posts above for details, but all it really means is that you've crossed the first hurdle in "beating the game". The game is MUCH deeper than just the storyline.

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