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sPVP viable core build


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Care to elaborate?


1. Did someone actually achieve legendary with this?

2. Instructions of use for aspiring core necros?

3. What is it's purpose (dueling, team fighting, holding a node, +1 from range)?

4. What about it's obvious flaws (extremely poor anti-cc, staff having very limited use in power build, clear lack of melee option when jumped) ?


From initial looks this build is so-so in my eyes, and if someone achieved legendary with this, it would be due to player's skill and having very good protection from team, not the build itself. I am looking forward to you countering my observations.

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Exactly. This build will most likely work **in high elo** where teams know that necro needs protection and care about providing him such.


But in low elo you're often left to your own devices, forced to run to side node (cause nobody sees it gettting decapped/fullcapped), or are alone claiming objective cause once again you can't count on your team to be there as they should, and it's you or nobody. Such scenarios require a tough as nails build that can handle 1v1 skirmishes , 1v2 time stalls, as well as being a competent teamfighter often in the middle of things. A kiss out to rangers who just pew pew with longbow while i'm forced to hop on a node else it's a free giveaway to enemy team!


Here's the build i invented and run, my core battlemage:



It's very tanky (while also doing respectable damage) and has huge amount of synergies between it's skills. Also the slot #8 (well of corruption) is the optional skill. You can put in there corrosive poison cloud, well of suffering, well of darkness...whatever strikes your fancy. It does not have the sheer boon corrupt of author's build, and the cc is bit weaker (no reaper's mark or chillblains). What you do get here however is:


* 4 stunbreaks + stab on shroud

* much stronger life leech (dagger + lich form #5)

* stronger life force generation (spectral armor, dagger auto, focus #4)

* strong condi cleanse (consume conditions, speed of shadows). You can also use Unholy Martyr if need be. Not everything here is a well, you have protection from other sources.

* much better for handling scourges then reapers!


I have fought and often given a run for their money with thieves, guardians, engies. I won't say spellbreakers, because i don't know them that well and that costs me painful defeats, but if you do know them - I think this build can put them in their place with small changes where needed.


Once you get your ass to high gold or low plat, you can switch the build to much more specialized one that OP proposed, at that stage it'll be better because it'll be focusing on doing what necro is supposed to do, at expense of being much more team-dependant.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Care to elaborate?


> 1. Did someone actually achieve legendary with this?

> 2. Instructions of use for aspiring core necros?

> 3. What is it's purpose (dueling, team fighting, holding a node, +1 from range)?

> 4. What about it's obvious flaws (extremely poor anti-cc, staff having very limited use in power build, clear lack of melee option when jumped) ?


> From initial looks this build is so-so in my eyes, and if someone achieved legendary with this, it would be due to player's skill and having very good protection from team, not the build itself. I am looking forward to you countering my observations.


1. Yes i did, only using this build.

2. I am not good at giving this.

3. Its versatile, i did everything you mentioned. Maybe holding node vs many was little less often.

4. Staff is not a flaw, gives nice utility. You have many option to counter melee jump with staff 5 if you can predict, blind well or shroud traits. Anti cc you can compesate with spells and tankier shroud. With this build you get tools to face almost any situation. Also build is also prety self sufficient so you dont need support/protection to do well, its not so team dependant and i dont like to be babyseated.


Its strengths are versatility, being able to adopt to many situations and harder to counter.

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